Chapter 1521

"Wine is water. Please change wine into water. Let the wine go and return the essence of water."

Looking at the people below, the Yellow haired boy said this lightly. He took a step back and didn"t talk with his hands behind him.

As soon as the sound falls, there are a few people who resist the strong fragrance of the liquor.

Not from Qi Qi.

Change wine into water? How? How to change?

Isn"t that difficult?

At one time, there was a lot of chattering.

And the Mohe people and the four young men above seem to have neither seen nor heard.

Ignore all comments and questions.

It"s just the disdain in the eyes that starts to be strong.

Sitting on the golden chair, Ryukyu holds yeluhong, who is drunk and pregnant even though she covers her mouth and nose.

Fingertips on the armrest of the chair moved slightly.

Change wine into water, unload the wine and return the essence of water.

If she understands well.

The idea is for them to separate the water from the wine.

Any object has a critical point.

Find this critical point and you"ll hit it with one shot.

It"s the same as if she could break a stone as big as a millstone with just a dagger.

Wine and water make wine.

This is all in one.

But they are not one.

Porridge, water and rice, without any of them, are not called porridge.

However, they are really two kinds of objects.

Or, to put it another way.

It"s to melt the wine with something.

Turn the strong wine into pure water.

It"s complicated to say, but in fact it"s so simple.

Simple no one dares to take, no one can take, no one can take.

Slightly side head and side xuanyuanche looked at each other, Ryukyu few invisible shake his head.

She can drink and never get drunk, but she can"t tell whether it"s good or not.

I can"t tell what kind of wine there is, what kind of wine they use, and how long the vintage is.

These are the key to the destruction of alcohol.

But she won"t, so she can"t help.

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