Chapter 1784

With a flick of the fingertip, the hall"s bra.s.s bell rang, and the bell immediately filled the air, which was supposed to shout to all officials.

All the officials outside the hall listened to the bell and bowed together immediately.

Not in front of shouting, standing still and Bijing palace.

Orders and prohibitions, a sound resounding, has been ordered.

Make all the officials of culture and martial arts wait outside the hall. The king of Ming island looks back and kneels in front of Ouyang Yufei in the hall.

The helpless, angry, depressed pain on the face just now.

At this time, they are slowly converging under it.

No longer any emotional rendering, only the majesty and indifference above.

"Since you are determined to do so, well, then I have nothing to say.

From this moment on, you are going to overthrow your own enemies.

And I am the king of this island, the Lord of the island. You and I are enemies and friends.

Write off the past and the future.

Today, if you can walk out of the Bijing palace, you will overthrow the Ming island. If

can"t go, then the boundary has the final say. "

In a word, the king of the island of h.e.l.l stood up with a swish of his sleeve robe.

The indifferent eyes cold sweep over the xuanyuanche, Ryukyu, Yunzhao, Capricorn and Ouyang.

A flash has approached Ouyang Yufei and Ryukyu xuanyuanche.

As soon as the sleeve robe is brushed, the water sleeve will attack Ryukyu.

From static to dynamic, but in a moment.

The speed is incomparable.

This was said by the emperor of the Ming island with his internal power. In fact, all the civil and military officials outside the hall heard it clearly.

At present, all the officials are staring at each other.

This is the final break.

It"s impossible for the king of Hades to surrender. If you want to overthrow it, you have to knock it down. You have to knock it down.

When Emperor Mingdao"s robe was shot out, Ryukyu was ready to be in it for a long time.

when he saw this body shaking, he leaned away and stabbed it hard at the key point of emperor Mingdao with a dagger in his hand. T

at the same time, xuanyuanche, Yunzhao and Capricorn all moved.

However, they are fast, and Ouyang is kneeling faster.

I saw a flash of other people"s shadow, which had already reached between Ryukyu and the king of Hades.

The attack of two men was blocked.

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