Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 98: The remains of a G.o.d.

[First off... I"m truly sorry for not updating this past few days.
The reason behind is that I"m actually making a "webcomic" / "webtoon" which took up most of my time especially when it comes to drawing without proper reference...

And, this may be a c*nt move from me but "Heavenly Monarch" aka my side project will be put on hiatus in translation and is free for other translators to pick up as the time consumption cannot cope up with this...

I really am sorry and I hope you understand.

Don"t worry I"m still continuing translation with daily updates, just that it will only remain 1 novel at a time or else I"m f*cked]

 Chapter 98: The remains of a G.o.d.

 Wu Ling Feng and Charlotte came to the cla.s.s. Horira did not start the lecture immediately, but said, "Today"s cla.s.s will be a memorial to your eternal life. Do you want to see the real G.o.ds of this world? Want to know how to engrave magic spells on bones? Today I will show you the real power. "


 Everyone can"t help wondering, now there is no G.o.d on the mainland, most of them are demiG.o.ds. G.o.ds, have fallen in clash of the t.i.tans a long time ago, and the abyss fiends died together, now there will be?

 Wu Ling Feng was also surprised. Horira said yesterday that she would show them how to engrave a bone spell. Is this so-called engraving related to G.o.d?

 Horira clapped her hands and said, "Well, now keep your doubts in your hearts and follow me, so that you can understand the real mystery of the strongest magic academy, understand why the city of G.o.ds can slowly upgrade the blood of magicians, and understand the secret of the birth of those ancient ruins. Ok, now everyone follow me ... "

 Wu Ling Feng suddenly became interested. Is all this magic related to the so-called G.o.d, or is it possible that G.o.d is still alive in this world?

 Holding doubts, Wu Ling Feng and others followed Horira to the third floor of the first tower. A huge magic circle spread over almost the entire third floor. There were four statues of three-headed dogs in h.e.l.l around the magic circle.

 Horira turned around and warned everyone: " The magic stone that did not activate the magic circle must not enter the scope of the magic circle. Because the four statues are not dead objects. They are the guardian animals guarding the magic circle. You should be careful not to want * * and souls to be devoured."

[** Raws]

 Wu Ling Feng and others nodded, even if she didn"t say they also understand, a look at this array it certainly not an ordinary existence, the magic circle should be a transfer matrix, the connection place is certainly not general, the strongest magic academy cannot be unguarded.

 h.e.l.l"s three-headed dogs are fierce. Wu Ling Feng has really tried to share the soul of the red-haired old man with the three-headed dogs summoned by the frost dragon.

 Horira finished warning, took out four blue crystal b.a.l.l.s and threw them over the magic circle. Suddenly, four magic b.a.l.l.s quickly turned into a square. Then, four huge three-headed dog statues shook their bodies. Pieces of stones fell off their bodies, revealing dark red skin. Then, twelve heads of four three-headed dogs sprayed out a red flame one after another. The red flame hit the blue crystal magic ball. A dazzling light flashed. The magic circle on the ground was activated immediately, glowing with blue light.

 Then Horira took the blue crystal ball into her hand and said, "Everyone, quickly follow me into the magic circle!"

 Wu Ling Feng and others nodded and ran into the magic circle. The blue light flickered, and all eyes experienced the change from light to darkness and then to light again.

 When they opened their eyes again, everyone found themselves in a world of ice and snow. Huge crystals could be seen everywhere drilling out of the ground to illuminate the figure of all.

 " Ding, stimulate the task, ice and snow trial, whether to transfer now?"

 " Ding, you can get a gift from the G.o.ddess of Water, break through the shackles of your career, and master the skills of an ice skater by completing the trial practice of ice and snow ..."

 " Ding, your intelligence and spirit have been improved here ..."

 " Ding, you can learn and master the magic of water and ice in the Almond world at this venue ..."

 " Ding, your ice system magic attack has been significantly improved ..."

 " Ding, the Resurrection of the G.o.ddess of Water is on. The progress of the task is as follows: gold large crystal block 0/1000, blue large crystal block 0/3000, colorless large crystal block 0/5000, vanity magic stone 0/500, chaos magic stone 0/500. Upon completion of the task, the G.o.ddess of Water can be resurrected and the soul contract can be engraved on her ..."

[what luck huh?]

 A series of system prompts made Wu Ling Feng dull immediately. d.a.m.n this is too powerful. He can also master the skills of ice skaters, omg. In that case, he will not be afraid of close combat. Ice even has guns, ice spirit revolvers, ice-breaking flying knives, ice spirit bows, and frost wyrm flutter and dance ...

 Well, Wu Ling Feng is really excited. In order to get along better in this world, he chose element blasting because of the variety of system, but ice skaters are also very powerful.

 Speaking of ice skaters, Wu Ling Feng thought of the gray light in "The Goblin"s Tail" and was absolutely cool.

 And what is even more shocking is that you can learn magic from other worlds here. Heck yeah, that"s great ….

 However, the last system prompt let Wu Lingfeng want to spit out blood. Soul engraving is not the same as Shirley"s, but this is still cheating. You need 1,000 large gold crystal blocks, 3,000 large blue crystal blocks, 5,000 large colorless crystal blocks, 500 vanity magic stones and 500 chaos magic stones. You have to sell me. He doesn"t know how to make large crystal blocks yet. There are no large crystal blocks in the cla.s.s store, only small crystal blocks. It seems that there are plans for large crystal blocks, but you need an alchemist to make them. He is a puppeteer. Blare, and vanity magic stone and chaos magic stone, he also only have fragments, and system stores don"t sell them, only if he kill devils and above. But, where would he find so many people to kill ...

 Therefore, the final task has to be suspended. The ice and snow trial can start now. However, Horira and her colleagues are all here. Its hard to do it now, so it will have to wait for a while before he can do so.

 Despite Wu Ling Feng"s whispers, Horira said: " Follow me slowly, the front is the destination ..."

 They put down their doubts in their hearts and followed Horira to walk slowly forward. Then a huge pool appeared in front of them, only the pool was very shallow, only more than half a meter deep. Of course, this was not the main thing. The important thing was that in the middle of the huge pool lay a huge blue crystal skeleton, from which majestic water elements emanated. The size of the huge blue crystal skeleton was as large as five straight meters, and the water in the pool flowed out from its body.

 Horira said to everyone, " this is the G.o.ddess of water suppressed under the tower of water, not the post-G.o.d, but the pre-G.o.d, one of the seven G.o.ds created by the G.o.d of creation, the great G.o.ddess of water. the water in these pools is actually the magic she sends out and condenses into, not the real water. Imagine how powerful it is, compressing the water elements invisible to the naked eye into water, powerful.

 In fact, the seven G.o.ds did not die, but fell asleep. After the ancient war, the seven G.o.ds sealed up the demon world and used up all their strength. They fell asleep here. The ruins on the mainland are actually pieces of debris that the seven G.o.ds divided the fiend in the abyss demon world. This is the precious legacy left to our magician. We pa.s.s through these ruins to devour the fiend and strengthen ourselves.

 Well, I"ll talk about these secrets here, you know, the Lord G.o.d is not dead, the site is made up of fragments of fiend, and, although the fiend of the abyss demon world is dead, but not all are dead, some also fell asleep like the G.o.d"s. So, you hurry up to improve your own strength, because in a few years your free time will most likely run out after the hemegons wake up.

 Well, that"s all I can tell you. This is the source of engraving bone spells. You can sit around in the pool, close your eyes and see your bones. "

 Wu Ling Feng followed suit and sat in the pool. To his surprise, there was no feeling of water. He just felt the surging endless magic power. Gradually, he closed his eyes and found himself standing in a world of blue water. His skeleton frame stood in front of him, with black crescent on his foot, white cross on his head, ice sword on his left hand and fire wheel on his right hand. Behind the skeleton frame was a one-eyed black dragon, and the dark longan stared at everything with indifference.

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