Devil's Rise

Chapter 169

With how overbearing my mother had been, I knew I was destined to be a father in a year. Looks like I will have to drop the young from my t.i.tle now. From now on I will be a lord. I shall be the first lord of the Soulless clan.

Henceforth I shall be known as his excellency, Lord Soulless. I couldn"t be as shameless as my great grandfather in making my descendants call me Devil Ancestor. This young l… no, this lord was still young and br.i.m.m.i.n.g with vigor.

Before I knew it three months had pa.s.sed by…

I was now on the teleportation portal heading for the Western Frontier, all my lackeys had been gathered. [Libra] was not the powerful organization I needed right now. It had failed to keep up with the progression of this lord. It would be fixed with time, however.

Wanfang was a strong Viscount and could do battle for me, but he was the only one. The rest of them were a bunch of b.u.mbling Barons which I had no need for. It didn"t surprise me, they had little support while I was away. The fact that many Barons could be birthed from an organization I set in motion as a low-Baron myself was in itself a great success.

I decided against visiting the Hudson Estate before setting off to the Western Frontier. There was nothing left there for this young lord. I was the patriarch of the Soulless clan now, and it would be unbecoming of me to keep leeching their resources. The Wesser Forest had many natural resources available, but it was a property of the Rez"gal Empire.

From my mother"s… urging I took up the banner of the Holy Rossen Empire for my quest into the Western Frontier. It was truly only in name that I had their banner. My grandfather would not interfere in my affairs, he cared little about the Western Frontier. His vision was broader than the resources that were available in the Xertzul Abyss.

After understanding that the Xertzul Abyss was a mortal world, I understood his conviction. Even though he was the Holy Emperor, he still took this world as his home. It would be tyrannical for him to pillage all the resources from his home Abyss when he could just as easily gain them from others. He was the one that won the battle for the Western Frontier to be gifted to the Xertzul Abyss in the first place, it would be like robbing himself.

We came out of the portal into a strange land. Wanfang set out to gather information as my representative. As a lord, I couldn"t go around introducing and speaking for myself. That would be beneath my status. I had two beauties by my side, Holly and Ayla. Holly was already beginning to show signs of pregnancy and Ayla wasn"t far behind.

I had a tough road ahead. I wanted to establish a base camp before they gave birth to my descendants. I knew little of the Western Frontier, only that it was vastly unexplored. Devil"s from all over the Xertzul Abyss were seeking their lucky chance here.

Territory here was claimed with the fist, although there was still respect between different n.o.ble t.i.tles. I learned from my mother before embarking on this journey that there were around 20 Kingdoms and Empires within the Xertzul Abyss. Although there was only one Empire bold enough to claim itself the Holy Empire.

No Count"s and above would foolishly seek trouble with me after seeing the Holy Rossen Empire banner. That was grounds for clan extermination, even if you were from an Empire. Devils were heartless when dealing with lesser races, but we respected our own convoluted laws. We maintain a certain level of respect when dealing with each other.

This area was wild and untamed with no roads or supply lines built. There was no telling what dangers could be lurking within. The chaotic demons that conceded us this wild piece of land were not kind. No doubt there were many dangers that left the continent unexplored by them.

All they did was set up a ma.s.sive Emperor level transport around the continent to move it within our Xertzul Abyss, that didn"t require actually exploring it. With the many external dangers that lie within the Frontier, there was little time for infighting between devils. We were all here for benefits.

The Kingdoms and Empires came to an agreement that anyone who established a new territory would have 600 years of exclusive rights, the lifetime of a Devil Knight. To the Emperors and Kings 600 years was nothing, but to weaklings like me, it was more than enough.

I had accepted my place as a weakling in the grand scheme of things. Viscount was 4 and Emperor was 10, no matter how talented I was or how quickly I grew there was still a mountain for me to climb. The only way I could do that was over the blood and bones of many enemies.

This area was more dangerous than even the Savage Land I had visited before. Emperor level creatures or even Emperor backed indigenous races could be lying in wait at any turn.

"Lord Soulless, I spoke to the managers of the entry town," said Wanfang.

"Continue, Wanfang. What have you learned?" I asked.

"Devils have erected a ma.s.sive trade city around 50 miles ahead called New Haven. It is where most devils seek residence after coming here. Businesses and residences are being erected every day. It is managed by Vanguard Serkos, he is one of the oldest Emperors in the Xertzul Abyss. He was chosen as he could be the most impartial when dealing with so many different factions," said Wanfang.

"Good, then we will establish a business and a residency there as well. Did you find word if any others from the Holy Rossen Empire have come here?" I asked.

"No, when I showed the banner of the Holy Rossen Empire the attendant was surprised. He had not seen it before," said Wanfang.

I was not happy to hear this development, on the contrary, I was troubled. It was one thing for me to get respect from my banner. It was another for me to get preferential treatment. If no others from the Holy Rossen Empire had come yet, then I was a lone wolf.

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