Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 27: Brainstorming Ideas.


I do not own the story nor other resources and do not intend to claim ownership of it.

All credits go to the author and the website it was hosted or granted permission with.


I am using machine translation and is deserved no credit for it. It is not 100% nor do I claim it to be that all the translation or edit is correct.

My job is only to correct grammatical mistakes (or not), in general to make it easier to read.

– Ian

BTW if you see this [] it means me, editor, as it"s quite a ha.s.sle to always put “Editor” inside the bracket.

Chapter 27: Brainstorming Ideas.

The last remaining silver knight of the enemy was Duncan. He really thought that Wu Ling Feng had cast a spell on his soul. He actually said all the things in Mingji City and drew a very clear map, which was much better for Wu Ling Feng and them.

Holding the map in his hand, Wu Ling Feng looked at Duncan and said, ” Well, you can go back, but if you want me to erase the spell on your soul, you have to do something for me …”

” No … no problem, you … I will do anything as you say …” Duncan"s forehead was in a cold sweat, he was completely stunned by a series of means of Wu Ling Feng, in his heart, Wu Ling Feng is as terrible as the abyss of h.e.l.l magic, soul spells are terrible. He knew the effects of this types of spells thus he is more afraid.

Wu Ling Feng nodded and said: ” Tomorrow, you will bring the brother of the dead guy here and say that we kidnapped his brother, and we will have to negotiate with him to return his brother. You know, you have to let him know that his" brother" is not dead yet, so do you understand …”

” Understand, understand, I"ll go …” Duncan hurriedly bow.

Wu Ling Feng nodded with his eyes closed and said: ” Well, this time, hurry up, don"t try being cunning and run, otherwise, the fire of h.e.l.l will burn your soul bit by bit, and there will be no sound when burning, slowly, every moment will be like the pain of Wan Jian piercing his heart …”

[Referencing above]

Duncan shook his body and nodded, his teeth gritted, his eyes red and he ran quickly. He had to hurry up and complete this guy"s condition. Otherwise, he would have been like he said … Whatever his empire in thorns flower was, his life was the most important thing. He still has his family, still had his wife and children waiting for him …

After watching Duncan leave, Wu Ling Feng quickly frowned and said, ” All the silver knights come to me!”

” Yes!” A total of more than 50 silver knights gathered in front of Wu Ling Feng.

” Quickly change into the clothes of enemy soldiers, blend in with them, and then head for Mingji City. If you see a large number of soldiers leaving the city, you will immediately seize the gate so that we can quickly enter the enemy"s city.” Wu Ling Feng said.

” Yes!” All the silver knights suddenly paused, but nodded.

To be honest, everyone is on the rampage here in the foreign world. whoever has the strongest power wins. there is little use for strategy. this gives Wu ling feng a place to use. Although sun zi"s art of war and 36 plans are not clear, the three countries always remember that the four great cla.s.sics are required cla.s.sics and Wu ling feng has read them well.

” Am I going too?” Helena asked.

Wu Ling Feng nodded and said: ” Yes, I believe you, and there must always be a leader among you. Once you enter the enemy barracks, you will first mix with their camp. When you find that large forces are mobilized, you will begin to carry out the plan and cooperate with us to enter the city. Then you will set fires everywhere in Mingji City to make the whole city chaotic and win in chaos.

Before, I asked Duncan to persuade the golden knight in the city to come out, just to let him come out with his elite. In that case, the elite in the city would be reduced a lot, and we could take the opportunity to steal the city. When the golden knight arrived here, he would find that there was no one here. He was cheated. When he reacted, we had already attacked Mingji City. ”

Helena nodded, for this siege method is unheard of, but it is also a good way to think about it, the most important thing is that time is fast, and it is needed to quickly capture the enemy"s ideal city.

” Your Royal Highness is under your protection, then I"ll take my first …” Helena said.

Wu Ling Feng nodded and said, ” We will drive away the prisoners later, and you will take the opportunity to get in. Do you understand?”

” No problem, leave it to me …” Helena nodded.

Wu Ling Feng immediately asked his soldiers to drive away the captives without weapons. When the captives began to run away, they immediately waved their hands. Helena, they immediately changed into the enemy"s clothes and mixed into the escaped captives. The captives also did not notice any unknown people mixed among them.

In order to make the captives more panic and escape, Wu Ling Feng let his archers shoot arrows at the captives. Of course, Helena, they will not be injured. After all, the Silver Knight has the ability to dodge the arrows.

As a result, under a series of arrows, all the captives stepped up their pace even faster, hating their parents for not giving birth to more legs and run faster.

After the prisoners disappeared, Wu Ling Feng immediately turned around and said to all the remaining soldiers: ” All of you, follow me around now. The leaders of the teams watch over their soldiers and keep up with them. Each of you will carry food and water for three days and the rest of the trench will be burned down.”

Don"t fret, tomorrow we can attack the enemy"s city, the food can be robbed from the city! ”

All of a sudden everyone nodded, the silver knights have obeyed Wu Ling Feng, they will naturally follow orders, and Wu Ling Feng with them just on the battlefield defeated an enemy, destroyed a senior wizard, everyone who witnessed has some worship for him, morale is high.

Charlotte came to Wu Ling Feng and said, ” Although it is not clear what Master Ling Feng is going to do, I believe you and I will abandon the horse on the bus, so as not to drag down the army"s actions.”

Wu Ling Feng nodded and said: ” Your Royal Highness is indeed clever and considerate at making compromises. I was just about to say this, so I would like to trouble your Royal Highness to ride a horse for a moment. After all, the battlefield is changing rapidly and the situation will change at any time. We should seize the time to win.”

” Well, I see …” Charlotte said as she rode on a one-horned horse.

Wu Ling Feng reached out and pulled Winnie to her back and said, ” Winnie is with me. Her Royal Highness is with me. I will take care of you if anything happens.”

Winnie blushes for her little face and lies behind Wu Ling Feng. Her small hands encircle Wu Ling Feng"s waist and feel his warm. If Wu Ling Feng had commanded the battle on the battlefield like a king before, the image of bravery, confidence and determination has been deeply imprinted in her heart and it is really satisfying to be with such a boy.

Charlotte is also in wait for a while"s way of looking at Winnie"s happiness. If she can, she also wants to be a carefree girl, with a reliable enough boy to rely on. At this time, she was jealous of Winnie.

Wu Ling Feng did not notice Winnie"s and Charlotte"s expressions. He took the map and carefully studied the way forward. He wanted to avoid this avenue and cross a spa.r.s.e forest to reach the periphery of Mingji City. Moreover, marching at night was the best time. No one would notice that everything was settled and only the east wind under the dark blanket was needed.

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