Chapter 1260

How smart is Toby wood for this?

However, it was too late for him to think about it.

Immediately, he raised his arms and shouted, "those who surrender will retreat to the East quickly, quickly."

The voice from afar among thousands of troops immediately let all the Huns who had been frightened by wolves retreat towards the East.

"Let him lead you." Quietly handed a sentence to Ryukyu.

Xuanyuanche raises his hand at the same time, and several meteor rockets rise up in the sky at once.

"Yufei, take them to the front. Pay attention." Ryukyu saw xuanyuanche say so, immediately toward Ouyang Yu Fei is a sentence.

Ouyang Yu Fei looked at the moon and said, "what about you?"

"It"s always going to be sorted out." Ryukyu raises his chin and looks at the wild wolves in the distance.

She didn"t know what back move xuanyuanche arranged, but since xuanyuanche didn"t leave, he must have a way.

Ouyang Yufei frowned: "it"s so dangerous, I"ll follow you..."

"General tobim has made arrangements for them. The military division should go quickly and not let these people move, or there will be endless troubles."

Ouyang Yu Fei"s words have not finished, xuanyuanche immediately received a sentence.

As Ouyang Yufei heard, he also knew that the 200000 soldiers could not run around, or the consequences would be hard to say.

If we want to gather together, we will not demobilize our troops, but another force of insurrection.

At the sight of Ryukyu, he turned his head and followed the soldier in another direction.

The next bite of teeth, jumped on the Hun King"s BMW, a roar: "surrender to go with me." The horse retreated to the East.

Get Ouyang to fly a roar, that Xiongnu troops immediately follow Ouyang to fly in the side of the body, toward the East Huhu of retreat.

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