Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 35: Strengthening Magic (Mp) Recovery.


I do not own the story nor other resources and do not intend to claim ownership of it.

All credits go to the author and the website it was hosted or granted permission with.



I am using machine translation and is deserved no credit for it. It is not 100% nor do I claim it to be that all the translation or edit is correct.

My job is only to correct grammatical mistakes (or not), in general to make it easier to read.

  - Ian

BTW if you see this [] it means me, editor, as it"s quite a ha.s.sle to always put "Editor" inside the bracket.

 Chapter 35: Strengthening Magic (Mp) Recovery.

 After Julianne left, Wu Ling Feng and his family entered a normal state of life. Helena traveled around Mingji City and arranged everything. She became the busiest person. After all, Wu Ling Feng was not very proficient in military management and logistics and could only give it to her.

 After leisure, Wu Ling Feng began to look at the results of the battle after killing Kidd and Armani.

 " Ding, killed Magician Kidd, level 32, drop epic equipment, qp skill 1 point, can choose a qp skill to upgrade, every qp skill can improve any qp skill level ..."

[p.s I do not know qp is but I just left it cuz its COOL since it still is understandable that it meant skill points]

 " Ding, killed Golden Knight Armani, level 35, drop a rare piece of equipment, qp skill 1 ..."

 These are two battle records, one epic equipment, one rare equipment, and two qp skills, which have yielded quite a lot. To be able to drop epic equipment, it seems that Wu Ling Feng"s greed has played a role.

 In dnF, the equipment cla.s.sification should be white ordinary, blue and green suits ( the ranking is uncertain ), purple rare, pink rare, orange epic and red ancient.

[If everyone forgot or even don"t know, DnF is Dungeon Fighter, a game basically]

 The different world"s equipment levels are black iron, bronze, silver, gold, dark gold, epic, ancient, and dnf, gold equipment is purple, dark gold equipment, bronze and silver is blue, ordinary is black iron.

 He opened the storage s.p.a.ce and Wu Lingfeng took out two pieces of equipment, check equipment:

 Name: Dragon Core Ring of Chaqin

 Equipment Cla.s.sification: Ring ( Orange Epic, Green Set )

 Applicable occupation: General

 Equipment occupation grade limit: rank

 Additional type: can be binded ( blood can be used to identify the owner, after identification, it cannot be dropped, stolen, transferred to others, and storage s.p.a.ce can be placed )

 Set piece: one of the three pieces of dragon core jewelry ( three pieces are respectively six dragon core necklace, three dragon core bracelet and one dragon core ring of the brake Qin ). the set effect cannot be activated due to lack of set pieces.

 Weight: 0.3kg

 Inherent stats:

 Strength + 18

 Intelligence + 18

 Magic Defense + 1056

 Special stats:

 Increase the attack frequency of our army"s dragon family name holy beast by %.

[here I just a.s.sumed that dragon is a holy beast... I mean like come on its a dragon.]

 Name: Inheritance: Woolen Boots of Night Watch G.o.ddess

 Equipment cla.s.sification: shoes, cloth armour ( inherited purple rare, green set )

 Applicable occupation: General

 Equipment occupation grade limit: grade

 Additional type: can be binded ( blood can be used to identify the owner, after identification, it cannot be dropped, stolen, transferred to others, and storage s.p.a.ce can be placed )

 Night"s Watch Set: One of the four pieces of the Night"s Watch G.o.ddess Suit ( Inheritance: Night"s Watch G.o.ddess Wool Warrobe, Inheritance: Night"s Watch G.o.ddess Wool Robe, Inheritance: Night"s Watch G.o.ddess Wool Leg Guard, Inheritance: Night"s Watch G.o.ddess Wool Boots ) is missing the kit and cannot activate the set affect that belong to the set.

 Weight: 0.65kg

 Durability: 1818 ( automatic reply to 5 durability items per day; when durability is 0, equipment is damaged and broken and cannot be used )

 Inherent stats:

 hpmax+35 [this means +35 to total hp]


 Movement speed + 5%

 Intelligence + 7

 Spirit + 7

 Physical Defense + 150

 Dark affinity + 3

 The quality of the two pieces of equipment dropped is very good, one is orange epic equipment, the other is purple inheritance, and both are sets. It is very good, that is, they have to wait until the first grade before they can be equipped, which makes Wu Ling Feng somewhat helpless and can only store them for the time being.

 Then there are two qp skill points, which makes Wu Ling Feng a little excited. Another way to add the basic stat is to kill the Golden Knight and the Magician or their existence above.

 However, the qp skill has changed now. The game made it that it should be acquired by completing tasks. Now it can only be acquired by killing people. Moreover, a qp point can be upgraded to a higher level of qp skill, which is different from the qp points in the game. Upgrading different qp skills in the game requires different qp points.

[I"ve said it before and I"ll say it again, qp is left out as its cool, and it means skill points BTW]

 However, if there is only one qp point to upgrade any qp skill in the other world, qp skill is another way of growing up. If Wu Ling Feng has 100 qp points now, the basic qp point can definitely go against heaven. There is a level limit in the game. However, there is no qp point here. As long as there is a QP point, QP skill can be upgraded.

[Correct so the author should have just added qp points to him in bulk of 100 to make him basically G.o.d]

 At present, there are 12 qp skills in front of Wu Ling Feng:

reinforcement - strength,
reinforcement - physical strength, reinforcement - intelligence, reinforcement - spirit,
reinforcement - movement speed, reinforcement - HP recovery, reinforcement - MP recovery, reinforcement - physical crit, reinforcement - magic crit, reinforcement - all stats,
reinforcement - resistance, reinforcement - reading attack.

 There are a total of ten options. Wu Ling Feng thinks that mp should be strengthened. After all, the most important thing in fighting is mana. If there is no mana, no magic can be produced. The rest can grow slowly. With strong resilience, you can be considered a protracted and powerful magician already.

 Now the mp recovery rate of Wu Ling Feng is 1. What he only has is a one-day recovery rate meaning it replenishes only after the end of the day which is unlike the abnormal recovery rate of every minute in the game. Looking at the system, we know that every upgrade - mp recovery can increase the recovery rate of 10. Indeed, it is a faster option to upgrade with qp points than qp skill. Each upgrade only provides a MP recovery rate of 10 points, which is really cheating.

[don"t mistake qp points and qp skill. qp point is the skill points provided by the system while the qp skill is the points or the upgrade that bases on his proficiency or the usage of the stat or anything practical in application can be considered qp skill if it is to upgrade]

 It seems that upgrading mp recovery using qp points is the king. If mp recovery rate is fully strengthened at two qp points, then 30 mp will be recovered every day if combined with his previous 24 hours a day recovery. Although it is obviously a drop in the bucket, it is at least much stronger than the previous cheating data.

 Wu Ling Feng used to save magic. After all, after two rounds of skill release, he has no magic. Only ordinary magic ball attacks can save his fart"s life.

 So Wu Ling Feng did not hesitate to choose the strengthening - MP recovery rate.

 " Ding, strengthening - mp recovery rate is successful, the current MP recovery rate is 20; Ding, strengthening - mp recovery rate is successful, currently MP recovery rate is 30. "

 At the sound of the system"s prompt, Wu Ling Feng was finally excited. Gaga, I am now a powerful magician. It is king to be able to quickly recover after using magic to put out more magic after. Wu Ling Feng is really confident by using [Flicker] , [Crouching Tiger] and now Magic Recovery.

 Unlike magicians from other worlds, they can raise interest rates through meditation. Wu Ling Feng does not understand meditation. Conclusion is, without magic, he will be useless.


 After Wu Ling Feng checked his stats, Helena immediately reported to him in a hurry.

 " No, it must be big princess who has revealed the news to the thorns flower Empire. They know that you are only an intermediate magician. Now the thorns flower Empire has sent another 50,000 troops. There is a magician and two gold knights who have arrived at the gate of Mingji. With them, it is no longer that simple ..." Helena said anxiously.

 Wu Ling Feng frowned at once, walked back and forth inside the house twice, and then said: " If we fight, can we defeat them now, or can we stick to the city?"

 Helena shook her head and said: " No, 10,000 and 50,000 people are fighting, and the other party now has two golden knights and a magician. It is said that seven or eight magicians from the intermediate level have also arrived, with great disparity in strength in afraid that we will....."

 " Then we abandon the city ..." Wu Ling Feng said strongly.

 " Abandon the city? ?”

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