Desharow Merman

Chapter 16

Translator: Cheonsa

Unedited (Please excuse any terrible grammatical errors)

Warning: Not really anything explicit, just mature-ish descriptions???

Chapter 16

In the middle of the night, I was woken up feeling a strong sense of discomfort. My head felt dizzy and feverish while my whole body felt like it was pressed down by a heavy object making me unable to move a single muscle. With strange noise resounding in my ear, I consciously came to realize that I was still trapped in a nightmare state, which is a common occurrence for people who were suffering from insomnia

I must have been acting too restless before I fell asleep.

I recited my name in my heart, and with my hand clenched into a fist, I tried to pull myself out of this state. However not only did this not work, but the feeling of being trapped also seem to be getting stronger and stronger. If the background noise was there before, it also appears to sound louder and clearer. With concentration I could distinguish the noise to be flowing water wrapped around syllables that I had heard before———


Cold sweat that trailed down my back soaked through my clothes wetting it.

Oh my G.o.d! That is the voice of the merman! Where is it coming from?!

My eyes widened in horror/alarm. turned my stiff neck with great difficulty to look for the source of the sound. When I was sure that the voice came from the sonar recording device connected to the computer on my desk, I couldn"t help but relax, even feeling ridiculous for thinking that the merman might have escaped.

I must have forgotten to turn off the computer before I went to bed. It should be impossible for the merman to enter this enclosure. No matter how fierce and powerful he is, he is still a flesh and blood creature that is unable to withstand against the high-tech protective installations.

I touched my forehead that was matted with cold sweat and combed up my bangs before closing my eyes. I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves. Desharow, when did you develop such heavy psychological fears toward the merman? You must overcome this mentality and accustom yourself to his existence, you must.

I tried to calm down amid the merman"s overpowering voice, but it seemed to be doing the opposite———

My body is gradually heating up, like a patient enduring a fever, the water in my body was rapidly being evaporated by the rising heat. At the same time, a strange itch migrated up from the bottom of my spine, like ants crawling all over the body, forcing me to toss and turn on the bed to the point I couldn"t control the urge to just rush up and turn off the sonar. But I didn"t expect my hand and legs to be this weak and actually to tumble down from the bed to the gla.s.s floor resembling a jellyfish with no backbones.

The desk was just an arm away yet I didn"t have the strength to even stand up.

The merman"s low baritone like murmur resounded over my head. The volume of sonar was not that loud, but it was transmitted between my eardrums like stereo on repeat. It was as if Agares was murmuring near my ears trying to curse me to bewitch my body. I could even hear his heavy breathing showcasing his strong desire and l.u.s.t like a strong violent undercurrent crashing into me provoking my breathing to come out short and hasty.

This kind of feeling made me shudder. I don"t know if it was the mysterious innate power of merfolk that Mr.Shinji had warned me, but I did feel the strange itchiness in my body getting more and more intense with the continuation of the merman"s voice. It crawled along my spine, eating my muscles and flesh through to my bones leaving me weak and numb..… until it finally acc.u.mulated inside my b.u.t.thole beneath my tailbone.

The root of my leg shook for a strange craving with my b.u.t.tock unexpectedly felt stimulated to clench together. The feeling of emptiness in the depth of my body made me feel desperate in wanting but was too embarra.s.sed for any further thought.

I immediately trail my finger toward my hip and went to pull down my underwear in hoping that it was just an illusion caused by the tightness of what I"m wearing. However, the feeling of emptiness in between the depth of my leg was so strong that even I could not deceive myself. My body was reacting in a weird yet shameful way. I was eager for s.e.x, but instead of wanting to enter a woman, I longed…. to be entered by a male"s thing.


I ruthlessly cursed out loud in frustration, trying to get rid of such utterly disgusting thought. The collar of my b.u.t.ton shirt seems to resemble a shackle choking around my neck making me feel suffocated. I angrily tore open a couple of b.u.t.tons and touched my naked chest that was doused with sweat. As far as my eyes could see, my once white skin unexpectedly bloomed with the color red due to the feverish heat, which was a weird and abrupt contrast to the light pale background.

What is happening … body looks red and heated as if I had gotten drunk…

I closed my eyes and shook my pounding head trying to somber myself up.

Desharow, get up and turn off that soundbox! It must have to do with that sound!

I constantly repeated the words in my heart in hoping it could stop my strong urge to plunge my fingers into my body to console myself. I curl my leg together and with the small strength I gathered with great difficulties, I staggered to my knees using my trembling palm to support myself.

I then reached out my hand to turn off the computer, spontaneously the merman"s incessant murmuring came to a halt. Even the peculiar and intense feeling in my body disappeared and like a broken puppet with its string being cut, I softly sank to the ground. The gla.s.s floor was imprinted with lingering track of sweat from my 5 fingers along with few droplets of sweat falling from my damp hair.

I brushed my wet bangs aside. The droplet of sweat being reflected from the floor mirrored my eyes that were full of confusion

G.o.d, the fact that I produced so much sweat in such a short time basically goes against common sense.

I pulled up the front of my shirt to wipe my face. Even my eyelashes were covered in sweat as if I just went through an intense exercise routine.

——Do people even sweat this much when making love?

My mind out of nowhere thought of such an unexpected and baffling question. Suddenly, scenes of a physical body floated across my mind and I abruptly slap my forehand with my hand, No what in the world am I thinking!

I propped up the chair next to me and banged my head twice against the back of it. The pain immediately made the strange illusion disappear the net second. I forced myself not to think about what I had imagined, but the strong sense of shame still lingered, which made me dwell on the terrible illusion of being raped.

Does merfolk"s voice have an aphrodisiac effect? They may be a very lecherous creature just as legend says…

It shouldn"t matter though, Desharow. It is just a biological characteristic of a creature, so calm down, calm down.

I took a deep breath and leaned back in my chair. I unb.u.t.toned the rest of the shirt to dissipate the heat before standing up to take a bath. However, when the shadow of my body covered the ground, it made the gla.s.s floor changed from a state of a mirror to a more transparent view. Looking down at the distances from where I am standing made me suddenly noticed the abnormalities in the darkness in the reservoir below.

A pair of long and narrow eyes emitting a faint light was staring at me in the water below me. The long black shadow was hidden in the depth of a large pile of water plants that was attached to the gla.s.s floor.

I let out a yelp from the sudden sight. I hurriedly went to cover my mouth with my fist, continuing to stare at the shadow from below, and gradually distinguished its body outline and movement.

One of its hands was placed on the gla.s.s floor to keep its balance while the other one was placed right in front of its lower body. The huge s.e.x organ was pressed right against the wall with the swelling purple glans seeping out thick, white liquids.

I immediately realized what he was doing.

……The merman had been positioned on the gla.s.s floor the entire time with a transparent organic material separated between his body and mine. He was looking intensely at me, enjoying the feeling of playing me by using his voice while masturbating.

h.e.l.lo, Translator Here! Sorry for the long wait!

I also have to apologize about this unedited chapter. I was almost late for the deadline as I was on the last day before the week ends. But no worries, I will change it as soon as it was edited by our amazing editors.

Also I am still looking for a co- translator. If interested, please:

-DM me on Discord: Cheonsa_I_BL#6026


-Email me: 

Happy Reading


ps.(I think I forgot to add something… hopefully i"ll remember by the time I repost this chapter with the newer edited version.)

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