Chapter 1259

Although he expected to win the war, it was not such a tragic victory. It was inhumane.

However, I really didn"t think about surrender.

At this time, so many wolves, even if the Huns surrendered, how to clean up the scene?

In the heart of the rapid calculation, but Ouyang Yufei reaction is also fast, since TOBI Wood said so, I"m afraid that in advance, try first.

At that time, he picked up the dead Xiongnu king and shouted: "the Xiongnu king is dead. All the Xiongnu soldiers listen, will they die or not?"

The roar of the real Qi, though in the thousands of troops, was still far away.

Flying with the whole Xiongnu army.

The Xiongnu army could not be in disorder immediately.

The wolf roars, the enemy retreats and I advance.

As soon as I felt that the resistance was not enough and the wolves were inspired by the blood, they roared, crazily and bited, and rushed to the Huns camp, more and more in-depth.

"Down, we surrender..."

"We surrender, ah..."

"Help, help..."

Without the intention of the Hun king, the Hun army was frightened by the wolves.

The instinct to survive transcends their national glory.

A person opens his mouth to surrender, and then a wave of surrenders, which is higher than a wave, continue to spread all over the world.

Down, as long as not dead in the wolf"s mouth, how willing.

Listen to the incessant surrender and scream, Ouyang Yufei looks down at the guard soldiers of Ryukyu, and asks.

What do you do now?

"To the East, back to the East. Come on." Xuanyuanche saw the same situation as in his calculation and immediately shouted to Ouyang Yufei.

Ouyang Yufei"s eyebrows moved. He really has a move.

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