Chapter 1843

Yang raised his hand and clapped a few times.

See that applause, the temple door open.

Several of the remaining Temple guards came out with a black cloth covered prison cart.

The sight was attracted by the prison car to all the people in Ming island.

Stop shouting and stare at the prison car.

Without turning his head, the priest waved his hand, and the black cloth on the prisoner"s cart was torn off with a swish, revealing the following scene.

A glance into the prison car.

All the people in front of the island immediately took a breath of air conditioning.

Some even stepped back in horror.

Only in the prison car under the black cloth.

A few creepy, child like things are crawling.

But none of them are sound.

The lack of arms and legs is good.

Others, some limbs are not wriggling in the prison car.

Some faces are completely twisted, nose is not, only left a big hole, mouth completely collapsed.

Some big heads are like dustpans, but the body is only baby size.

Looks like some age, but saliva, snot, covered with a whole body.

Silly silly silly smile.

That Jie Jie"s voice, let so many people stand on this high place at this time, also can"t let people feel that the back is cold and the hair is creepy.

People, how can they grow up like this?

The saint looked at the dull people, and there was a trace of madness in his eyes.

With a wave of his hand, the first guard pushed out of the prison car opened a thick book.

The cold voice resounds in this area.

"He"s the eldest grandson of his family, who was raised in the temple with the income of the winter of the third birthday..."

As he read, the guard beside him brought out a man with white spots all over his body and no limbs.

"No, no way."

As soon as the child mentioned it, the old man who rushed to the front suddenly screamed and his face was full of anger.

"This child is definitely not my eldest grandson. My child"s temple said that he has good qualifications and was accepted as a guard by the temple.

It can"t be him.

You don"t want to fool me with such a child. "

When the priest heard this, his eyes flashed absolute sneer

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