Dimension Wave

Chapter 29


It wasn’t clear who landed the final blow, but Cerberus let out as if he had been torn apart.
At the same time, a flash of white light blinded everybody in the instance as they braced themselves for the next attack.
The light dissipated and revealed white clouds on a backdrop of blue… just as the skies had been before all of this happened.
White petals blew across the battlefield; we were now in a field of flowers in full bloom.

“We did it!”

Everybody was in high spirits and some were crying out from our shared triumph.

“Good job, team.”
“Well done!”
“That was a doozy.”
“h.e.l.l yeah.”

A victory fanfare played in the background—this is an MMO, so of course it did.
I sat down on the bed of flower as both my—as both Kizuna†Exceed’s body and mind were exhausted.
The tension and anxiety I was holding back crushed me all at once now.
It was extremely stressful avoiding getting hit as a Spirit.

—The first wave of Dimension Wave has been defeated!

The game popped up a message in my vision.
There was also a ranking of who contributed the most.
Let’s see where I placed…

—Overall rank #77: Kizuna†Exceed

Looks like I’m 77th place among all other players.
There were a few other rankings as well.

—Total damage given rank #1: Tsugumi†Exceed

No surprise there.
That scythe was great for crowd control.

Oh, there’s a ranking for resources contribution as well.
Alto and Romina were in the top 10.
They did a lot to back us up, eh?

Another category was “Everyday”. I a.s.sume that’s for like activities, like cooking and other roleplaying elements?
I’m at #542 for that.

“Holy! Look! There’s someone who took 80,000 points of damage!”

That guy was #2 for most damage received, but who’s #1?

—Total damage received rank #1: Kizuna†Exceed

… hey, that name looks familiar!
I fell prostrate on the ground.
Now that I look at myself, my clothes had been unequipped, leaving me in my underwear.

Name/ Kizuna†Exceed
Race/ Spirit
Energy/ 19,550
Mana/ 8,100
Serin/ 46,780

Skills/ Energy Production X, Mana Production VII, Fishing Mastery IV, Hate & Lure I, Gutting Mastery IV, Cleaver III, Speed Gutting III, Naval Combat IV, Trans.m.u.tation I

… well, that makes sense.

“Required level to equip… Energy, in my case…”

I never knew there was a level requirement for my clothes.
They got unequipped because I don’t have enough Energy now, I a.s.sumed.
Guess I don’t have much of a choice but to use my old equipment.
I’m glad I kept everything in my inventory.
I clicked out of the rankings and looked through other information.

—Buffs and item usage

There were patch notes for new skills, equipment, and other changes as well.
More weapon types were added too.
Something I was just talking about is the new specialization for scythes, called war scythes; dual blades derived from one-handed swords; and katanas from two-handed swords.
I can’t tell for sure unless I check with the next one, but I’m sure there are new items and skills that are affected by each Dimension Wave.

Oh, hey, it said that fishing rods can now be equipped with reels.
I’ve gotta get me one of those.
I kept scrolling through the notes.

“Racial powers unlocked?”

That line caught my attention while I was skimming.
First off, lemme see what’s in store for Spirits.

—Stone of Mediation implemented.

A crystal that allows its user to project their soul.
Or, at least, that’s what this Spirit-exclusive rock claims to be able to do.
Every Stone of Mediation has a different effect. Some may shorten the amount of time needed to produce Energy or reduce skills’ Energy usage.

Finally, it looks like we all get something from partic.i.p.ating in Dimension Wave.
Ranks 1-5, 6-100, 101-1,000, 1,001-5,000 all get different items.

And since I’m number 77, I should be getting something pretty decent.
I clicked Yes on the dialog box asking me whether I’d like to receive my reward.
Then, a slot machine with numbers and fruits on its reels popped up in my vision.
After a quick spin, three icons of souls lined up in the center.

—Energy Blade obtained.

It looked so fitting for a Spirit like me, though the description looked far from normal.

Energy Blade
Weapon type/ Not applicable
Attack/ 0
Prerequisites/ Must be a Spirit
User must have at least 2 Energy to equip this weapon.
The user charges up the blade with Energy then unleashes all of it in one single blow.
Beware that all charged Energy will be expended upon making an attack, regardless of its success.

All that’s there to the weapon is just its handle.
It’s reminiscent of old movies and anime, like how the blade part would only appear if the sword chooses its wielder.
It sounds cool and all, but I’ll hold off judgement until I try it out.
Personally, I don’t have strong feelings either way.
Since it’s a Spirit-exclusive weapon, it’s quite the oddball. I bet it’ll be tricky to use as well.
At the very least, it’s not an option for me in my current state.
It won’t be long until I’m back in business, so I’ll just keep it safe for now.


Shouko showed up just as I had finished stowing away the Energy Blade into my inventory. Just like everybody else, I congratulated her with a “Well done out there”.
But even though we’ve defeated the Dimension Wave, she looked less than happy.
I couldn’t help but worry about her.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“No, it’s just that… I overdid it out on the battlefield, causing you to suffer such terrible damage…”
“Oh, that’s what’s bothering you? Don’t worry about it. The true winners in games are ones who enjoy themselves, isn’t that right?”

Shouko seemed to be bothered about me losing my Energy.
I had been swarmed by the mob, hurt myself in trying to protect Tsugumi, and nearly lost my life when I was drawing the boss’ aggro. Even if I had voluntarily done all that, she must be feeling guilty about all of the damage I faced.
But I knew.
I knew Shouko had tirelessly used her counterattack skill to protect me. Still, the fan-type weapon needs to be charged so, of course, she couldn’t block 100% of Cerberus’ attacks.
Nevertheless, it was touching to hear that she had been thinking of me the entire time.

“More importantly, the sea! I mean, I’d love to head back out onto the water, but with the little Energy I have left, I’ll just be dead weight.”
“Nonsense. I will help you reach… no, rather, I wish to be by your side and reach beyond the horizon together.”
“I couldn’t ask for anybody better. I knew that before, but seeing you out there today, I’m even more sure of it.”

I can’t forget how graceful of an acrobatic Shouko was when facing Cerberus.
And frighteningly, she’s as skilled as Tsugumi.
Even though her prowess suits the frontlines much better, knowing her and her personality, I’m sure she’ll choose to stay with me.
But I know better than to outright ask her to return to the frontlines.

“It’s been a long day. Let’s head back to the First and get some rest.”
“Oh, but…”

Shouko pressed her index finger to her lips, cueing me to stay quiet.
Then, she looked over at Cerberus’ corpse.
I get it now… gutting, eh?
I was going to tell Roz and his party about the power of gutting-type weapons, but I didn’t get the chance to do so.
I definitely had a hard time keeping cool back there. I mean, it’s only natural to get mad when someone insults you and your friends, right?

We made our way over to where Cerberus fell and eyed the other players.
Many of them were already teleporting out of the instance since the raid was finished.
The thriftier ones were walking home while the frontliners didn’t even bat an eye when they used their Tomes of Returning.
Some of the braver ones were even saying how they’re headed off for the next battle.
There were still too many people around for me to start gutting—that is if I still wanted to keep this a secret.

“Shall we stay here for a while? It’d be a waste to not enjoy the scenery.”
“… yeah, why not?”

The bed of flowers was simply fantastic—both in the sense that it was beautiful but also unrealistically so.
It’s almost as if the devs put it in here for us players to relax after the raid.
Well, Cerberus’ corpse lying there kinda spoils the view though.

“Miss Kizuna!”
“Oh, hey, Yamikage. Good work back there.”
“I thank ye, but I bear exciting news.”
“Ooh, what is it?”
“I am now the highest ranked Spirit!”
“Number one in the Energy rankings, eh?”

It’s no surprise for someone who has acc.u.mulated a total of more than a million Energy.
I bet Circle Drain contributed a lot to her growth too.

“Where’s Sheryl anyway?”
“… I have been here the whole time.”
“Agh! Don’t scare me like that.”

Sheryl suddenly spoke up from behind me.
I had no idea she was with us. It’s almost like she concealed herself or something.
Well, I’m probably unperceptive because I’m just too tired.

Near the end of the raid, Sheryl was still fighting the mob to not get in our way.
It’s boring, but someone’s gotta do it.
Or rather, it shows exactly how considerate and attentive Sheryl is.
Like that time with the bird-type monster who tried to run from us. She’s always there to back us up and to take care of loose ends.
Anyway, it looks like we’re all back together now.

“I don’t think I need to explain much, but let’s enjoy the garden here while we’re waiting to do that thing I always do.”
“‘Tis a splendid idea!”
“Yes, let’s.”

I’ll be honest. I’ve never sat around in a park to enjoy the cherry blossoms or anything like that in real life. But perhaps I’m still feeling the adrenaline rush from the fight, this was a little exciting.
… I mean, as exciting as looking as flowers can be.

“It’s a little boring to sit around with nothing. I’ll make sure I take up cooking next time, so we can have a picnic or something.”
“Will it not be straining your Energy reserves, Miss Kizuna?”
“You’re right, but it’s something I should learn sooner or later. It’ll be useful for our voyage on the seas.”
“That would not be a bad idea. We bring some food on board, but if we run out, we can rely on cooking.”
“Since we have Shouko and Yamikage as specced purely for combat and Sheryl for crafting. I guess that leaves me as the team’s cook.”
“… only if you’re okay with it.”
“It’ll synergize well with my weapon type too.”

I’ll catch and cook our meals.
Now that I think about it, I don’t do much with the fish after I catch them. Why didn’t I take up cooking sooner?
The more I think about it, the more sense it makes.
Hmm? It sounds like someone’s running up to us.
It was Tsugumi and Roz’s party.

“Big brooooo!”

She barreled towards me and squeezed me tightly in her arms.
Maybe because I’m low on Energy, but I didn’t have the strength to pry her off of me.

“That was some amazing support there, Kizuna.”
“You too, Roz. Almost all of you are ranked in the top 100, right?”
“Ah, we were just lucky.”
“You guys wanna join us? We were just about to celebrate our victory.”

Roz looked like he thought about it for a quick second.
Well, I don’t blame him for being hesitant in front of total strangers.

“I hate to say no, but we’ve got to get going.”
“You guys heading out for more grinding?”
“Nah, but we’ve gotta figure out our equipment and skills.”
“Frontliners sure have it rough. Well, good luck with that then.”

They’re throwing themselves back out onto the battlefield right after a huge raid battle.
Honestly, I’m ready to pa.s.s out already. Frontliners are just so impressive.
Well, I mean, I’ve been in their position before too. I know just how addictive games can be.
Roz didn’t look like he was here just to say hi.

“Anyways, I was hoping to talk to the girl with the fan.”
“Yes? What is it?”

Shouko looked at him with suspicion.
He’s gonna ask her to join their party, I bet.
Well, after seeing Shouko perform like that during the raid, everybody should be begging her to join their parties.

“I was wondering if you’d like to join—”
“No, thank you.”

She cut Roz off before he could even finish his sentence.
Yamikage and Sheryl looked like they wanted to say something but judging by how quickly she rejected him, I don’t think anyone could change Shouko’s mind.
It was a bit of a shock, frankly speaking.
I wouldn’t have expected her to flatly reject him like that, given how considerate Shouko is.
She was quick to understand what he wanted as well.
But even for being such an upright and proper lady, Shouko has her brash moments too, I guess. To refuse him like that is not unimaginable.
Rosette seemed a little taken aback as well.

“But with your skill, you’d be perfect for the frontlines.”
“I will follow Kizuna no matter what.”

… I’ve knew from the get-go that Shouko is like that, but still, that’s super embarra.s.sing for me.
I can still remember how politely she bowed to me when we first met.

“I see… sorry for trying to poach your party member like that, Kizuna.”
“No worries. That’s just how Shouko is.”
“Yeah, I can tell… those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds have no idea what they’re missing out on.”

I’m guessing he’s referring to Shouko’s previous party members.
It’s easy to judge us Spirits by the rumors that surround us.
A lot of people fall into a bad habit of blindly listening to whatever strategy sites or wiki pages instead of seeing it for themselves.
It really is a shame for them. I’ve really hit it off with Shouko.
Not only is she a great person, she’s real skilled at combat too.

“Alrighty, then we’ll be heading off.”
“Gotcha. I can’t wait to fight alongside you guys again.”

Roz and his party waved goodbye before teleporting away.
But my sister, Tsugumi, is still clung onto me like a koala.

“What’s good, bro?”
“Your party’s gone already, y’know?”

Tsugumi looked over her shoulder to see no traces of her teammates anywhere.
Then, she shook her head and looked at me.

“What’s up?”
“… big bro, are you guys going to sit here and chill for a bit?”
“That’s what we’re planning to do. What about it?”

For some reason, Tsugumi was staring straight into my eyes.
She only looks like this when she’s really concentrating at her games.
She must be thinking long and hard about something.
No one—not even Kanata—can break her concentration.
It’s like Tsugumi gets into some sort of a trance.
Shouko gets into a hyper-aware state like this sometimes too.
But Tsugumi? She only gets like this when she’s doing something she likes… that is to say when only when she’s gaming.
And seemingly as if she’s figured it all out, she beamed with a smile.

“Alright! I’ve made up my mind! See ya, big bro!”

Then, she disappears after using a Tome of Returning.
What was that all about?

“Anyway. Let’s go enjoy the flowers, shall we?”

We sat around chatting until everyone around us had left.

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