Chapter 1425

A black and Gold Dragon Robe, the outline of the teeth and claws is absolutely cold.

The hall was empty and thick, but he could not suppress his arrogant breath, as if he was standing there quietly, and everything around him was under his feet.

Xuanyuanche, xuanyuanche.

Yunzhao takes a look and stands alone in the hall. His xuanyuanche is calm.

A trace of surprise, a trace of anger, a trace of other emotions.

Quiet as if like a stranger.

Step into the main hall.

The cloud calls to walk slowly, but steadily.

Heard behind the footsteps, xuanyuanche is still standing quietly.

No turning back, no movement.

He didn"t even look at Yunzhao.

What"s more, I didn"t want to say that.

I meant to let you go.

It is in vain to say that at this time.

Moreover, it is a kind of contempt, a kind of contempt.

In the quiet and open hall, it seems that no one can hear the sound of breathing.

With steady steps, Yunzhao and xuanyuanche pa.s.s by.

He did not look at xuanyuanche, as if he was the only one in the temple.

And no one else.

There is no xuanyuanche.

However, xuanyuanche did not stop him or even move his eyes.

The sound of footsteps made the empty hall more silent.

Step by step, walk up the snow holy dragon chair standing on the white jade steps.

Yunzhao slowly extended his hand and gently stroked the tall dragon chair.

There are some old traces of gold making.

This is the imperial throne pa.s.sed down by snow saint for hundreds of years.

This is the absolute power peak of snow holy kingdom.

This dragon chair has been the emperor of snow kingdom for many generations.

After hundreds of years of ups and downs, it"s wonderful.

How much effort has been paid by the Helian royal family of the snow holy kingdom.

Once, he thought he would sit on it.

Leading the snow kingdom in creating brilliant, in the interpretation of myths and wonderful.

Today, however, it has come to an end. It"s time to be lonely.

The fingers caressed the Golden Dragon chair inch by inch.

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