Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 23: To the Battlefield (Part 1).


I do not own the story nor other resources and do not intend to claim ownership of it.

All credits go to the author and the website it was hosted or granted permission with.


I am using machine translation and is deserved no credit for it. It is not 100% nor do I claim it to be that all the translation or edit is correct.

My job is only to correct grammatical mistakes (or not), in general to make it easier to read.

– Ian

BTW if you see this [] it means me, editor, as it"s quite a ha.s.sle to always put “Editor” inside the bracket.

Chapter 23: To the Battlefield (Part 1).

After the battle with Helena was over, Napoleon went on with their meeting just now, and as Wu Ling Feng suspected, the war was about to begin. The Great War between the Holy Light Empire and the thorns flower Empire.

” Now, since Ling Feng Master has become Princess Charlotte"s guardian knight, then you will go to the battlefield with Princess Charlotte. His Royal Highness the Prince and his guardian knight have already gone to the battlefield, and His Royal Highness big princess and her guardian knight are also rushing to the battlefield.

This is a battle, but it is also in order to establish dominance for the crown prince"s battle, I under the Wolf Warriors legion can give princess Charlotte ten thousand men, as well as promote Ling Feng mage as the head of the ten thousand people, princess Charlotte has the right to supervise. ” Napoleon said.

” May I ask? Why is there only 10,000 people, but there are hundreds of thousands in the Wolf Warriors Legion, and this is the only one Princess Charlotte has? ” Wu Ling Feng asked doubtfully.

Napoleon patted Wu Ling Feng on the shoulder and said: ” Hum, boy, it seems that you don"t understand the real meaning of guardian knights. Do you know, it depends on how much credit you have given proves how important your Royal Highness is after the Emperor"s death, and it is already very honorable for me to promote you to be the head of the army of ten thousand people.

After all, you didn"t appear originally, it was tentatively decided that Shania would be your highness"s guardian knight. her position was general, one level higher than that of commander. Her army had 50,000 men, which meant that your highness had 50,000 men.

But you showed up. Although you became your highness"s guardian knight, you did not have any men. In order not to let your highness be so shabby, you were promoted to be the leader of ten thousand people in an unusual way, which is equivalent to giving you an army for nothing. ”

Wu Ling Feng immediately understood that the original guardian knight was like this. If Napoleon hadn"t given himself 10,000 people, he could only take Winnie, Princess Charlotte and Helena to the battlefield. After all, he was still a chick with nothing. Even if a magician was fierce, but it would be useless if there was no one under him.

Shania nodded and said: ” What"s more, it is worth noting that His Royal Highness the Prince"s guardian knight is Evette lines, one of the four [Rose Knights] of the Empire, who shares with me 50,000 troops, as well as five [Dark Knight of the Sky] and 20 Magicians. Her father is the head of the Lion King Army.

His Royal Highness big princess is even more formidable. Her guardian knight is a senior wizard, from the Houghton family, the most powerful wizard family in the empire. His wizard troops number as many as 50, plus 50,000 ordinary troops, but it is the strongest. ”

Wu Ling Feng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: ” Princess Charlotte and I are the weakest team. Is there still any compet.i.tion? Is it not already clear.”

Napoleon shook his head and said: ” No, now the empire is facing the crisis of war. It looks like a powerful holy light empire. Because the old king"s life is declining, it is urgent to choose a crown prince. It is necessary to fight without war. Yanjing is now in a mess. The great prince and the supporters of big princess have been quarrelling over each other and must use the meritorious military service to decide the ownership of the throne.”

Wu Ling Feng nodded and said, ” Princess Charlotte is still a foil.”

” Not only that, Princess Charlotte will also have the worry of her family name. In the battle, she should not only be careful of the enemy"s sneak attack, but also be careful of the Great Prince and big princess. It is not impossible to do harm secretly. Moreover, I feel that the winner should be His Royal Highness big princess. The princess is a Machiavellian. She sacrificed her body to win over the Sutton family, and that guy Mengerdan is just puzzled by big princess"s beauty. Hum!” Shania cold hum a way.

Helena nodded and said: ” Indeed, the eldest prince is better and treats Princess Charlotte like a younger sister, but big princess is making things difficult everywhere, and big princess has a large number of imperial talents behind her and has very close relations with many people.”

Wu Ling Feng is sweating. This big princess is a hard nut. You have to put much effort if you want to crack it. A little bit of red lips are tasted by ten thousand people. I really feel unworthy for that guy named Mengerdan, who has been cuckolded countless times.

” Pa pa …”

Napoleon patted the table and said, ” Well, that"s all for gossip. Tomorrow Master Ling Feng and Princess Charlotte will leave. Here is the map. The red line is on the attack route of the Great Prince, the blue line is on the attack route of big princess, and the remaining yellow line is on your attack route.

This is the arrangement of His Majesty the King. Princess Charlotte has the weakest enemy here. In recent years, the empire of thorns flower has become more and more strong, and less than half of the territory of the Holy Light has been lost to them. Therefore, the next king is the one who has recovered more territory among the three of you, the big prince, big princess and the little princess. ”

Wu Ling Feng took the map from Napoleon and said, ” No way, I don"t have a wizard, do I?”

” No, but you can win over other magicians through your own ability. How much support you can get depends on you …” Napoleon said deadpan.

” all right, drive the ducks to the shelves, then your highness, let"s start tomorrow.” Wu Ling Feng had to acquiesce to the current situation. He knew earlier that he regretted and should not have been a guardian knight. He had just crossed and let himself go to the battlefield as a man who knew nothing. My ya Sun Tzu"s art of war is not good. He did not remember all the 36 plans. I am but a poon in chess.

” Well, don"t worry, the most is that a piece of territory will not be taken back. Then my princess position will be eliminated and I will become an aristocrat. Besides, I have no intention of competing for the throne. My surname Ge is not suitable for running the country.” Charlotte told Wu Ling Feng with a smile.

” I"ll be your a.s.sistant and I"ve learned a lot of tactics when I"m with the princess. I"ll do my part for your highness.” Helena said that she was also worried about Wu Ling Feng. After all, it is still a question whether he can bring a 10,000 – strong army with him.

Wu Ling Feng nodded and said, ” Well, I"m not melodramatic either. Please be my military adviser.”

” Hum, don"t be proud, but If I look on Princess Charlotte"s face, ughhhh, otherwise, otherwise …” Helena said, tilting her face.

” Well, well, I know, I beg you …”

Wu Ling Feng nodded faintly. Helena is just a little proud, much better than Shania.

” Then, your highness, Winnie and I will go back first. Let"s gather outside the army tomorrow. when I go back, I will study the map and see how to proceed next.” Wu Ling Feng said.

” Well, go ahead. Master Ling Feng will protect me from tomorrow.” Charlotte said.

” The 10,000 – strong army, I"ll ask Shania to pick some elite soldiers for you tonight, and we"ll also have some provisions and supplies ready for you in advance.” Napoleon said.

Wu Ling Feng couldn"t help rolling his eyes. Wait till you see this daddy"s middle name! F*cking Lamia!

[Correct me if I"m wrong. I put Lamia cuz its part snake and human right? If I"m wrong then I"ll just change it.]

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