Chapter 1786

In the open hall, the silence lingers.

The breeze outside the hall, which belongs to the cold of late autumn, has been completely revealed.

White clouds are flying in the sky, the sky is blue as the sea.

The golden sun is shining on the earth through the clouds.

It"s bright and hot, but the temperature is far from the strict hall.

In the hall, with the cold autumn wind, it is even colder.

The autumn wind blows the brandy robe of the king of Hades, like water and ice.

Under the gaze of all the people in the hall.

Ouyang Yufei supported his body and walked slowly to the front of the king of Ming island again. With a thud, he knelt in front of the king of Ming island.

There is no words, but this kneeling has explained everything with action.

He won"t fight. He"ll let him fight.

Inside the palace, it"s very quiet.

w.a.n.g Zun of Ming island looks at Ouyang Yufei kneeling in front of him.

Deep in the eye wave light move, but on the face of the expressionless way: "since the reverse of the original, now do this look for who to see."

Said, backhand a fan past, mercilessly hit Ouyang Yu Fei"s face.

Ouyang Yufei is. .h.i.t on one side of his body by this palm.

Light blood flowed down from the broken corner of the mouth.

Without any resistance, Ouyang Yufei reaches out to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, straightens his body, and kneels to the king Zun of h.e.l.l island.

Look at the king of the island of Hades.

It was almost impossible to see the twist in that face.

Gnash one"s teeth and gnash one"s teeth and say: "don"t fight back, OK, OK, see if I"m reluctant to kill you today."

Looking at Ouyang Yufei, instead of fighting back, he was furious to the extreme.

A sound falls, raises one foot, mercilessly kicks toward the front Ouyang Yu Fei.

What kind of person is that.

Ouyang Yufei"s martial arts and acrobatics are all taught by him. That martial arts is only superior to Ouyang Yufei.

The thunderous kick.

Listen to the sound of a clear broken bone in the hall of death.

Ouyang Yufei is like a ball. He is kicked in the air and falls on the white jade pillar.

Make a thud.


Liu Yue, who was roared by Ouyang Yufei and didn"t start at the first time,

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