
I do not own the story nor other resources and do not intend to claim ownership of it.

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I am using machine translation and is deserved no credit for it. It is not 100% nor do I claim it to be that all the translation or edit is correct.

My job is only to correct grammatical mistakes (or not), in general to make it easier to read.

– Ian

BTW if you see this [] it means me, editor, as it"s quite a ha.s.sle to always put “Editor” inside the bracket.

Chapter 22: [SPOILER]

Helena also froze for a moment, her attack didn"t work, the sharp silver sword seemed to hit the hard stone, but she wouldn"t throw in the towel.

” [Fire system – cyclone chop]! !"

You can see Helena"s hands holding a sword quickly turned up around itself, gradually faster and faster, her figure could not be seen anymore, Helena instantly turned into a flame whirlwind as she flew toward Wu Ling Feng.

Wu Lingfeng couldn"t help but sweat. Such an attack on the dim fire cannot be completely defended. After the two dim fireb.a.l.l.s disappear, he will be seriously injured, and finally he can only face failure.

” [Magic whirlwind] ! ! !"

Wu Ling Feng quickly raised his hand, and a magic whirlwind more than three meters high appeared in front of him, colliding with Helena"s flame whirlwind. However, it just stopped Helena"s flame whirlwind for a moment and disappeared. After all, Helena is now in an invincible state.

But there is one thing worth Wu Ling Feng"s attention. He knew when playing the game in the bar that even monsters under the such state can still be caught in his hands, and there is a certain chance to break the enemy"s invincible state when thrown out.

But there is a disadvantage in this way, that is, it is inevitable to bear the enemy"s attack when using the [Grasping Palm], so the current problem is how to use the skill without getting an injury. Wu Ling Feng"s current level is enough to comprehend the compulsory skill, the question is which of the compulsory skills can be used even when being attacked.

Fortunately this is reality and not a game. We should make reasonable use of loopholes.

As a result, at the moment of Helena"s attack, Wu Ling Feng fell to the ground, and then start his own invincible state, [Crouching Tiger], resulting in 3 seconds of invincibility, then Wu Ling Feng immediately braced himself to collide with Helena when silently casting [Grasping Claw].

” Haaah! Grab you and send you out! ! !"

Wu Ling Feng"s magic shadow appeared on his right hand. He grabbed Helena in his hand for an instant, stopped her magic whirlwind, and then threw her out for an instant. Only when throwing out, he grabbed a piece of armor from Helena in his hand. It was not anywhere else but the piece of armor on her chest … Coincidence? I think not… Hehhehehe

” Peng …”

Helena"s Dou Xi gradually faded as she found herself thrown on the ground. The armor on her chest was broken, revealing her white underwear. After all, Wu Ling Feng casted [Grasping Claw)] twice in a row of the same place. Another coincidence? Maybe…. Not. Hhahhahaha. Wu Ling Feng was right here. The armor suffered a lot of damage from his attacks. As a result, it disintegrated …

Wu Ling Feng *blushed* and hurriedly threw away the peace of armor. Of course he is totally innocent… The skill is so strong it ripped the armor. How about such a plot? On a rainy night, in an unmanned castle, Wu Ling Feng held hands with Helena, tore up her armor, and then proceeded to-… Sh*

” Miss Helena, I think the outcome has been already been decided, and your odds have been exhausted. Without the Dou Xi, you can"t beat me. Surrender …” Wu Lingfeng said as pale blue magic ball emerged in his hand preparing to do a round of [Basic Attacks].

” Wonderful performance, Helena, it is still not too late to apologize to Ling Feng mage, You know this a duel, he can kill you if he pleases…” Charlotte said sternly immediately, eyes of appreciation was directed to Wu Ling Feng.

” Hum!”

Helena stood up from the ground with a snort of cold, covered her chest, and walked to the front of Wu ling feng and said coldly: ” I admit that you have the strength to be your highness"s guardian knight, but you are such a pervert, I tell you, I will keep a close eye on you, if you want to molest your highness, I Helena will cut off your *meat scepter* it doesnt matter even if I die.”

Well, it was misunderstood. although Wu ling feng intended to shoot Helena in the chest at the beginning, but …

” Well, that was just a coincidence, I didn"t mean to break your breastplate, although I like beautiful women, but there is no reason for me to do so plus I already have my Winnie …” Wu Lingfeng scratched his hair and said.

” Peng …”

” Go to h.e.l.l with you, rest a.s.sured, I Helena will never stand people like you …” With a cold face she gave Wu Ling Feng a punch, and then picked up the breastplate on the ground and stood behind Charlotte.

Wu Ling Feng immediately waved to Winnie with his belly covered, braving cold sweat on his face and said: ” Winnie, give me a hand, this savage girl"s fist is too hard, it really hurts, she dared to sneak attack …”

Charlotte looked at Wu Ling Feng and couldn"t help covering her mouth and smiling. She said, ” Master Ling Feng, if you like Helena, I can make the decision to give her to you …”

” No! !"

Suddenly Wu Ling Feng and Helena said in unison.

” I don"t want to marry such a s.e.x maniac. I just need to protect your highness for a lifetime.” Helena said.

Wu Ling Feng gave Helena a supercilious look: ” Pardon me her highness, ma"am. But I don"t want a violent girl!”

Winnie trotted to Wu Lingfeng"s side to hold his body and said, ” Stop talking, I"ll rub it for you and it won"t hurt anymore…”

Wu Ling Feng gave Winnie a look and sighed with emotion: ” Winnie of my family is better, but that violent woman, it doesn"t matter if you are very powerful. If I hadn"t defeated you by the powerful magic skills that I automatically understood in my blood and instead a common junior wizard, I would have been defeated by you. I admire you for this. You are a hard-working genius. At least I think you are better than that Shania.”

After being praised by Wu Ling Feng, Helena lowered her head, blushed faintly and said with a firm mouth: ” Don"t think that I will change my opinion of you. You are still a s.e.x maniac …”

” Well, whatever you say, but later we will fight together beside the princess, hard is dependent on life and death teammates, I hope you will support me at the critical time …” Wu Lingfeng said.

” Why should I listen to you? Although you are a little stronger, your decision may not be all right!” Helena pie mouth said.

Wu Lingfeng shook his head and said: ” Since I am in the office and I have such talent, then I will not be willing to be bland. Men all have the idea of making contributions. I also have the same idea. I want to be the strongest man, protect the partners around me, and I want to establish my power and let everyone know my existence.

So please believe me, I will let your highness have a better future, in the name of the guardian knight, and you, if for the sake of your highness, will support all my decisions, because sometimes the strongest shield is destroyed from within, the destruction of the empire comes from disputes! ”

” The destruction of a good empire comes from strife and insight. I recognize you and expect your performance in the future!” Napoleon said.

Charlotte patted Helena on the shoulder with a smile and said: ” Trust him, because we have no way out, we can only trust him, and this is not a bad thing, his words, perhaps the future is really different, he just woke up the wizard"s blood and yet he defeated you, in fact your heart has recognized him.”

Helena skimmed her head and gave a faint, ‘uh – huh."

Chapter 22: Defeating Helena.

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