Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 76: Uncle is actually a holy steward.

 Chapter 76: Uncle is actually a holy steward.

 Uncle Galen miraculously treated the old woman"s leg injury and immediately caused quite a stir.

 " Miracles!  !”

 " Praise the G.o.d of light!  !”

 " Holy emissary!  !”

 Everyone has been attracted to come over, although light magic has healing effect, this is so fast, only the legendary holy water has such an effect, light magic and water treatment magic are generally only to alleviate the injury, the fastest also need a day or two to recover, but Galen"s light therapy is so fast ...

 " Thank you, thank you for your treatment ..." The old woman immediately began to kneel directly, this kind of injury will cost how much money for treatment yet here was Galen who only needed her confirmation.

 Galen hurriedly lifted the old woman up and said humbly, " Where is it that we, the paladins, are responsible for rescuing the dead and the wounded? This is our duty and our way of practice!"

 " Angels ..."

 " A real knight ..."

 " Too full of justice ..."

 The onlookers were filled with emotion. They all looked at the virtual shadow of the golden cross behind Galen with awe. How devout for him for the light to have such a virtual shadow? Moreover, the holy power that emanates from his body brings warmth to all.

 Then Galen stood up and walked gently to the front of Wu Ling Feng and said, " Thank you for my Lord"s generosity in recovering the old woman"s injury ..."

 " Me?"  Wu Lingfeng pointed to himself in doubt and asked. He didn"t do anything, at most he did not let stop Galen" during" his rescue.

 Galen nodded and said: " Just now I asked my Lord to treat the patient. You took the default att.i.tude. Thank you for your generosity and let a patient recover."

 Wu Lingfeng couldn"t help but be speechless, this ya of uncle, he didn"t even expect Galen to take the initiative to save so how come? In addition he didn"t even tell him to do so. Remembering when he played DNF, the hierophant"s introduction is how devout and so on they are, it seems Galen perfectly inherited it.

 The old woman immediately came up to Wu Lingfeng and thanked him: " Thank you for your help. Thank you very much indeed. Alas, I can take care of my children after thus injury is healed. My son and daughter-in-law have traveled far away, leaving only the children behind. If I have an accident, alas, you are really too kind. Thank you ..."

 Wu Ling Feng said with a shy wave: " No, old woman, this is the right thing to do. Thank Galen if you want to thank someone. He treated you. I just nodded ..."

 " No ..." Galen said loudly: " My Lord is the blood of G.o.d. My family has served the master for generations. It is the master"s compa.s.sion and generosity that have educated us. Only then can we save the dead and heal the wounded. This is my Lord"s teaching. Galen has sworn to serve the Lord and save the suffering beings!  !”

 Galen"s generous words made everyone feel respect. Everyone looked at Wu Ling Feng at the same time. Good people said, people like Galen must serve a just owner. They didn"t expect Wu Ling Feng to be the blood of G.o.d. That"s right. Only the blood of G.o.d can be a master of people like Galen.

 "Ah, I remember, he is the chief student of this year, the blood of G.o.d. I am also testing today. I was only a.s.signed to magic cla.s.s B and did not enter cla.s.s A. He is the chief student of the strongest magic school this year!"  A dozen boys pointed at Wu Ling Feng and said in surprise.

 " Well, I also remember, but I couldn"t enter the strongest magic school, I only mastered one secondary magic, so there isn"t not much hope either ..."

 " Well, at that time, the demiG.o.d on the tower descended from the sky and personally announced the chief"s arrival. For the first time in history, it was very severe ..."


 All of a sudden the onlookers were talking, Wu Ling Feng became the focus on the spot.

 " Excuse me, my Lord, please help my sister. She was bitten by a magic beast. The light magician in the city said that she could not be cured. Please help us ..." A young man held a blond girl bleeding from her chest and ran to Galen. He thought his sister was going to die. Seeing that the old woman was cured by Galen, he immediately found hope, pushed the crowd aside and ran up.

 Galen nodded, bowed to Wu Ling Feng first, then took the blonde girl from the young man"s hand, put her on the ground, pressed his left hand against the blonde girl"s wound, picked up the cross on his chest with his right hand and gently chanted, " Lord, please have mercy on the patient in front of you and heal quickly!  !  !”

 For an instant, everyone saw a white light accompanied by a little green light, it emanated from Galen"s left hand. A second later, the blonde girl"s wound became as good as ever, smooth as wash, and her face became ruddy. As if the wound was never there to begin with.

 " The G.o.ds, miracles ..."

 " Holy Light ..."

 " Miracles ..."

 This time, everyone felt more emotional. All of them could not help but piously put their right hands on their chests and prayed. This is too much. Only G.o.d can do this...

 " Thank you for your honor, thank G.o.d!  !”  The young man knelt down directly to Galen.

 " Thank you, savior!"  The blond girl also got up and kowtowed to Galen. Her eyes were full of awe and thanks. From one perspective, Galen was manly, full of muscle and has a perfect figure, and with the holy breath of his body, he looked like a real knight that girls dream of. Much more if the same knight saved you from the brink of death.

Galen still humbly lifted the blonde girl up and said, " It is our long-cherished wish to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. You will be all right if you go back and have a good rest. For the two next days, take care of your nutrition ..."

 " Yes, your excellency ..." The blonde girl said gratefully, her heart is melting, too perfect, her idol oh yeah ...

 " Excuse me, we also need treatment. We were poisoned during the battle ..." A group of purple-faced adventurers burst in and heard that there was a holy envoy here. How amazing it was. They also came running, wondering if the holy envoy could treat the poisoning.

 Galen saw this group of poisoned adventurers, and immediately went up with concern, comforting them: " Everyone stand together, I will detoxify you ..."

 " Oh, good, good ..."

 " Thank you for your honor ..."

 " Thank you for your holiness ..."

 All adventurers immediately felt grateful.

 Galen held the cross in his right hand and stretched his left hand to the poisoned adventurers, chanting softly, " Lord, please have mercy on the patient in front of you and purify!  !”

 Immediately all adventurers" heads flashed a ma.s.s of white light, the light was surrounded by a golden aperture, and their whole body flashed golden light, one by one golden cross hovered around them. The poisoned state that they were in gradually disappeared, and their face became normal ...

 " Miracles ..."

 " Thank the G.o.d of light, thank the holy spirit ..."

 " Thank you for your honor ..."

 " This is the G.o.ds wandering in the world ..."

 " This is too much, I feel very well, the fatigue and other abnormalities are all gone, it"s too much, my state is back to its peak ..."

 Not only are those adventurers, but all the people around Galen within 9 meters in diameter feel the white and golden light emerging from their bodies. Moreover, a golden cross shone in their bodies. All of their negative states are gone. It is amazing.

 " Thank you for your holiness ..."

 Everyone knelt down in succession and began to pray. It was so shocking and miraculous.

 Well, Wu Ling Feng admitted that it would be very good for Galen to publicize sects and beliefs. One word is very good to describe him. In the past, he called this kind of person a holy steward. However, Galen is a real version of the holy steward. He had really done a very sacred thing and cured so many people.

 Charlotte and Helena were even more surprised as they open their mouths wide enough to put a duck egg in.

 " Hey, where did you find this man of G.o.d ..." Charlotte can"t help but pull the cuff of Wu Ling Feng. This kind of treatment on injuries is already amazing yet it can also relieve negative states, G.o.dness, too powerful ...

 " Are all the servants of G.o.d"s blood so powerful?"  Helena is also feeling inferior compared to to Galen. Their difference is too far.

 Galen remained pious and pitiful, and stretched out his hands and said, " Rise up, everyone. I still have to serve my Lord. If you want to thank me, thank him for his alms. He is the voice and blood of G.o.d."

 Everyone immediately thanked Wu Ling Feng again ...

 " Everybody get up quickly, don"t do this, let us disperse, otherwise we will continue to block the whole street, there is no way for anybody to pa.s.s if we don"t ..." Wu Ling Feng is also embarra.s.sed and said. Uncle Galen, you are too much, are waiting for me to become a G.o.d just to appoint you as the Pope and give the world the propaganda of theocracy?

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