
system beep s turned into an ear-piercing hissing sound, just like sharp nails scratching against gla.s.s.


It was obviously the time for equipment to drop, yet the system beep had turned out like this.

Long Fei felt very uncomfortable.

However …

At this moment, the System felt even more uncomfortable.

The nails for suppressing dragons suddenly stabbed into Long Fei"s Spirit Sea, causing his soul to be destroyed. Long Fei"s soul was also severely injured, and the System was hidden inside his soul.

This was also the reason why the nails for suppressing dragons"s words were slightly exaggerated.

"Ahh …"

"Ahh …"

Long Fei held his head with both his hands, as though he was wearing earphones, he wanted to take them off and throw them on the ground.

However …

No matter how much he tried to control it, he couldn"t.

The piercing "hissing" sound became stronger and stronger, causing Long Fei to feel like he was going crazy.

"What"s going on?"

"What"s going on?"

"Holy sh * t!"

"Why don"t you just give me Earth?"

"Ah... Ah... "

It was too hard.

The nails for suppressing dragons"s injury had not healed yet, and there was still a b.l.o.o.d.y hole in the middle of his forehead. His entire body was wounded, and his body was about to split apart, but now, there was another problem with the system.

It was raining!

Long Fei"s body started to tremble frantically, and fresh blood kept gushing out from his mouth.

His body was about to be unable to withstand the pain brought upon by the System.

At the same time as blood spurted out from his mouth, he also spat out white foam.

At this moment.

In another world.

In a dark room, a man with deep vision held his head with both hands. Long Fei was in front of his screen.

Long Fei who was twitching.

Long Fei"s entire body was injured.

He covered his head with his hands and was completely stunned.

"How could this be?"

"That"s impossible."

"The system is implanted into his soul. Even if his physical body is destroyed, as long as his soul is still alive, there shouldn"t be any problems."

"Why would there be such an error code?"

"Did the system short circuit?"

"That"s impossible. This system is obviously the most perfect and advanced one. There"s no way it could have a short circuit." The man"s forehead was locked.

And then …

He started typing furiously on the keyboard.

Enter a long string of codes, but.

On the screen, Long Fei"s pain did not subside at all. Furthermore, the series of codes showed that the system was about to collapse from the severe injury.

The man"s forehead tightened even more.

He was in a bad mood.

After pondering for a moment, he typed in a long string of commands and muttered, "Let the System Elf wake up and let her control it. She is an AI, she should be able to control it."

The System Wizard he mentioned was the sister sleeping in the system.

Ever since Long Fei had returned to the Universal Realm, the system girl had been in a deep sleep and had no intention of waking up.

The result was the same.

There was no reaction at all!

system girl did not wake up, nor did he go to the control system.

The man"s expression turned ugly. "What exactly is going on?"

"The intellectual brain can"t awaken?"

"Or should I say..." In the past, Long Fei was only one of the many possessors of the system.

He was Long Fei"s examiner. Amongst the numerous system owners, Long Fei was the one they thought the most highly of, especially Long Fei"s personality, which made him extremely envious of his brotherly relationship and his love for women. Hence, he had always been secretly protecting Long Fei, following the upgrade of the system.

A fatal mistake by Long Fei caused the higher ups to give up. However, he had hidden it and updated Long Fei"s system, allowing the intellectual brain to control it.

He thought it was the perfect system.

Long Fei had always been in charge, but now …

He was caught off guard by the system"s error.

There were many times when the system"s commands failed to work, and were unable to change the system in Long Fei"s mind at all.

The system was still crashing.

If …

If the System crumbled completely in Long Fei"s soul, then Long Fei would be erased like the other losers.

In his current world, all of the system carriers were experimental subjects. If the experiment failed, then he would just kill them all.

It had no value at all!

He didn"t want Long Fei to die.

He wanted Long Fei to come to this world step by step, and let him know who was protecting him. He himself also wanted to meet Long Fei once.

Thinking that Long Fei could change this world.

Long Fei could not die now.


He also couldn"t think of any way to change the system that was collapsing inside Long Fei"s soul.

"Crack, crack, crack …"

"That"s not right!"


"No way!"

A string of codes, one after another, were rejected.

On the screen.

Long Fei"s spasms were even more severe, and right now, he didn"t have the slightest ability to defend at all. Even a ten year old child would be able to take his life.

"What should we do?"

"Could it be... Is there no other way? "

The man"s forehead was tightly locked.

He did not think that the nails for suppressing dragons could actually injure the system in Long Fei"s soul.

Was it a coincidence?

Or was it something else?

Right now, there was no use in thinking about this. The man kept thinking and trying, but he just didn"t know what to do.

He watched as the commands he typed were continuously deleted.

His authority of control was also dwindling.

"No way!"

"He can"t die, he"s still my idol. I even wanted to meet him." The man relaxed his brow and made his decision.

He looked at the unique red b.u.t.ton on the keyboard.

He gritted his teeth and pressed down hard, looking at the Long Fei on the screen, he said, "Sorry, I can only let you start over."

"I"m sorry!"

"Only system initialization can save your life."


"If the system initializes it, you will be returned to their hands. You will still be given one test subject, No. 9999!"

Number 9999 was Long Fei"s number.

It was also his name.

In his world, numbering was just a name. The test subject did not have a name, only a number.

The moment the red b.u.t.ton was pressed, the man"s emotions became complicated and his heart felt very uncomfortable. However … Long Fei who was in front of the screen twitched his face in pain.

The system was initializing and the crash did not continue.

Only initialization can be blocked.

"From now on, you"re going to start over."

"I"m really sorry I couldn"t help you."


"I believe in you. I believe that you will definitely succeed."

"And …"

"There"s still a system user in your current world. If you can integrate with the system"s data from his body, maybe …"

The man did not continue, because this was too unknown.


The chances are slim.

Even if Long Fei met him, he might not even be able to find out that the other party was the owner of the system.

Unless both of them were waiting for the other!

"Good luck!"

The man smiled wryly, and his screen went black.

He had lost control of Long Fei and had no power to test him.

The system inside Long Fei"s soul had been activated, and his detector had returned to the central world of this world!

Within an incomparably large building. A black screen suddenly lit up, and on the screen, it was Long Fei!

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