Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 81: Death Shadow.

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Anyways here is the chapter!!! Thank you for bearing through my nonsense ?.

 Chapter 81: Death Shadow.

 The momentary disappearance of Horira alerted Wu Ling Feng. Is it also teleport magic? No, it can"t be ...

 Wu Lingfeng carefully recalled the disappearance of Horira in his mind. Just after she had finished speaking by his side, he just felt a cold wind. After that, he could no longer see her figure, but her breath still stayed ...

 The figure of Horira was once again seen at the gate. She reached out and gently pushed the gate open and went out. The corners of her mouth smiled and glanced at Wu Ling Feng, and gradually disappeared.

 Just, speed to the extreme!

 Wu Lingfeng couldn"t help but think of this possibility. She is very fast. The cold breath just now should be the wind when she pa.s.sed by him, but!  But!  How can a person"s speed be so fast? The naked eye can hardly catch it. It is too fast. The blink time seems to be 0.08 seconds, and the field of vision is about 3 meters. As long as a person flashes at 37.5 meters per second, he can avoid the sight of people. That is about 37.5 meters per second.

 From this, we can think that the speed of Horira is at least 37.5 meters per second, while that of Wu Ling Feng is 17 meters per second after changing jobs. Horira compared to him directly pulled open more than twice the speed, which is too horrible ...

 Wu Ling Feng felt a little trouble. How can he cope with the speed of Horira? Indeed, the strongest magic school is not a simple place. It also seems that Xueyue is stronger than Horira. Well, it is not really a good thing to be a chief student of the 100th batch.

 But Wu Ling Feng won"t just throw in the towel, with strong skills in his body, depending on how he use it, he doesn"t believe that Horira can beat him. In addition, can her speed be maintained at that level, as long as there is a little flaw he will firmly grasp it.

 " Well, Ling Feng junior needs to be careful, today seems to be a full moon night, dark elements surging ah, Horira"s system but will double, at night even I am not her opponent ..." Xueyue narrowed his eyes slightly, as he slowly walked out of the door.

 Fiona gave Wu Ling Feng a glad eye, twisted her waist and walked away. As she pa.s.sed by Wu Ling Feng, she said gently, " Sister still would like to help you break your virginity. Don"t die at night."

 Wu Lingfeng"s mouth curled and he said lightly, " No, thank you..."

 " Hee hee, that"s ok, if you want to play with sister just say so, sister must let you enjoy the feeling of conquest ..." Fiona glad eye smiled, and walked away.

 The remaining seven strongest level 2 students also took a cold look at Wu Ling Feng and went out. This year"s chief student was arrogant. He did not put them in his eyes. This is not the outside world. This is the strongest magic school in the whole continent. Magicians are everywhere, and the strongest ten people are not joking. They will let Wu Ling Feng gradually understand how to respect his predecessors in the following day.

 After the level 2 students went out, a girl student said with a pie mouth, " Hum, what an air, Wu Lingfeng, I support you to teach that gray-haired woman a hard lesson tonight ..."

 " Yeah ..."

 " Yeah ..."

 All right, Wu Ling Feng admitted that he could not expect much from these children, the cla.s.smates cheering him. He just nodded silently and walked out of the room with Charlotte and them.

 Garvice stretched out his hand and shouted to Wu Lingfeng, " Hey, chief student, why don"t I also come at night? My hands are itchy for a fight. I must fix that girl, although I have never touched a girl ..."

 Wu Lingfeng did not turn around, his head tilted back and looked at the red-haired boy. He said, " No, but from this point of view, you have b.a.l.l.s. Also everyone, although I don"t know why you are so afraid of the level 2 students, you are all excellent magicians gathered from all over the continent. If you just submit to humiliation, I really look down on you. Well, forget it, everyone has his/her own goals. You can do whatever you want. I will defeat the level 2 students tonight. You can come and see. Some things are not fixed and level 1 students are not always doomed to be inferior ... "

 Amos, with his long blue hair, said: " Your arrogance is your business, chief student. Don"t bring us in. The people here are not all afraid of the level 2 students, but there are some things that shouldn"t come this way. We just don"t want to cause trouble. The necessary forbearance is needed to live in this world."

 Wu Ling Feng shook his head and went out. At present, he is not familiar with everyone. There is no need to argue any more, and it is meaningless to waste your breath with them as everyone had their own views.

 Out of the tower of water, it was already noon and it was time for lunch.

 " Let"s eat, where is the canteen?"  Wu Lingfeng said doubtfully, how would you find the canteen in such a large college?

 Charlotte opened the college handbook in her hand, looked it up, and said, " it"s not far from the water tower. You can see it, a little to the west."

 " Well, then let"s eat first ..." Wu Ling Feng  nodded and said.

 " Okay ..."


 Time soon arrived at night, in order to cope with Horira"s invitation to fight, Wu ling feng had been training his skills after lunch. after killing the red-haired old man, although he obtained a rare item (Boots) his level was not enough, so he could not wear it.  The pink equipment in DnF seems to be the dark gold equipment corresponding to the world.

[finally the leisure is over and action is slowly coming back]

 However, the shoes with a higher percentage of speed do not have much effect on the Wu Ling Feng at present. After all, the speed of the Horizons has doubled.


 On the full moon night, a place in front of the water tower was surrounded by a lot of students. for many years, no one dared to challenge the higher level when entering the school. The battle between Wu ling feng and Horira was soon publicized in the whole college. Not only the lev 1 students and the level 2 students was present, but also some level 3 students came along.

 Bridget also arrived at the scene. She was curious about Wu Ling Feng and came to watch when she heard of him. Besides, Horira was not only famous in level 2 students, but also famous among the level 3 students. She did not take the name of death shadow herself, but was given and recognized as her t.i.tle by others.

 It is worth mentioning that Bridget was not the chief student in 1999, but entered the college together with Xueyue Jing. She only made relatively rapid progress thus her batch was left behind. She rose to level 2 in one year and then to level 3 in three years.

 There are two chief students in the level 3 batch, 1998 and 1999 respectively. The chief student of 1998 did not come, but the chief student of 1999 arrived at the scene and followed Bridget to the scene.

 " Bridget, why don"t you go on a date with me and instead watch the fight between a level 2 and a level 3 student, it"s really boring ..." A blond youth followed Bridget and said, followed by a blonde girl with the strength of the Golden Knight.

 Bridget flatly refused: " Go away, Colt, don"t be too confident just because your grandfather is an elder of the college. I can kill you at any time. Also, don"t you already have a girl following behind you."

The guy called Colt shook his head and said: " Don"t do this to me Bridget, I don"t want to profane your idea. Come on let"s just drink tea. As for the girl behind me, she"s, an illegitimate daughter of my family, in my opinion, she"s just a b.i.t.c.h. If my father hadn"t asked me to bring her, I would have thrown her long ago ..."

 The blonde girl behind Colt had no expression on her face, as if those insults were none of her business.

 Bridget gently touched the hilt in her hand and said, " Colt, although you are very talented, you are not my type. Why bother? I will be promoted to level 4 soon. You don"t have to follow me."

 Colt held out his hand to grab the crisp breast of the blonde girl behind him and squeezed it hard. " Bridget, only you are my pursuit. I will not give up. My blood is also good. You know the strength of the Downs family. As long as we are together, the Whispered Kingdom can definitely become an empire in the future."

 Blonde girl bit her lips and felt great shame in her heart, but she was unable to resist, because she was an illegitimate daughter. Colt, on the one hand, is her half brother, on the other hand, is her master. Every night, she would strip off her clothes, please him like a b*tch, and then be licked by him. How can she not be ashamed? She is not clear, but she just wants to live, thus she must do it, but she is also thinking that one day she will trample this brother under her feet, severely humiliate him, and then cut him to pieces.

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