Chapter 1445

But a heavy complexion, a backhand mercilessly smashed the hands of the gla.s.s tea bowl.

"Prince, you are..."

"Go down."

The wonder of Tianya lies in his mouth. Dugu Ye threw it out with a cold drink.

Seeing Dugu Ye"s face was so ugly, Tianya hurriedly backed out in fear.

Tianchen retreats. That"s good news. Why their prince

The main hall of the East Palace is suddenly quiet.

That cold breath, but full of all directions.

His face was livid, and Dugu Ye hit the jade screen hard.

"Bang." Hearing a loud sound, the jade screen was smashed into pieces by Dugu Ye"s fist, which was filled with all his strength.

On the fist is broken the stone slice cuts the silk silk bloodshot silk, drips.

Dugu ye did not see it.

"Xuanyuanche, you let me, you let me."

His face was cold, and his eyes were full of violence, which covered the sky.

For a while, Dugu Ye was almost mad.

If he gets the news of Yunzhao"s surrender at the first time, he still doesn"t know why.

Then, in the days when tianchenwei did not attack.

Naturally, he had a thorough understanding.

Xuanyuanche put a horse in the snow holy Kingdom, because Ryukyu and put a horse called cloud.

But now, under such a long siege, they have retreated, retreated and stopped attacking.

Give up such a good chance and stop attacking.

Why is that?

This is because he has some weight in Ryukyu"s heart. He is afraid Ryukyu will be sad, so he gave up such a good opportunity and let him go.

Let him go, Dugu Ye.

Tightly clenched his fists, Dugu Ye"s eyes were red instantly.

The bone, almost scratched by friction.

If at other times he knew that he had a certain amount in Ryukyu"s heart, he would be very happy.

But it"s not the time, it"s not the time.

This is an insult, an insult to him, a contempt for him.

He doesn"t care, he doesn"t care.

He would rather xuanyuanche try his best to fight with him, even if he lost in the end, he lost aoyunguo.

He doesn"t blame heaven or earth.

But not because of a woman, and let him go, let him go.

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