Chapter 1388

When the soldiers entered, there were only a few hundred thousand soldiers and horses left. There was no fighting spirit.

Blue sky, blue people relaxed and happy.

"Kill..." Only then did the whole army enter the training mountain range, and the sound of killing broke the sky.

Accompanied by the dust, it was Dugu ye and the northern Mu"s allied forces that arrived.

"Come on." As soon as the Four Saints wave, they rush into the mountains.

People are always quick to escape.

In a short time, the two countries left behind. They could not even hear the sound of killing.

"Have a rest..."

"Where to escape?"

Shuisheng"s words of rest haven"t been uttered yet. The mountain on the left suddenly roared, and countless soldiers of Aoyun country rushed out.

It"s all over the world. It"s so dense that you can"t see the edge at a glance.

"Let"s go." Make a quick decision, turn around and leave.

The mountains are crisscrossing, and the Four Saints of Ming island are running fast and turning around in the mountains.

Not long ago, the roar behind them was silent, and they should have thrown it away.

The whole body is sweaty, and the soldiers and horses of h.e.l.l island are tired.

Leaning on the stone, Mu Sheng looked at the terrain, wiped his forehead and said: "we are going to find a hidden place for a few miles, we are doing a little..."

"Revenge, revenge for the dead soldiers of Xuesheng country..."

Before the words of Mu Sheng were finished, they were in front of them. Suddenly, too many soldiers appeared from the top of the mountain, bows and arrows were just a little.

That"s the soldiers and horses of the snow holy kingdom. It"s the soldiers and horses of the snow holy kingdom.

All the hundred thousand soldiers and horses in the island of h.e.l.l are stunned, and they will escape in reflex. Yes, they are reflex.

"No, we seem to be surrounded." The water saint is galloping at the same time.

"Aoyun army and Xuesheng army, they have been waiting here for a long time." Tu Sheng"s face was livid.

"Whether it"s ambush or not, we have to get out of here and out." Mu Sheng"s eyes are almost b.l.o.o.d.y.

"Boom..." At the moment when the voice of Mu Sheng falls.

The deafening sound of war drums suddenly rang in the sky and came from all directions.

Through countless mountains, around countless mountains, one after another, you come to me.

Countless people began to emerge from the foot and the top of various mountains.

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