Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 003     Enemy troop night attack

Chapter 003     Enemy troop night attack


The sudden trigger of the sound system absolutely stunned Wu Lingfeng. His heart was beating at a fast rate. Could it be because of his thought about Sister Jian Ji (the LOL character) a moment ago, the G.o.d of reincarnation was so touched of his love to Sister Jian Ji that he was then rewarded?


Wu Lingfeng noticed that his right eye had undergone some changes. Surprisingly, he could see his own name and stat data of himself. This was the so-called special ability to those reincarnated into different world? Good! Sister Jian Ji, your teaching would always be remembered. Be fast, accurate and cruel when attacking!


Nirvana of life, you were so beautiful. Even though Wu Lingfeng’s face had the pig blood which still hadn’t been wipe off completely, he ignored it. Instead, he burst out laughing excitedly.


Captain Ma Ke couldn’t withstand his pathetic laugh any longer. He walked towards Wu Lingfeng and hit on his head hard, angrily said, “You had only killed a pig and yet you are get yourself too excited. Kid, war is not as easy as you imagine. That pig was waiting for you to be killed but the enemies are certainly not r.e.t.a.r.d to do so. Go, take that sword which you are holding to a corner and train….100 times horizontal slash….100 times vertical slash…..100 times stab….”


Wu Lingfeng nearly got beaten down to the ground by Ma Ke’s big hand. What the heck! 100 times horizontal slash, 100 times vertical slash, 100 times stab. Did Ma Ke want him to court disaster? Well, Wu Lingfeng was too lazy to bother him anyway.


Wu Lingfeng took the sword to a corner of the training field and trained by himself. Perhaps because of the activation of the system, his arm strength increased tremendously. He could now grip the more than 30 catty sword with a single hand without any difficulty. When he held it with both hands instead, the sword was no longer heavy to him at all.


The current Wu Lingfeng had a huge ambition. With the G.o.dly system to boost his morale, his happy life in this different world had only just begun. Although he did not reincarnate into any high ranking officer, the status of magician in this world was very high. Magician was said to be even stronger than warrior.


And also the most imbalance skill ever, the male magician’s undying body was indeed like a phoenix with its reincarnation. Like a c.o.c.kroach, it was an existence which won’t die easily.


Ma Ke who was observing Wu Lingfeng from the side was greatly surprised by him. A newbie soldier could already control the sword effortlessly in such a short amount of time. After all, he was at least talented in handling sword.


It was just that Ma Ke did not recognize that the current Wu Lingfeng was not the Wu Lingfeng moment ago. Not only did his soul had been exchanged with the Wu Lingfeng from earth, he even obtained a G.o.dly cheating system, DNF male magician.


When the training field officially started the daily drill, Wu Lingfeng also joined the team. Although he was now a legit male magician, he did not want to expose it immediately. To do so also required a right time and place.


When his ident.i.ty as a magician exposed, then only his real happiness in this world would really start. Now, he would just secretly get excited in his heart.


… …


After a whole evening of training and finishing the camp meal, Wu Lingfeng wondered around the army camp.




At this moment, wooden arrow with the head lit up was fired towards the army camp. The post outside the main Wolf corps troop did not have much protective barrier after all.


“Night attack! Enemy is night attacking!!!”


Hearing Wu Lingfeng’s loud scream, several other soldiers who were on night duty followed his scream with even louder ones. Captain Ma Ke brought his closed subordinates equipped with full weapon plus armour and came out from the tent.


“Signalman, send out a flare to notify other posts for support. Everyone quickly equip yourself, we must stop them from moving forward. We are from the post of Wolf corps. Never let them enter here. You guys know that at the rear of this post are our people and cities. Be brave b.l.o.o.d.y wolf warriors! Straighten up your chest and lets fight back with me together!” Captain Ma Ke shouted while raising up his two meter long sword.


“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Everyone shouted, raising up their weapons. Different kind of weapons, bows and armours equipped could be seen. They were completely ready to intercept the invading enemies.


“Holy light is with us, we are brave wolf soldier. Our army has history of 100 years. In Holy Light Empire, our corps is one of the 5 most powerful corps. We are the wolf in the battlefield. Our enemy is our hunting target. With firm believe, we are absolutely invincible!” Ma Ke once again cheered to boost the army morale.


“We’re invincible!”


“We’re invincible!”


“We’re invincible!”


Everyone shouted loudly in unison. Wu Lingfeng listening to their shout, he could feel the true atmosphere of military. A breath of calmness came out from his chest. He could not help himself but to join them shouting together too.


A good leader to lead a troop was very important. Ma Ke, mid-level swordman was slowly promoted from a normal soldier all the way to be a captain of a post. Hundreds of official soldiers and dozen of trainees were under his hand. Being positioned at this post, he had actually acc.u.mulated more than 10 years of fighting in the battlefield. His experience was absolutely rich and valuable.


But what worried Ma Ke was the enemy’s unknown strength. This post had only him as the sole mid-level swordman. Being able to withstand the attack was still a question. Worst case would be a complete annihilation of the post and the enemy would enter the region, achieving their aim. Although this won’t pose any danger to the Wolf corps foundation, an enemy success in night attack could be described as a shame for every soldier.


Just at the moment when Ma Ke was giving motivation to the troop, a masked knight with silver armour, leading an army of soldiers equipped with bows and spears appeared.


Looking at the silver knight, Ma Ke had a very bad feeling about this. Such high rank knight was definitely not an enemy he could handle. With only hundreds of soldiers, they must defend this place till reinforcement arrive. Then only, they would consider the mission to be accomplished. By then, they would be proud to have such a glorious sacrifice for Holy Light empire.


“Kill!” The silver knight said with a faint sound, waving with his hand while holding the snow silver sword. Behind him, the soldiers equipped with spears and shields rushed out shouting while the archers started shooting the black metal arrows with their bows.






Lots of arrow were shoot towards Ma Ke’s troop formation. Some of the soldiers were hit by the arrow, screaming in pain and falling to the ground. The sky was dark. Thus, it was hard to notice the flying arrows. The soldiers could not evade at all.


“Hold up the shield, block the arrow!” Ma Ke shouted immediately.


Ma Ke who did not expect such attack from the enemy at this current time, was totally in unfavourable position as his troop did not prepare for it.


Wu Lingfeng was stunned on the spot. There were some around him who were pierced with the arrows on their eyes, chest and throat. One by one of the soldiers beside him fell. Although he only reincarnated recently and did not have deep interaction with them, at the moment he saw them falling on the ground, moaning in pain, his heart felt like being stabbed with a knife.


This totally opened the eyes of a boy who was just an ordinary high school student a moment ago. So, this was how battlefield feel like?


It was totally not the perfect world that Wu Lingfeng imagined. He thought that he could flirt with Lolita royal sister. His fantasies included showing off his status as a male magician and then getting a t.i.tle for himself, having a harem of his own. Such ideas were completely sc.r.a.ped off from his brain from that very moment.


Warm and bright blood splashed on his face. It did not give him enough time to react. Instead, he was scared and his body started to shake horribly. This was totally dangerous to the extreme. He was just reincarnated into this world and yet, now he had to experience such things. Wu Lingfeng obviously could not adapt himself right now to face such scenario.

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