Chapter 1355

After Dugu ye, he followed the four leaders of Dugu Ye.

Tianya, Qingshui, Limu, Liucheng, four top leaders of Aoyun country.

Each of them had a battle armor, which was on both sides of Dugu Ye"s body. They came in a row and killed each other.

And behind them, there are 300, 000 men who have been raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while.

He had never suffered any creation. He was a useless soldier in Dugu Ye.

At this time, rush out like a most sharp long arrow.

Proud cloud King"s flag is flying, standing in the world.

The sky is full of golden light, which covers the magnificent soldiers coming out of the city.

Kill everywhere.

The former moment was attracted by Ryukyu"s eyes, and the latter moment was so changed by Aoyun.

The Four Saints of the island of Hades are almost red in their eyes.

The tiger with its teeth hidden finally shows its teeth at the most critical time.

The two armies are encircled. They are encircled.

The sun is shining brightly. The moon comes from the horse and looks at the silver from the ten thousand black.

The corner of the mouth is not from a slight hook.

Silver armor, only for Dugu Ye.

Looking through the crowd war, Dugu Ye looked at the moon from afar.

The gently outlined corner of the mouth showed a smile to him.

Cold corners of the mouth slowly, slowly, but also sketched a smile.

At the same moment, the sword in his hand waved high: "kill."

"Kill." The 300000 army was full of suppressed for such a long time. The blood feud of national hatred and family hatred was like a thunderclap over those nine days.

At the same time of the earthquake, the momentum is amazing.

At the same moment, Ryukyu two fingers waved, a cold drink: "attack."

Two words, two camps, two directions, two forces.

In these two words, roar, anger, blood.

All the soldiers and horses went out to fight against the sky, and they were besieged in the middle. There was no way in front of them, and there was no way back.

After so long, enough.

I can"t bear to be beaten for so long.

Today, it"s time for blood feud.

The two armies fought together. Under the leadership of Ryukyu and Dugu ye, they were very powerful.

Towards the besieged Ming island soldiers and horses rushed up.

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