Chapter 1500

While making a gesture, he should clip the gra.s.shopper in his hand to Ryukyu.

When Ryukyu saw this rare hand, he held it back.

Very calm and indifferent way: "is you want to eat what I cook, not I want to eat."

He said that he took off the cup of a plate in front of her.

A bowl of pearl, white jade and jade soup.

It"s green. It"s fish and vegetable.

Ouyang Yufei never thinks it"s good, but now he thinks it"s good. He really wants to eat it.

"I eat this. I"m tired of eating these things. I"ll give them to you."

Taking a bowl of rice, Ryukyu pointed to other things, saying that the clouds are light.

Back then, she was in Amazon and had no food to eat.

If you want to come out and live, you have nothing to eat.

That"s to eat raw.

What else do you want to fry.

Listen to xuanyuanche, Yunzhao, Ouyang Yufei, tears flow into the river.

Look, how thoughtful Ryukyu is.

But look at the look of Ryukyu, but not deceive them, Ryukyu is really fed up.

On the other side, Murong Yi almost lowered his head to the plate.

What iniquity did he create? His daughter is fed up with these insects.

It can be seen how he ignored her.

And the Murong family on one side dare not make a sound.

"What is this?" To Ouyang Yufei, xuanyuanche, Yunzhao, murongyi, after one person and two gra.s.shoppers, directly kill the whole gra.s.shopper"s yeluhong.

Do not wait for Ryukyu to let Jie open the cup directly in front of him.

A plate of dark color with absolute brilliance.

The scorpion with crimson color is placed on the plate.


Xuanyuanche, Ouyang Yufei, Yunzhao, Qiqi stare into the ox eye.

"No poison." Ryukyu spoon mouth Jade soup, light floating tone without a little weight.

Yeluhong said that Ryukyu had no poison.

Grab one directly and take off the head of the scorpion with a bang.

A big bite.

"Yummy, yummy, yummy." Jeruhon"s eyes were shining.

Hearing this, Ryukyu said with a smile, "scorpions are fragrant, but many people are afraid of their poisons and strange shapes, so they dare not eat them."

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