Chapter 79: Cla.s.s A.

 The existence of Cat Eared Girls makes Wu Ling Feng look forward to his life here even more. "I really want to touch and get a feel of that pair of Cat Ears. Oh, whoops ..."

 " There is no problem, we are heading for the magic tower, otherwise it will be very troublesome if it is late ..." The doll maid said to Wu Lingfeng.

 " All right, let"s go." Wu Ling Feng nodded and said.

 In this way, the doll maid led Wu Ling Feng out of the dormitory and headed for the magic tower.

 Well, it took another two hours for Wu Ling Feng and his entourage to arrive at the magic tower. What a shame. Isn"t there a bus or something in such a big college?

 After arriving at the magic tower, Wu Ling Feng really felt the majestic momentum. The powerful magic almost made the sand and stone on the ground float up, and the magic in his body fluctuated and boiled faintly.

 " At present, the tower where we are located is the tower of water. You must have felt the power of the magic tower. The seven magic towers are not just simple name towers. The spiritual suppression and magic pressure of each magic tower are different. The levels from low to high are water, earth, wind, fire, thunder, darkness and light, which correspond to the seven levels of a mage. It is suggested that you do not step into the range above the tower of earth at present. Staying in the magic tower for a long time will accelerate the promotion of mage"s spirit and magic, but it is not good to exceed the limit. At present, what you can adapt to is water. " The maid doll introduced.

 Wu Ling Feng nodded and walked into the Water Tower. There is no authentication here. The tower is very large. There are already many magicians in it. They each have a maid doll beside them.

 There are also some magicians wearing special college robes, presumably these are the senior students.

 " Feng ..." Charlotte waved to Wu Ling Feng on one side. She also came here because they are from the same cla.s.s. Well, his t.i.tle has changed a bit. She went directly from Master Ling Feng to just Feng as they became a little closer.

 " Charlotte, Helena ... Evette, Shirley." Wu Lingfeng walked over and greeted them one by one.

 At this time, the maid doll said: " Well, our task has been completed. Almost all the first-cla.s.s students have arrived. You will be taught by the Level 2, Johnson. Your teacher will be the top ten of the Level 2 students. The teacher in Cla.s.s A is the top three of the Level 2 students. No provocations with the second-cla.s.s students are allowed above the cla.s.s. You are free after cla.s.s. Of course, as mentioned earlier, damages to public property will be paid ten times."

 All the handmaidens and dolls withdrew, leaving Wu Ling Feng alone.

 Then, the magic tower"s door was closed, and all the windows were closed. The crystal lights in the hall on the first floor lit up one after another. Ten magicians in blue robes stood in front of all Cla.s.s A and Cla.s.s B students. Two stars were inlaid on the blue robes on their chests.

 Then a white-haired boy came out of the ten. Fox - like pupils stared at Wu Lingfeng and said after a moment, " h.e.l.lo, I am Xuěyuè jìng. I am the first of the top ten of the level 2 students and also the chief student in our batch. The nine people behind me and myself included are not only your senior but also your mentor after the day. Of course, I don"t ask you how much respect you should have for me, if you think your strength is high enough. You can "talk" to me at any time, this year"s freshmen seem to have a lot of magic and martial arts, but there is only one and it"s Bridget senior, well, let"s not talk about this nonsense, you start to introduce yourself, let"s start with your chief student, the blood of G.o.d..."

 Wu ling feng felt that the Level 2 no.1 was a little cold, and his fox-like pupils have a tinge of evil. As long as he wasn"t a mage, he wouldn"t care much.

 " Xueyue senior is humble. I am the chief student of this batch. Wu Lingfeng, who is about 15 years old this year, is good at the four elements of light, dark, ice and fire." Wu Ling Feng walked out of the level 1 students and said.

Out of the Ten level 2 students, once again, one walked out and it was a girl with fiery red hair. Her skin was brown, and her body was very hot. The abundance in her chest seem tore up her robe.

 " Hee hee, a handsome boy, this sister has time tonight. Do you want to exchange feelings?" The red-haired girl held out her crimson little sweet tongue and licked it gently on her lips. She looked at Wu Ling Feng charmingly. Her fingers gently lifted the skirt of her lower robe, revealing the silk stockings inside.

 " Fiona, please restrain yourself from junior students. Didn"t you just a.s.sociate with a junior student yesterday? Why are you looking for another again?" A girl with short gray hair came out of the Level 2 students and looked at the red-haired girl with disgust.

 The red-haired girl said with a pie mouth, " Oh Horira, why don"t you find a man to enjoy it? You know, "it" feels great. Well, forget it. People like you who have no feelings won"t understand."

 When the red-haired girl bickered with the gray-haired girl, Xueyue"s eyes narrowed slightly, and his right hand touched the short knife at his waist. Then everyone just saw a flash of silver light, and a silver moon condensed out in front of him, striking Wu Ling Feng.

 " {Teleport} ! !” Wu Ling Feng"s body disappeared and then he appeared at the back of Xueyue in an instant.

[henceforth flicker shall be known as teleport, refer to DFO Wiki]

 " Ah ..."

 " Help! ! !”

 The silvery moon did not hit Wu Ling Feng, but the attack still continued. A boy could not dodge it and was attacked. His chest was filled with blood. Of course, he was only at this sorry state because of the boy"s robe defense. Without the robe"s defense, I"m afraid the boy already would"ve died tragically.

 Wu Ling Feng dodged the attack. But Xueyue was not surprised, instead his fox"s pupils tightened even more.

 "Oh, s.p.a.ce magic, it seems that Ling Feng should belong to a special series of magic, after all, s.p.a.ce system does not belong to the seven elements, it is a very powerful system, detached from the seven elements of the system, indeed as expected of this year"s chief student." Xueyue lightly said.

 Wu Lingfeng took two steps and smiled evilly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the face Xueyue and said lightly: " Don"t mess with me, you little thing are not enough to show off in an ostentatious manner with me. I don"t know how many have been killed by my hand. It"s more than one hand. Don"t pretend with me. Next time you play cool don"t blame me. "

 " Hum!"

 The rest of the level 2 students immediately became cold at the same time. Clearly this is a provocation, level 2 students teaching level 1 students a lesson is a habit, and to say it is not good is an attack.

 " Hold ..." Xueyue, stretched out his hand to stop the others from Taki. G further action and said, " it seems that we look down upon Ling Feng junior too much, well, it doesn"t matter, we are just level 2 students. Intermediate magicians and the level of this senior is not much difference, but since Ling Feng junior can deal with a mage, then I can"t help but question, I ask myself to be able to win against a mage. Ling Feng junior, being so arrogant is not good, the lev 3 students are certainly not gonna be happy. If the level 3 students find out, they will say that we level 2 students do not know how to manage their juniors. This is not good. Why don"t we let one of our top ten level 2 students duel with our younger brother instead to regain our honor?"

 Wu Ling Feng snorted coldly and said: " I don"t think it"s me who is arrogant, but you. Although I don"t know who made this habit, the old students bullying the new students is certainly bad in itself. Isn"t it just a few more years? If you want to fight me, why are you afraid? "

 " Oh ..." Xueyue chuckled and sneered, and said, " well, how about tonight outside the water tower? you can choose among the ten of us. although we are some bullies in your perspective, there are two rules in the strongest college, either you obey senior students or you have strength to oppose them. Now, you can choose lingfeng junior."

 " I"ll do it ..." said the gray-haired girl.

 The gray-haired girl made a noise, and Wu Ling Feng noticed her indifferent, supercilious eyes. This is not the world of Naruto, but the supercilious look made Wu Ling Feng felt a cold breath. Different from Xueyue, this cold breath of the gray-haired girl does not come from the spirit, but from the body, or the soul, the image and the breath of death.

 " Well, since Horira said so, then let"s do it. However, Lingfeng younger brother, I remind you that if it is me or eight other people said so it might have been okay, but since this la.s.s Horira is the one that volunteered we can"t do nothing about it. Also she has a t.i.tle in the college, the shadow of death, that even level 3 students don"t want to face her so casually* so enjoy your battle tonight. Oh, by the way, it seems that her strength is especially strong at night, he he he..." Xueyue can"t help showing a curious appearance, Horira ehhh, this is interesting...

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