Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 45: Changing Jobs.


I do not own the story nor other resources and do not intend to claim ownership of it.

All credits go to the author and the website it was hosted or granted permission with.



I am using machine translation and is deserved no credit for it. It is not 100% nor do I claim it to be that all the translation or edit is correct.

My job is only to correct grammatical mistakes (or not), in general to make it easier to read.

  - Ian

BTW if you see this [] it means me, editor, as it"s quite a ha.s.sle to always put "Editor" inside the bracket.

 Chapter 45: Changing Jobs.

 After the thorns flower"s soldiers surrendered, Wu Ling Feng asked Helena to arrange their food, but only let them eat half full, because if they were full, they were able to fight. This was not what Wu Ling Feng wanted to see.

 On the other hand, Wu Ling Feng sent several silver knights to the Wolf Warriors Legion to inform them to take over the city and bring tens of thousands of troops. Now his credit should enable him to be promoted and become a general with over 50,000 people, so he will be more powerful.

 To do these things well, Wu Ling Feng killed the golden knight and the mage. At this moment, his body began to emit dazzling golden light.

 " Ding, your level has reached level 15, the transfer system has been activated, the growth rate of basic stats has been strengthened, and vice industry has been activated."

 " Ding, at present you can choose to upgrade: Elementalist or Ice Mage. Please choose your profession and warn that once you choose your profession, it cannot be changed ..."

 Wu Ling Feng thought for a moment and decided to carry out the promotion of blasting elements. Although the ice users can fight far and near, blasting elements seem to be more destructive. The ice user"s stats is too single, and is specialized only to ice hence the name. In case of restraint, there is no way out. Therefore, elementalist is better. After all, this is a different world, and many belong to such category in terms of their attacks.

 " Ding, you choose to change your job: Elementalist, the current character stat is as follows:

 Id: Wu Ling Feng

 Profession: Elementalist
 Level: 15 ( 130000 )

 Job Description: Mainly uses magic as an attack. When hp is 0, one can resurrect.

 Basic stats:

 Hp ( Life Value ): 610 [ 50hp for each promotion after changing jobs ]

 Mp ( Magic Value ): 690 [ 50mp for each promotion after changing jobs ]

 Physical attacks: 51 [ 7 additional physical attacks per upgrade after changing jobs ]

 Magic attack: 53 [ 12 magic attacks per upgrade after changing jobs ]

 Strength: 39 [ 3 additional strength per promotion after changing jobs ]

 Physical strength: 42 [ 3 physical strength for each promotion after changing jobs ]

 Intelligence: 53 [ 5 intelligence per promotion after changing jobs ]

 Spirit: 56 [ Increase 5 Spirits for Each Upgrade After Changing Jobs ]

 Physical Magic Readability Attack: 800 [ Increase Readability Attack by 100 Points per Upgrade After Changing Jobs ]

 Physical Defense: 210

 Defense Against Magic: 336

 Physical Critical Hit: 0%

 Magic Critical Hit: 0%

 Attack speed: 15% [ increased after transfer ]

 Casting speed: % [ increased after transfer ]

 Movement speed: 17 m s [ 0.5 s movement speed for each promotion after changing jobs ]

 Anti - Magic Value: 0

 Hp recovery rate: 100

 Mp Recovery Rate: 10240 [ Increase mp Recovery Rate by 50 Points for Each Upgrade After Changing Jobs ]

Fire Affinity: 10 [ increased after transfer ]

 Wind Affinity: 10 [ increased after changing jobs ]

 Lightning Affinity: 10 [ increased after transfer ]

 Dark affinity: 10 [ increased after transfer ] "

 After looking at the changed stats, Wu Ling Feng found that he was much stronger in an instant. Not only did the value of his stats increased after upgrading, but also the attack speed and casting speed increased a lot. The power of the four affinities also increased by 10 points each. It was really powerful.

 " Ding, your current professional skills are as follows:

 ( 1 ) General Skills:

 Basic Attack lv15 ( Pa.s.sive ): Increases basic attack, forward attack and jump attack. As the grade increases automatically. Currently 33.6%, with an increase of 2.4% per level.

 Attack Type Conversion lv1 ( Active ): It can convert the basic skills before changing jobs between physical and magic damage.

 Resurrection lv1 ( pa.s.sive ): When hp is reduced to 0, one will not die directly, but will resurrect with HP full. Effects are to be expected.

 Dodge lv1 ( active ): mp1 consumed, instant cast, no cooldown.

[i.e the skill that he jumps back to dodge an attack formerly known as backjump or retreat.]

 Skill description: forced to jump back when attacked, avoiding the enemy"s attack.

 Crouching Tiger lv2 ( active, active when falling on the ground, proficiency 321000 ): instant cast, cooldown for 4.5 seconds; Consumes 1mp.

 Skill description: Get up quickly when you fall on the ground and take a crouching posture, which is invincible for 3 seconds.

 Elemental Equipment expert lv1 ( pa.s.sive ): when equipped with equipments, the maximum mp, mp recovery speed, magic crit rate, casting speed, intelligence and spirit can be increased. the effect increases with the number of equipment equipped.

 Bunny Hop lv1 ( Active, Proficiency 11500 ): General skill, cast for 0.4 seconds, cooldown for 25 seconds, consume mp13, last for 10 seconds.

 Skill description: Increase the jumping power within the height range of one"s own meter, and the effect lasts for a period of time.

 Throwing Proficiency lv1 ( Pa.s.sive, Throwing Props Required, Proficiency 0500 ): General Skill, Instant cast, No Cooldown, Consumes mp1 per sec, Increases Attack Power by 10%.

 Skill description: throwing can increase the attack power of throwing props. props that cause 2 times of damage do not increase the attack power of the second attack.

 Eidic memory lv1 ( active, proficiency 0500 ): cast for 0.5 seconds, cool for 40 seconds, last for seconds, consume mp10, increase intelligence.

 Skills Description: Increase one"s intelligence and the effect lasts for a period of time.

 Unbending Will lv1 ( Initiative, Proficiency 0500 ): Cast for 0.2 seconds, cool for 30 seconds, consume mp8, last for 10 seconds.

 Skill Description: If the enemy attacks you while casting your skill within a certain period of time, it will not interrupt the casting action.

 ( 2 ) Elemental skills:

 Magic whirlwind lv2 ( active, proficiency 5501000 ): instant cast, cooling for 2 seconds, mp consumption 6, attack power = magic weapon attack * 139% + 342, floating time 1.1 seconds ( time when the enemy cannot be attacked while floating in the air after being attacked ).

 Skills Description: Call out a whirlwind to attack the enemy. The attacked enemy will be lifted up into the air.

 Fire shield lv2 ( active, proficiency 121000 ): elemental skill, instant firing, cooling for 4 seconds, consuming mp31. Attack power: 389%, ranged attack damage reduction: 16%, shield advancing distance: 4.5m

[I guess the author deleted "revolving" from the name]

 Magic cannon lv1 ( active, proficiency 0500 ): instant cast, cooldown for 5 seconds, consumes mp31, magic ball damage: 538%, fire ball damage: 488%, ice ball damage: 611%, shadow (dark) ball damage: 533%, light ball damage: 400%.

 Skills Description: Generates magic ball to inflict damage on the enemy. magic ball"s element is affected by [ affinity change ]. This skill can be used in the air, and the launching direction can be adjusted at will during air attack.

 It belongs to lv1 ( initiative, proficiency 0500 ): instant cast, cooldown for 8 seconds. For 360 seconds.

 Fire affinity Attack Power: 140%

 Ice affinity attack power: 98%; Frozen LV: LV17; Freezing probability: 4%; Freezing duration: 0.8 seconds

 Dark affinity attack power: 112%; Curse lv: lv17; Curse chance: 4%; Curse duration: 1.6 seconds

 Lightning affinity attack power: 116%; Electrically induced LV: LV17; Inductive probability: 4%; Inductive duration: 2 seconds; Electric Attack Power: 100

[I guess the light turns out to be lightning... Sorry about that as light was the result of the translation]

 Skill description: You can change the element of the magic ball. Choose one of the four element as magic ball"s type. After a certain period of time, magic ball returned to having no surname.

 Characteristics of each element.

 Fire affinity: there is a certain chance of fire element explosion effect when attacking.

 Ice affinity: there is a certain chance of frost effect when attacking.

 Lightning Affinity: there is a certain probability of electrifying effect when attacking.

 Dark affinity: there is a certain chance of piercing and cursing when attacking.

 When using this skill, it is not possible to force interruption of the current normal attack.

 Enhance lv1 ( pa.s.sive ): After casting [ transformation type ], add the anti - element corresponding to the element.

 ( 3 ) Ice skills:

 Magic Ice Hockey lv2 ( Active, Proficiency 51211000 ): Instant cast, cooldown for 2 seconds, mp consumption 6, damage 156%, blister size 255% * 0.1m in diameter.

 Skill description: Fire high-pressure water cannon forward. The bubble size increases according to grade.

 Ice Spirit Sword lv1 ( Active, Proficiency 0500 ): Instant cast, cooldown for 10 seconds, mp consumption: 30, 1st and 2nd strike damage: 223%, 3rd strike damage: 268%, deceleration LV: LV22, deceleration probability: %, deceleration duration: 1.5 seconds.

 Skill description: generate ice spirit sword to continuously slash enemies. The first and second blows have rigidity effect, while the third blow can repel the enemy and have a certain chance to slow him down ( Note: only when you change your job to become an ice mage can you force the normal attack action to be interrupted and cast the skill immediately )

 ( 4 ) fighting skills:

 Magic whirlwind lv2 ( active, proficiency 5501000 ): instant cast, cooling for 2 seconds, mp consumption 6, attack power = magic weapon attack * 139% + 342, floating time 1.1 seconds ( time when the enemy cannot be attacked while floating in the air after being attacked ).

 Skills Description: Call out a whirlwind to attack the enemy. The attacked enemy will be lifted up into the air.

 Grasping palm lv2 ( active, proficiency 221000 ): instant cast, cooling for 2 seconds, consuming mp16, pushing away attack power 252%, shockwave attack power 1770.

 Skill description: Sucks the enemy into one"s palm and bounce the enemy off. When an open enemy touches the ground, a shock wave will be generated, which will cause damage to the surrounding enemy.

 Flicker lv1 ( active, proficiency 12500 ): bucket skill, instant cast, cooldown for 1.5 seconds, consumes mp25. The instantaneous shift distance in the front-back direction is 4m, and the instantaneous shift distance in the left-right direction is 1m.

 ( 5 ) Destruction system:

 Basic attack lv2 ( Active, Proficiency 4301000 ): Instant cast, cooldown for 3 seconds, consumption of mp16, number of magic b.a.l.l.s 5, additional damage of 2%.

 Skill description: Magic Ball will be shot, magic ball in a row is possible. 

 Ghost Fire lv3 ( Active, Proficiency 5101000 ): Elemental Skill, Instant cast, Cooling for 10 seconds, Lasting for 60 seconds, Consumes mp34. Each fireball has an improved physical magic defense of 304 and each fireball has an attack of 385%. ( Peach wand is added with one level ). "

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