Devil's Rise

Chapter 173

I had let my grand vision be known, the rest would require the hard work of my lackeys. A lord sends down an order and his loyal subjects carry it out. That is how its supposed to be done. Now I had nothing to do with the construction of the great Lakeview City.

I went back home and spent time with my two pregnant brides, then pulled out my Aphalla and started looking for a mission.

This lord had to go find a few good victims. I also needed Aphalla points to rob the sect of resources to provide for my followers. That was the best way for me to progress.

There were numerious missions listed for the Satyr Castle faction. From pocket worlds, to lower worlds, to mortal worlds, and even some within an immortal world. Knowing where I stood on the totem pole, I wasn"t rus.h.i.+ng off to an immortal world to seek death.

[Codex of Souls]

Name: Soulless

Age: 33

Realm: Mortal 4

Talent: D-

Combat Proficiency: D

Minor Daos: Electric, Curse

Major Daos: Devil, Soul, Fire, Sword

Professions: Alchemist, Blacksmith, Formation Master

I was too weak to fight anyone, even within the same realm there. And If I managed to murder some prodigy I might be dead without even knowing why. I didn"t know enough about immortal worlds yet, so that was off the table. It didn"t take long for me to find the perfect mission for myself though.

Investigate the Moon Dusk World: The recruitment channel from the Moon Dusk World has been inactive for quite some time. Please investigate the disturbance.

This mission was listed as exceedingly dangerous. I guess it would be considering you were going into a mortal world. If a powerful person went down they might be surrounded on all sides. And if a week foreigner went there they would be killed immediately. This mission was mostly for humans, but it was perfect for me.

I had status and ident.i.ty in the Moon Dusk World, this lord was s.h.i.+ Da!

This lord also had all his memories and even had plundered his Dao. No one would be able to tell I was any different from the real s.h.i.+ Da. s.h.i.+ Da didn"t even know that many people to start with, he was a lone wolf.

The Moon Dusk World was a human cultivation world as well. They valued honor and decency, cultivators wouldn"t go around randomly attacking those of the younger generation. At least not those on the righteous side. There were also evil cultivators in the human world, they practiced some kind of b.a.s.t.a.r.dization of devilry.

s.h.i.+ Da wasn"t that knowledgeable about the Moon Dusk World as a whole. He started from nothing and got a lucky chance that surged him to greatness. Unfortunately he met this lord before he could truly s.h.i.+ne.

Its alright, this lord shall gladly take your place among the Moon Dusk World. If I could stalk the perfect talented victim there this lord"s strength could grow by leaps and bounds. I finished my affairs in Lakeview City, ensuring that everything was being built to my specifications.

I didn"t plan to be gone long, my children would be born soon and this lord had to be there for their births. I took Dex with me and ported to Satyr Castle with my Aphalla. Jurrath was busy selling off wares, and Sybil was ensuring he didn"t get fat.

I had my Bug, Turtle, and Rabbit with me though. Blinker was still a Baron, but he had team spirit.

I went to go find my shameless Castle Leader to embark on this mission. He was in his office as always, I don"t know how he gets any cultivation done.

"I"d like to take the mission to Investigate the Moon Dusk World," I said to Zat.

"Very well, I"m guessing you have some kind of a.s.surance to visit this human ran mortal world," said Zat.

I dawned my Emperor changling mask a.s.suming the form of s.h.i.+ Da. Even my aura changed matching the fluctuation of the cultivation technique he used. Not even an Emperor should be able to tell the difference.

I took out Fate, my weapon forged for the Sword Dao. Now, I was a true and blue sword cultivator!

"Fascinating concealment item, it"s truly at the peak of mortal worlds," said Zat as he rubbed his beard.

"Give me your Aphalla."

I handed my Aphalla to Zat as he stroked it a bit. His shame knew no bounds!

"To portal back you need to be in range of your descent point. Our channel is cut off at the moment, but that couldn"t stop someone like me from sending you in. If you get near the recruitment channel you should be able to repair it by pointing your Aphalla at it," said Zat as he whisked me away.

I came out in a brand new world!

I was finally here, the real Moon Dusk World! This first visit I was just scout out talents, and finish the sect mission. But next time I"m free, this lord will be taking a stroll. I still had to destroy that trifling s.h.i.+ Clan and put s.h.i.+ Da"s woman on a leash.

The place Zat had ported me was on a beach. I looked around and tried to find my way to the nearest town. I could be anywhere in the Moon Dusk World, and only the Aphalla would point me towards where the channel was. I needed to get my bearings.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" asked a little kid on the beach.

The kid looked at me strangely and walked over to me.

"I just got ported here by mistake, where am I kid?" I asked.

"You are lost?" asked the kid as he looked at me curiously.

"Yes, but where are your parents? I"ll help you find them if you are lost. I am a righteous swordsman," I said, channeling my inner s.h.i.+ Da.

"Welcome to the Grim Fate sect! Now Die!" shouted the kid as he took out a knife and stabbed at my kidney.

"Does s.h.i.+ Da look like a push over?" I thought.

I immediately whirled around Fate and chopped off the kid"s head.

Did he think I had a problem with killing children?

Stupid human!

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