Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension

Chapter 57: A Mages Power.


I do not own the story nor other resources and do not intend to claim ownership of it.

All credits go to the author and the website it was hosted or granted permission with.



I am using machine translation and is deserved no credit for it. It is not 100% nor do I claim it to be that all the translation or edit is correct.

"*My job is only to correct grammatical mistakes (or not), in general to make it easier to read. Thus, it is my service as well as handpicking each chapter to be translated to the Machine by yours truly.*"

  - Ian

BTW if you see this [] it means me, editor, as it"s quite a ha.s.sle to always put "Editor" inside the bracket.

 Chapter 57: A Mages Power.

 " Moo ... roar ..."

 The bull headed behemoth saw Bridget come up to challenge it. Its tiny body wanted to challenge the great one. It really overreached itself and couldn"t help roaring.

 " Hum, you are quite confident of yourself. Now let me show you the power of magic weapons."

 Bridget looked at the bull beast with indifference, drew out the blue sword at her waist, and blue shadows began to diffuse on the sword.

 " Moo ..."

 The Tauren behemoth, holding a huge stone axe in both hands, attempted to chop Bridget down.

 Bridget stretched out her hand and patted the unicorn beneath her. The unicorn meekly rubbed Bridget"s palm, and then a flash of lightning shot from the top part of its forehead. The golden flash hit the monster instantly, stopping its attack in an instant.

 " Shinggg ..."

 The huge stone axe paused mid air, then collided with Bridget"s blue sword, producing a crisp sound ...

 Wu Lingfeng looked at Bridget in surprise. She was as strong as a bull headed monster. It"s abnormal. You know, the power of the bull headed monster"s stone axe just cut a huge crack in the ground. Bridget took it so easily?

 " The unicorn"s lightning weakened the bull headed beast, so she took the blow, otherwise even the strongest female emperor could not easily take the blow without reaching the point of a dark gold sky knight." Helena said.

 " Well, Helena is right ..." Evette chimed in.

 Bridget took the blow from the bull headed monster and gently sang: " The rhythm of the green wind, the blade of the light wing, blooming under the pale blue, the beauty of the void, the song of the wind - the Curse of the Twisting Blade! Kill!" !”

 With Bridget was done, the blue sword in her hand flashed dazzling lights. Pieces of blue wind blades as thin as cicada wings emerged around the sword. Then they gathered, all the blades of wind shot straight at the bull head monster in an instant. The bull"s face was directly pierced into a blood hole the size of a human head, and the back view could be seen from the front ...

 " Grawr ... moo ..."

 Although it"s body has a b.l.o.o.d.y hole, it did not cause much damage to the behemoth, but the pain made it more crazy instead, it lost its sense of reason. It roared and again raised its huge stone axe, and struck at Bridget again ...

 " Cut ..."

 Bridget dodged along with the unicorn and left the bull"s attack range. It was really tough. Such an attack from Bridget only slightly injured it and made it more violent, nothing more.

 " Strong ..."

 Wu Ling Feng cannot help sighing. Such a monster has a blood hole in its chest yet its vitality has not weakened even a bit. He has to say Bridget"s strength is strong, and she cast her magic fast and clearly. It is enough to see that she has worked hard on casting magic spells. A genius who works hard, a refreshing thought.

 " Bridget"s unique Douglas Xi attack combined with magic is strong. The power generated is truly not ordinary. The magic she just casted is at the level of intermediate magic, but it already can easily penetrate into the * * of the bull headed monster. I have to say it is very strong ..." Evette sighed. Bridget is very famous in the strongest magic academy. She is a genius among geniuses. To actually combine magic and Dou Xi to attack ...

 The name of the strongest female emperor is not false, Wu Lingfeng cannot help feeling, it seems that he also has to work hard, it is not enough to eat and die by system alone, people have to learn to work hard.

 " The strongest female emperor, you can get out of the way ..." Red hair old man shouted to Bridget.

 Bridget nodded and quickly moved away.

 At this time, the red-haired old man is not the same, around him the whole s.p.a.ce turned red. The ground under his feet cracked and lava busted through the gaps, the heat permeating from it blurred the s.p.a.ce.

 " Under the crimson anger, the sky fire cloud blazing heaven and earth. In the name the fire, in the name of ignition, in the name of Yang. The king"s landing will of the flame, tongtian flame magic hand, thoroughly, tread the of crack h.e.l.l with thy magic foot, crush it into a hollow magic chamber, Rage - Flame Monarch of Efreet! ! !”

 The red-haired old man burst forth flames all over his body. Then the flames gathered more and more. Above the sky, a hole was opened and lava flowed down. A large hole was opened in the ground. Black stones floated from the ground. Then the lava and black stones combined and began to surround the red-haired old man.

 Gradually, the red-haired old man turned into a lava flame giant of more than 30 meters, just like the existence of a fiend, it"s formidable strength is staggering, it"s powerful force seems to deter all existence.

 " Hiss ..."

 All adventurers couldn"t help inhaling cold air. The power of an intermediate mage was so great that it was the first time that everyone saw a mage of this level make full efforts. Such power can conquer all existence and deter all people.

 Compared with the red-haired old man"s lava flame giant, the bull headed monster is like a child ...

 The Tauren beast felt the lava flame giant"s hostility, immediately its body lowered and bent like a bow. It"s head pointed at the lava flame giant, and then it"s two huge cow hooves pushed back hard, ready to accelerate ...

 " Moo! ~!”

 Roars of anger emerged, the tauren beast like a sharp arrow hit the lava flame giant...

 " Zi ..."

 The impact of the bull-headed monster only made the lava flame giant back two steps and stopped. In front of the lava flame giant, the bull-headed monster is like a spoiled child. How can a child defeat an adult?

 Wu Lingfeng couldn"t help but wonder, the intermediate mage"s strength is so huge, the beast"s impact is so strong to what extent can you imagine, but it was only able to let the lava flame giant back two steps, this result is unbelievable. For Wu Ling Feng such a strong existence, in the hands of an intermediate mage is so easy to deal with.

 " Graaaa ..."

The Lava flame giant shouted at the top of its voice, two huge magic hands directly held the cow beast up, smashed it to the ground, splashing a lot of dust ...

 " Boom ..."

 The ground shook violently. Wu Ling Feng and some of them even lost their footing ...

 Then the lava flame giant lifted its huge magic foot and kicked heavily on the bull"s head monster ...

 " Poof ..."

 A large amount of blood spilled out, spilling all over the s.p.a.ce, then everyone looked at the cow beast, iys whole chest has been crushed, it"s limbs were now limp and is showing signs of dying soon ...

 Finally, the lava flame giant reached out his magic hand and threw the half-dead bull head monster to the frost dragon!

 " Roar ..."

 A breath coming from the frost dragon froze the cow head monster that had been thrown into it and turned into ice cubes, which fell to the ground and became an ice sculpture.

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