Devil's Examination

Chapter 9: The Trap In The Test

Translated by: La Phong
Edited by: BE_EP

Book 1 Chapter 9: The Trap In The Test

Gao Ying carefully read the complete examination paper.

The first three questions will not be written, lest you be said to make up the number of words.

Question 4: The blue female ghost whose face was disfigured, is ()

The options are A. left-handed B. right-handed C. she has no hands D. she only crawls on the ground

Question 5: What kind of car is the headless ghost driving before death? ()

The options are A. Mazda B. Audi C. Kia D. Citroen

Question 6: Who does the b.l.o.o.d.y footprint on the stairs belong to? ()

The options are A. Red girl B. Abdomen-torn ghost C. Blue female ghost D. Headless ghost

Question 7: A blue Toyota in the southeast corner of B2, with the license plate number Y YSJS61320, after sitting in the driver"s seat, how long is it till you can see the ghost? ()

The options are A. 3 minutes B. 4 minutes C. 5 minutes D. 6 minutes

Question 8: Which of the following names is not the name of a ghost? ()

The options are A. Zhang Ning B. Lin Biandie C. Song Qidi D. Jiang Wei

Question 9: Among the Honda cars, there is a ghost under one. What is the color of the car? ()

The options are A. Red B. Purple C. Blue D. Yellow

And, the last question 10… How many cars are haunted by ghosts?

To be frank, some of these questions were still relatively difficult and required the candidates to act. Almost half an hour had already pa.s.sed. In the remaining time, it was really difficult to complete all the questions.

In fact, considering from the perspective of completing the exam independently, spreading to investigate was better. However, it was obviously unrealistic. How many people here would dare to act alone? Therefore, it was important at this stage to find those key vehicles.

Red girl…blue female ghost…and, headless ghost…

Just reading it was enough to make people feel creepy.

Gao Ying swallowed and then continued, “Now let"s move on this floor first, pay attention to every car around us, especially the model number of the car, and the license plate number…”

Everyone nodded, everyone started to pay attention to the models and license plates of the surrounding vehicles. Xu Yudan was the most serious. He was a fan of racing movies. He had watched every movie in the “Fast and Furious” series. He was sad for a long time when Paul Walker had died. Among the cars involved in the t.i.tle, in fact, he had personally liked the German cars, and j.a.panese cars… The things of the little devils always felt somewhat repulsive.

Among the current 18 people, 10 males and 8 females, were men more eager to live forever than women?

“In fact, I think…it is a bit strange…” Xu Yudan felt that the atmosphere was a little depressing. While observing the vehicles, he said, “I didn"t really want to write that I longed for eternal life. You know… essays, I usually definitely write according to the idea of the teachers. But, somehow, when I wrote, I had a weird feeling. I didn"t want to lie. I just wanted to write… my real thoughts.”

“Yes? Me, me too!” The fat girl who was close to Xu Yudan was very surprised. “I also wanted to write that I was not interested in eternal life, but I just wanted to put my real thoughts…”

When he heard them, Gao Ying had also trembled.

However, in their subconscious, there are indeed some people who want to express their true feelings. He… was also eager to live forever. After all, at their age, life had just started, and death was a very distant concept for them, but everyone had occasionally thought about it, how good it would be if you could live forever. Because they had not experienced too many setbacks and tribulations, and hadn"t experienced the hardships and difficulties of life, they would simply feel that eternal life was a wonderful thing.

“Well? Look… this is a Mazda!”

At this time, Xu Yudan had noticed the blue Mazda on the right side of his dock, and the striking seagull-like sign in an oval frame in the front of the car. As a well-known brand among j.a.panese cars, Mazda was comparable to famous j.a.panese car brands such as Toyota and Nissan.

Of course, as it was so big here, there should have been more than one Mazda, but Xu Yudan had remembered this time that a few years ago, he had mixed with a group of problem students outside the school. During the Sino-j.a.panese relationship, they had gone to the teacher"s Mazda, shouting that they would boycott j.a.panese goods. Now thinking about it, the actions taken at that time seemed really stupid…

Just as he was about to turn his head, suddenly…

A sound came.

That Mazda, had suddenly… opened the door!

Yes, the car door was actually open!


“This car?”

At this time, everyone"s face became quite ugly. However, some people immediately picked up their pens and had selected A for the fifth question! They didn"t care if it was right or not, they decided to write it first! If it turned out to be right, this ghost couldn"t take their lives!

Looking at the Mazda that opened its doors, Gao Ying looked calm, but he actually had some fear. However, he did not answer easily, although he could change the answer later, he was worried that if he answered wrong, it would trigger the ghost to actively attack the candidates. After all, if the right answers could be bestowed with great rewards, then the wrong answer was likely to bear a huge risk.

At this time, the fat girl was also one of the candidates who had quickly filled in A in the brackets of question 5. Although she was full of flesh, her courage was completely inversely proportional to her body fat. It had also provided peace of mind after writing the answer. Later, she stared at the car, and the headless ghost mentioned in the exam really looked terrible! She could immediately imagine the horror movie in which even after the ghost"s neck breaks, it could still walk!

At this time, everyone"s sight was locked onto the Mazda, and many people were expecting ghosts to appear. If there was a headless ghost in the car, it would prove that their choice was correct. Otherwise, if it wasn"t so, the outcome would be too depressing to think about.

“Gao…Gao Ying?” At this time, Xu Yudan asked Gao Ying with some trepidation. “What should we do?”

After thinking for a long time, Gao Ying had then decided, “Go!”


“There is still time, there is no need to take a risk!”

“But…but?” Xu Yudan was obviously not reconciled. It was the so-called “no pain, no gain”, if seeking stability, how many questions could they do in the end?

Hou Mingbo was also somewhat reluctant. After all, there were 10 points for a multiple-choice question. Doing more than one question would mean one more step to survive. He walked up to Gao Ying and looked up at him (Gao Ying was much taller than him). “Gao Ying, I think, aren"t you being too conservative? At the moment, we must take risks!”

But Gao Ying shook his head and pointed at the open door, “This is a bait. If we bite the bait, we"re done for!”

Hou Mingbo then looked at the door of the car and grasped the examination papers. He was still unwilling, so he bit his lips and said, “Then we walk farther away from the car, and then observe for a while, how about it?”

“Yeah, look at it for a while?”

“If the headless ghost comes out, we will have one more right answer…”

Perhaps because there were more people now, and Gao Ying was the main heart, everyone felt more courageous. Even if the headless ghost were to come out, so many people had felt that the ghost would not kill themselves first. Then, they could answer within that time and they would be safe.

Gao Ying saw everyone"s att.i.tude was the same, and Hou Mingbo"s suggestion had also made sense, so he nodded and said: “Ok… but we can"t wait for too long! Up to five minutes!”

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