Chapter 1694

Outside the hall, a scream of panic broke the celebration of the hall.

There was a momentary difference in the hall.

In this surprise, a servant rushed into the hall.

"What"s the matter, old Lu?" Lian Chengzhu"s face sank. This is the housekeeper of his family. He is very calm in ordinary times. What"s the matter today

"Lord Lord Outside... " The housekeeper pointed out of the hall, his face pale and frightened, and could not speak.

"Outside? Come on, go out and have a look. "

"No, we have come in."

In the command of the leader of Liancheng, a faint voice sounded, and two figures appeared outside the hall and walked slowly.

The face is very raw. The people in the hall look at each other. They don"t know each other.

Seeing two strangers come in, the leader of Liancheng frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "you are..."

The words of inquiry just came out, and the voice of the leader of Liancheng suddenly seemed to be cut off by others, and then he lost his voice.

Eyes suddenly a tight, fixed to watch a person in the hands of things.

Murderous spirit, instantly permeated the whole hall.

All the guests in the hall were shocked. What"s the matter?

At present, Qi Qi follows the line of sight of the leader of Liancheng.

I saw a young man coming in, carrying a baby"s swaddle, which was stained with bloodstain. It was very messy.

But it was empty, and there were no babies.

What"s strange about this thing?

"Where are you from? How about people, and the children in them? What about the children? "

In a moment of stupor, the leader of Liancheng suddenly rushed up and grabbed the swaddle. His whole body was shaking and his voice could hardly be formed.

After modification, Ouyang Yufei looks at the leader of Liancheng in front of him.

Slowly said: "we are from the forbidden area. We want to ask for a gla.s.s of water and wine after hearing the Lord"s happy event.

I didn"t want to go there. I saw several white robed people outside the city Lord"s house, carrying a baby and throwing groceries on the wall.

Then my brother didn"t hear the baby crying... "

"What..." Before Ouyang Yufei had finished speaking, even the city Lord and all the people in the hall changed their faces.


Ah, I"m so angry. It"s said that there"s something wrong with the Internet. I can"t open the web page. I"m sorry

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