Desharow Merman

Chapter 4 Who is the Prey?

Translator: Cheonsa



Chapter 4 Who is the Prey?

At the very moment that this idea came to mind, the merman bent his head towards my stomach, and because of my previous struggle, my clothing had been stretched taut, revealing a large portion of my abdomen.The merman seemed to be interested in my naked-exposed skin.

I watched in astonishment as the merman"s head came close to the seam of my pants and took a deep sniff. His nose wrinkled up, he looked intoxicated, as if my body was a cup of tempting wine. If it was a beautiful mermaid (remember: female if lowercase) that made this expression, then this would be a scene of extreme eroticism

But the reality was that... I"m facing an enigmatic merman with dangerous motives who could attack me at any time.

All I felt was fear. I watched the merman"s head bent lower as he removed his hands from my leg to hold onto my body from both sides. Using his long and powerful arms, he formed a shackle to restrain my movements.

His nails are long and sharp, with a semi-transparent "webbed membrane"[1] on the between his fingers. The sharp shoulder blades protruded from his curved back like two underdeveloped "devil"s wings" bones.

[1: a good view of our handsome male lead"s shoulder blade and webbed claw like hands]

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This merman must be a fearsome hunter in the deep sea world. Now on land, he, like before, was also a natural killer.

Let"s not mention how I should tame him. First, saving myself was far more urgent at the moment.

My eyebrows jumped sharply. The merman hung his head, but his eyelids were lifted upwards, catching my eyes with his intense staring, a sinister expression on his face. I didn"t know if the Night Demon"s strange innate power that Mr. Shinichi had warned was real, but I did feel like I"m under some kind of curse as I was nailed to the spot, unable to move.

Through his thick scattered hair, I watched helplessly as the merman"s thin lips that were pulled into a razor sharp smile opened slightly, allowing the scarlet tip of his tongue to emerge. He lowered his head and pasted his lip onto the bottom of my stretched shirt, as if he was tasting a prey, he began licking down my groin.

He licked carefully and wantonly, the sensation of the moist and cold touch penetrated my bone marrow like a python, causing me to tremble all over, allowing my fear to rapidly reach its peak in a split second.

My mind buzzed noisily as if it was suffering from an explosion, my body became rigid due to the attack on my sensitive parts, with my trembling arms, I barely supported my body that was on the verge of collapsing.

As he approached the base of my thigh, the merman raised his head, and I noticed that his meaningful expression changed. His tongue licked his lips, as though he still did not have enough of my taste, and looked straight at my lower body as if there was something more inside my pants that attracted his interest.

...Because that was a kind of look made by a hungry creatures that was full of instinctual desire, I had no doubt that in the next second he would open his mouth and swallow up all of my lower body.

—If I don"t start taking action now, only heaven would know if this terrible conjecture will come true!

Looking at his current smooth state of movement, the injection he received few hours ago must have already lost its effectiveness. This guy"s metabolism is very fast, even if I gave him another shot/injection/dose, it wouldn"t endanger his life.

With this in mind, I bit the tip of my tongue hard, and the pain immediately helped me made a prompt decision from this paralyzed state to pull the trigger, and injected the tiny anesthetic needle into the merman"s neck accurately.

His shoulder shook slightly before he lifted up his head to stare at me with his dark and gloomy eyes.

In that instant, I felt an indescribable horror that made my blood run cold. I even thought for a moment that the anesthesia had failed and that I was about to die under his claws.

However, the situation unexpectedly did not develop in the way I imagined it to be.

The merman swayed a couple of times before falling sideways, his sharp, slippery hands unable to hold up his center of gravity. I took the opportunity to pull out my body from under him, but my foot accidentally stepped on his slippery side fin causing my whole body to tumble back down. I hurriedly try to prop myself up from the floor, but before I could control my center of gravity, I ended up straddling the python-like tail of the merman. 

The merman must have returned to consciousness due to the pressure from my weight, his half-lidded eyes soon opened up, and as my eyes crashed into his deep pupils, his arms around my waist suddenly tightened. I could feel the sharp touch of the mermaid"s webbed claws penetrating the fabric behind me, as if he were about to tear me in half all at once.

In a hurry, I raised my anesthesia gun and pointed it at his head, threateningly said, "Hey, mate[2], listen, I really don"t want to hurt you, but you have to let me go first. You should know how powerful this thing is."

[2: 夥計- Not that type of mates, It a common word used when calling out to someone, more specifically a male. Usually used on people you are not close with or when you do not know there name. Ex: partner / fellow / mate/man

I did not shy away from him, instead I mustered the courage to stare angrily into the eyes of the merman, saying one word at a time in a commanding tone with my head held high in an arrogant way. At the same time, the head of the anesthetic gun was pointed onto his head.

I didn"t expect him to understand English, but with his IQ, I decided that he could at least understand my threat. Since we wanted to tame this merman, a highly intelligent creature, and make him obedient, we must adopt another new method in order for him to cooperate with our research...

I want him to realize that I am stronger than him and smarter than him. I have to subdue him first.

I don"t know if it was because of the a.s.sistance(from the anesthetic) but I find that this method really seemed to work right away.

The merman obediently relaxed the strength of his hand that was placed on my back, but he still hung on with gentle pressure. Slowly his eyelids became half-lidded, his light colored eyelashes drooped down like wet wings, and the hungry expression he made few seconds ago softened.

Apart from the merman"s inherent darkness, I have to admit that his expression at that moment looked very gentle, making him look even more harmless than a dolphin. This dose of anesthetics is indeed targeted for dolphins, although this may not make him fall asleep, at least it couldn"t slow him down and make him feel drowsy.

Moreover, the merman must certainly be afraid of the anesthesia gun"s formidable power, although his smirk made me feel a sense of dread, with no solid basis to depend on, I found it hard to believe that this merman could have an IQ high enough to play crafty plots and machinations[3] on me.

[3:陰謀詭計: crafty plots and machinations(idiom)- a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end]

I was relieved to finally get the situation under control.

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