
I do not own the story nor other resources and do not intend to claim ownership of it.

All credits go to the author and the website it was hosted or granted permission with.


I am using machine translation and is deserved no credit for it. It is not 100% nor do I claim it to be that all the translation or edit is correct.

My job is only to correct grammatical mistakes (or not), in general to make it easier to read.

– Ian

BTW if you see this [] it means me, editor, as it"s quite a ha.s.sle to always put “Editor” inside the bracket.

Chapter 25: Encounter.

Wu Ling Feng didn"t say any exciting words, because he really didn"t. His 10,000 troops didn"t know him at all. Naturally, each other who couldn"t understand each other couldn"t succeed in gaining trust.

So Wu Ling Feng told the soldiers that he was a wizard, which he was better than them. This would make them have a little trust. After all, the wizard"s ident.i.ty is still very useful for ordinary soldiers.

Also, Wu Ling Feng told the soldiers that they were fighting for themselves, which was much better than that of the people of any other country. Only for their own honor could they fight hard on the battlefield.

Charlotte looked at Wu Ling Feng and nodded. The army started its procession. Wu Ling Feng walked in the front, Charlotte was in the center, and the rear was the trench troops.

Looking at Wu Ling Feng and his companions, Napoleon said flatly: ” The baby eagle is going to soar in the sky. Princess Charlotte may have chosen the right thing. Although the boy is still weak, he has what a king really has and looks forward to his growth.”

” Hum, it is a bit more reliable than at first, but he is still a useless guy …” Shania snorted coldly, skimming her little face.

Napoleon shook his head. The more women belittle someone, the more they say they like someone. Alas, Wu Ling Feng, the smelly boy, seems to have had some ups and downs with his daughter.

In less than a day"s March, Wu Ling Feng saw the enemy. The holy light empire was in action, and the thorns flower empire was naturally in action. No one is a fool, waiting for you to attack the city. Then everyone would play the game of attacking and guarding the city. Cut, be realistic.

” Stop! !" Wu Lingfeng Yang laid hands on him and took the reins tightly and said.

” Click … click … click …”

Helena ran to Wu Ling Feng"s side from behind and said, ” Do you want to go to war? It looks like there are more than 3,000 people on the other side, but in terms of quant.i.ty, our side will win. ”

Wu Lingfeng shook his head and said: ” Look at the other side"s actions. Rushing to kill recklessly is also a big taboo for the soldiers.”

Helena looked at Wu Ling Feng seriously and immediately nodded and said, ” Good.”

Right here, an old red-haired man in a lux robe with a golden moon embroidered on his chest emerged from the enemy camp.

” I am a wizard of the thorns flower Empire, Pross, a senior sorcerer of the Fire Department. How about asking your sorcerers to come out and have a mage war before the war?” The red-haired old man said lightly.

” No, don"t fall for it. The other side is a senior wizard. If we go to war directly, we can win.” Helena stopped.

Wu Ling Feng shook his head gently and said: ” I must fight. Although your highness is a wizard, she is not as good as me. Moreover, the 10,000 people behind me are waiting to see my strength and defeat the old man. Perhaps they will be more convinced of me and will have a smoother fight.”

” But …” Helena said anxiously.

Wu Lingfeng said confidently, ” Don"t forget that I can instantly cast magic. This is my real strength.”

With that, Wu Ling Feng jumped down from the one-horned horse and walked forward.

” What is your name, young man, you are not the only junior wizard in your army?” Pross chuckled softly, a lowly sorcerer, did you come up to die?

Wu Ling Feng pie mouth, said: ” Old man, let"s start, in the name of the n.o.bility, in the name of the wizard, I, the viscount of the Holy Light Empire, Princess Charlotte"s guardian knight Wu Ling Feng propose a duel to you.”

” Ha ha …” Pross laughed and said, ” The Holy Light Empire is really unavailable, and the princess"s eyes are too poor. A mere junior wizard dare to challenge me. Are you confident or arrogant?”

Wu Lingfeng said with indifference: ” I said you are such a nuisance. It"s annoying. Can"t we just start? This Father"s army is waiting to move forward. Hurry up, don"t be too slow and show your age.”

” All right, let"s start then. I"ll play with you!” Pross said contemptuously, then gathered all his magic and began casting.

Wu Ling Feng, with a snort of cold, rushed forward directly, setting up a magic ball in his hand and attacking Pross.

Pross also did not think that Wu Ling Feng could attack immediately and did not cast any spells. However, as a senior wizard, he was not so simple. He took out a ‘native" from his pocket, injected magic and threw it on the ground.

” Bang!”

In an instant, a huge earth giant with a height of more than three meters appeared in front of Pross, blocking the magic ball of Wu Ling Feng.

Wu Ling Feng is not surprised either. After all, wizards should be common if they are so simple. Since magic has time to cast, wizards will surely have some protection to ensure they can cast magic, such as the land giant in front of them.

” [Magic whirlwind] ! !"

” [Basic Attack] ! !"

Wu Ling Feng doesn"t waste time thinking about why there are earth giants. After all, after giving Pross casting time, he must be faced with powerful magic.

” boom!”

The magic whirlwind struck the earth giant and quickly pushed it to the ground. Then a series of magic b.a.l.l.s from Wu Ling Feng instantly hit Pross"s body, interrupting his cast and opening a blood hole in his chest.

” You … you hid your strength, no, impossible, how can you be so young but can instant cast …” Pross wore the blood hole in his chest and suddenly screamed, how unfortunate he did not expect Wu Lingfeng can instant cast.

” [Magic hockey]!”

Wu Ling Feng didn"t answer Pross"s question. His hands merged and the magic puck cracked Pross"s head.

” Ding, congratulations on your killing of Pross, a senior wizard from another world. Rank 21. Congratulations on your upgrade. Now rank 6 ( 0/3000 )!”

” Ding, congratulations on getting a rare piece of equipment, please check it!”

Two consecutive prompts made Wu Ling Feng slightly happier. It was entirely by chance that he was able to defeat Pross. After all, the other party did not know his characteristics. If he knew, he would not have been killed by himself.

After killing Pross, Wu Ling Feng returned to the team, mounted his horse and said lightly: ” Believe me my soldiers, powerful senior magicians have fallen at my feet. Mention your courage and give me a chance to kill the enemy in front of me. I have proved my strength. Now it"s your turn to prove your bravery. Kill! ! !"

” Kill!”

” Kill!”

” Kill!”

All the soldiers were infected by the means of Wu Ling Feng. They easily solved the problem of the enemy"s senior magicians and senior knights. What powerful strength that is, they just seemed to kill chickens in front of Wu Ling Feng.

Surprise came after in addition to the shock he felt, morale is like the rainbow under the soldiers widely spread – and deeply felt feeling to kill, Lord, the soldiers must be confident, Wu Ling Feng around several silver knight is also feeling the shock from the scene, now it affirmed Wu Ling Feng, as he continued to lead the charge.

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