Din no Monshou

Chapter 26


Pack (01/02)

NT: Errrm… Howdy… It"s been a long time, isn"t it? I"ve been quite busy… or, well, kinda. Anyway, i"m back, and with a little pack (literally, just a pack). Errrm, i wanted to make a little bigger one, but… the chapters of this novel are a little longer than the otrers and i"m a little busy right now with the spanish version of everything. It is not a pretty thing. Anyway, the thing is that doesn"t have time to go making biggers packs. Errrm, that"s all i guess. Now, READ.

Edgar entered one of the streets that opened along the central district.

Unlike the main street where we had been walking a while ago, the number of people here was quite low.

Also, there didn"t seem to be much sunlight penetrating through.

The entire place had a dreary and creepy atmosphere.

There were several shops lined up on the street and several suspicious people circled around them.

Everything they sold in those stores looked just as suspicious.

Poison bags removed from monsters.

Accessories taken from fallen travelers.

It was full of all kinds of merchandise of doubtful origin.

「It"s a pretty nice place」

「Isn"t it? It is a really wet and gloomy place, a good place to do bad things.

It would be the perfect place if it wasn"t for all the mushrooms that grow everywhere」

「Is it okay for us to walk around here?」

「Nnn, I think we"ll be fine.

In addition, most stores here sell their merchandise to the n.o.bles.

They deal with all kinds of poisons among other things」

Ho~o, you"re so well-informed.

As expected of someone who survived for a long time as a mercenary.

She sure are a great guide when it comes to suspicious places like this.

Even so, I didn"t know that such places existed in the capital.

Moreover, this place is in a secluded place not far from the main street.

「Security is not very good in this place, so don"t get away from me」

Edgar said something so reliable.

She would heve looked great if it wasn"t because she said it while staggering through her drunkenness.

Couldn"t you be a little smarter?

「Is your house on this street or something?」

「If I slept in a place like this I would be mugged.

By the time I woke up they would have even taken my clothes off, so no」


I guess she would be attacked due to her good looks.

Is our destiny further?

We advanced through a dimly lit street, and even the surrounding shops began to decline.

Then, Edgar went into an alley.

At that moment, a rat escaped running between Edgar"s boots.

This place doesn"t have an environment that makes someone think that it is remotely clean.

As we advanced through the alley, we came across a crossroads.

We turn left and continue walking on a different path.

When we reached a dead end, Edgar lit some fire.

It seemed to be too dark to see properly.

「… Alright, I think it was around here」

Edgar stroked the stone floor.

Then she found a large stone that stood out.

When she press it, the stone sank into the ground while making a hollow sound.

Then, after Edgar pressed her arm deeper, she pulled a lever that seems to be located underground.

「Let"s go」

Then, a part of the ground raised up.

Due to the wind that came out when she opened, I a.s.sumed it was some kind of bas.e.m.e.nt.

It is probably an underground secret pa.s.sage.

When the pa.s.sage opened enough for a person to enter, Edgar guided me inside.

「It"s been some time since I last came here. The last time was about 9 years ago I think, during the civil war」

「The Civil War between the n.o.bles, right?」

Now that I think about it, I think I heard that, 9 years ago, the Northern n.o.ble District and the Southern n.o.ble District came into conflict――

Although the King intervened in the middle, it is said that many private soliders and guards were killed or seriously injured during that conflict.

Strangely, the ident.i.ty of the n.o.bles involved with that incident was hidden and the origin of the incident ended up becoming a complete mystery.

At that time, the Din House only received news of what happened when the incident was over.

The information network was not really friendly with the n.o.bles of the border.

It is in these moments that I realize how weak the information network of the n.o.bles who live in such remote places is.

「I used this place as a shelter at that time.

I was a mercenary at the service of the n.o.bles of the Southern District back then」


「It"s a good place.

You can bring an enemy to torture them without anyone hearing them and there will be no witnesses」

Don"t say such sinister things.

You even have a sinister shadows on your face.

That only makes you look like a villain.

The only bad thing is that your cheeks are still dyed red by alcohol.

That"s why you can only be a cla.s.s B villain, no matter how hard you try.

Well, anyway, you don"t look like a villain.

Moreover, if you were silent and put on a dress, you would even look like a princess to me.

Why do you end up wasting that charm by being so disappointing?

That is a mystery that only compares to the wonders of the world.

The underground pa.s.sage we entered was really dark.

The humidity of the air caressed my cheek.

I noticed a strange aroma when we entered.

It is a unique smell caused by stagnation of the air inside, which makes me understand that this place hasn"t been used for a long time.

However, it is strangely warm in here.

I wonder if there will be any protection against the cold here.

Edgar, who was leading, suddenly put her hands on something with a subtle look

「Here is my alcohol…」

「In the end, you just brought me here to get your alcohol!」

Edgar began checking the rest of the barrels.

She has already been lost in alcohol.

Do you still think about drinking after getting drunk?

The room where we were was quite small, but it was packed with supplies.

Inside there was also some preserved food.

But will they be fine after being stored for 10 years?

「Uwaa … There is mold on these m.u.f.fins.

And the dried meat I left here 10 years ago has already turn into a real monster」

「Leave that」

I don"t think anything, other than alcohol, would be fine after all that time.

Things here are in a worse state than an abandoned rice cooker for half a year.

It seems that I might even find something really terrified if I try to search.

While I was thinking about that with a wry smile on my face, Edgar spoke to me in a completely different tone than he had been using so far.

「Well, this is not the real reason I brought you here. Regis, you already noticed, right?」

「Of course. I noticed it before, as we walked here…」

Looks like they caught the hook.

Edgar"s drunken performance worked.

It was so realistic that even I began to think she was really drunk.

But, that"s why the enemy also thought we would be an easy target.

Edgar and I turned back at the same time.

The footsteps echoed through the narrow hallway.

Finally, we were three people in this subway.

I turned off my detection magic and put my hand on the knife that was over my waist.

An intense killing intent was directed towards us.

「So they have arrived. Mister Hogos"s a.s.sa.s.sin」

Edgar took a step and pointed towards the entrance.

Then, a tall and thin man appeared.

It is the guy that has been following us from the magic shop.

The man babbled in a low voice while emitting an intense killing intent.

「… Kill」

He had an unpleasant voice.

His eyes were the only thing I could see, the rest of his face was covered by a black cloth.

His forehead looked somewhat bulky, I wonder if he was wearing a bandana.

He was holding a pair of odachi in both his hands while exhaling a cold breath.

 NT: Odachi: They are large katanas, whose length usually exceeds 90 centimeters.

「It was you who destroyed my shop?」

「… So is. But that"s all I will say.

Savor eternal death while you overwhelm yourself in the mystery」

「… Aah. You, are you one of the Stalin Brothers?

I was wondering who you would be, but I could recognize you by your tone and your figure」

「Stalin brothers?」

What is that? I had never heard of them.

But Edgar, who seemed well informed, gave me an explanation.

「They are mercenaries from the Royal Capital.

No, they aren"t. Despite being called mercenaries, they only accept work related to murder, they are only a couple of expert a.s.sa.s.sins」

「Expert killers?」

「Originally they were supposed to act as a couple.

Was my information wrong?」


「I see, you don"t want to answer.

If I obey my intuition, I would say that the other is taking care of another matter」

He will not easily filter the information.

However, it is natural.

There are probably two reasons why they sent that man ―― Stalin, was here.

One of them must be to punish Edgar, who insults the Hogos faction near the Northern n.o.ble District.

And the other must be to kill me, who is the heir of the Din House.

It seems that Hogos likes to completely crush those who humiliate him.

He is really an insignificant person.

「.. Don"t talk, keep silent. Shut up, die」

Stalin began to approach us casually.

Meanwhile, he raised his two swords over his head.

Then, the moment he exhale, he pounced on me.

「Oops. I will be the one who fights with you, fellow swordsman」

Edgar stepped forward and stopped him with her long sword.

Then they started their violent encounter.

Every time the blades of their swords met, an unpleasant sound was produced.

「… b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I know you. You are 『The Slippery Edgar』, famous for always escaping quickly. Your sword skill is undoubtedly inferior to ours」

「I know that. But even so, I"m still a former mercenary.

I"ll ask you something, do mercenaries" abilities only reduce to their magic and their sword skill?」

Edgar asked him that with a provocative tone.

Then, Stalin responded slowly.

「… So is. They have nothing besides that」

「―― You just have to be a third category mercenary.

True mercenaries value teamwork. Like this」

Edgar winked at me as she said it.

Alright, time to play.

I will use a spell that I have been practicing for some time.

It should be time to activate it.

In fact, the degree of difficulty that this magic has is relatively high.

I"ve been practicing for 4 years, but I"m still not sure how it will work out.

However, it should be possible for me now. I have to be able to do it.

「Oh n.o.ble and powerful fire spirit.

Protect me from my enemies with your powerful flames!―― 『Fire Sh.e.l.l』!」

After shouting that, I suffered from a severe headache.

It hurts so much that I think my head might even crack.

But it"s okay.

I can still endure a pain of this degree ――!

The magical power left my body and immediately covered me and Edgar.

Then, a flame barrier surrounded our bodies as if trying to protect us.

【Fire Sh.e.l.l】

Well, for a reason it is a difficult to learn fire spell.

Even so, it seems I could master it.

This will decrease or even nullify the damage of fire magic.

Stalin frowned after seeing my magic.

「… I don"t use fire magic, that thing is useless」

「I"m not asking you to “use it”. Now Regis!」


I slept enough last night, so I still have some magic power left.

There is only one thing we can do in this close situation considering our position.

I began to chant the spell.

Edgar waved the sword in her arm to get attention.

At the same time, she started shouting loudly to provoke Stalin.

「What would happen if someone used powerful fire magic in this narrow room?」

「… Is that what you plan? I"m sorry, but I also have a trump card」

Stalin violently cut the air with his sword as he stepped back.

I was wondering if he was trying to escape.

But it was completely the opposite.

While wielding his swords, Stalin chant the spell at an incredibly high speed.

「Flash of the horrible prison that drove me to madness. That that dark and unpleasant G.o.d inhabits my swords―― 『Chaos ・ Stroke』」

At that moment, Stalin"s swords were disfigured.

A mysterious and sinister steam of a purple spit emanated from them.

「… Die, Mercenary」

Then, he began to swing his swords as if he were dancing.

Sometimes they seemed to go slow and other times seemed to take quick steps.

Then, they will suddenly disappear and made it impossible for anyone to read his sword at all.

「… Guh!」

A cold sweat fell from Edgar"s forehead.

I guess it was a magic she had never seen before.

For a moment, Edgar tried to go to the exit.

But when she saw me, she smiled as if remembering something.

「I will not run away.

And if I die, at least I"ll take you with meeeeEEEEE!」

Edgar threw herself forward determinedly.

On the other hand, Stalin slowly changed the rhythm of his swords.

A blow fell from above to Edgar.

It was a deadly attack on Edgar"s neck which would instantly lead to death ――

「―― 『Cross Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaast!』」

My scream echoed throughout the room.

I couldn"t do it on time if I simply sang incantation normally.

I just needed to delay and Edgar would die.

As a result, I decided to skip the spell.

It was an extraordinary skill with a great degree of difficulty to learn.

But even so, I succeeded in using it.

Immediately after, the room started to light up.

The fire burned to the ceiling and stood between those two.

「… Tch」

Stalin, who was about to strike his mortal blow, jumped back due to the heat.

He had no protection against fire magic.

He would definitely burn if he didn"t retire.

The flames went into every corner of the room, burning the barrels with alcohol and destroying everything.

Stalin leapt toward the entrance while avoiding the flames.

I guess he can no longer continue his murder.

「Hey! Aren"t you going to keep playing with me?」

「… I"d rather, abstain. Goodbye」

After saying that, Stalin started running towards the exit.

As the fire tried to consume him, he increased his speed.


My words were ignored and Stalin escaped through the exit.

Only me and Edgar, who was trembling in the middle of the room, remained in place.

Edgar probably thought she was already dead.

Then she put her hands on her neck and was surprised to discover that she was still alive.

「… Wow. I"m alive」

She seemed to be quite scared, her hands were still shaking.

When Edgar approached me, I told her we should leave.

Although I didn"t feel it too much thanks to my magic, hot things are still hot.

Also, when the effect of my magic dissipates, we will be consumed by the flames in an instant.

We both ran out of the room as fast as we could and somehow managed to escape on time.


I still felt the musty smell.

Even so, without a doubt, we were abroad.

It was the alley.

Edgar, who somehow escaped with me, put the rock back in its place.

「Seriously, he used some really strange magic.

I would definitely be dead if not for your help, Regis」

Certainly, if I hadn"t done anything at that time, that man would have won.

There is no way it wasn"t so considering his power.

Hogos seems to have hired some dangerous mercenaries.

I must hurry up and come back to tell others what happened.

Although Wokins is in the mansion, it never hurts to have some extra precaution.

「Edgar. I"m going back now――」


Edgar"s scream interrupted me as he said that.

What happens so suddenly? Do you plan to use the Futae no Kiwami?

It"s unexpected, but I don"t think it"s impossible if it"s her.

Even so, it looks different than I remembered.

Taking into account her position, it could also be the Gatotsu Zero Stance.

I call her to find out what really happens to her.

NT: I really didn"t understand what he was talking about. It seems to be a reference to a series called Rurouni Kenshin, but unfortunately I know nothing more than that.

「So? What is the problem?」

「I forgot to bring the remaining alcohol!

Please help me remove the stone again」

「… Do it yourself」

When I decided to leave her, Edgar started asking me for help with tears in her eyes.

I wonder why it will be? When I see her in that state, my heart starts beating faster.

It can not be helped. Somehow I ended up helping her reopen the entrance to the hideout.

「Thank you. Let"s drink together later」

「I told you that I"m only 7 years old」

「No, you didn"t tell me. And you are really mature for your age」

「That… didn"t I say it?」

「No, well, maybe you said it while I was drunk and I just forgot it」

「Could you stop drinking at once?」

She really is a pitiful mercenary.

I think I had said it before.

That"s why I can"t keep wasting time.

I have to tell the rest about Stalin as soon as possible.

「I"m going back home now. You should be careful too」

「WWait. Have this in thanks for helping me recover my alcohol」

After saying that, Edgar started looking for something in her chest.

The inside of her shirt was completely fussing.

From here it looked quite provocative.

I wonder what you are looking for.

Edgar smiles confidently.

「I had a hard time recently.

But I didn"t plan to sit idly by.

Therefore, despite having a very bad time, I managed to get this」

After saying that, Edgar took out a piece of paper.

It was a strange gray paper.

It also looked like it had been trampled many times.

「What is that? There is nothing written in it」

「*Fufun* I managed to steal it in the middle of the fight」

「That is incredible. To be able to do it in the middle of the fight …

Wait, why did you steal that paper?」

It doesn"t seem to be more useful than picking up someone else"s receipt.

However, Edgar began to explain while pointing at the paper.

「It is a magical article handmade by thieves.

When you put magic power into it, the words will begin to appear.

And since it is not affected by distance, they usually use it to give notices or messages」

In fact, it sounds like something useful.

However, I don"t think it"s something you can easily notice.

At first glance, it seems like nothing more than a plain sheet of paper.

「Even if they can fool a n.o.bleman or commoners, they won"t fool me.

But, I"m still losing in a matter of skill」

Edgar laughed happily.

She seems proud of herself, but even so, there is nothing written on that paper.

Ignoring my disappointment, Edgar raised her chest proudly.

… They are big.

Almost as big as Wokins.

Wait, we were having a serious conversation. Focus on the reason you stole that paper.

「Hey, why did you steal it even though it didn"t have anything written?」

「Is not that. It"s just that the other side can also erase what they have written on it for their convenience.」

「So it"s useless anyway, isn"t it?」

「That"s why I will use my magic to know what was written.

Despite looking like this, I can also use some of the magic the thieves uses, Surprised!?」

No, that is not something that surprises me.

You give the impression that you would use it to steal something.

I could have believed it if I didn"t know you.

I admit you"re pretty, but I"m sure I won"t like what I see if I get closer.

「So? Will the words will be legible again once you use the magic?」

「So is. With it I can reveal the confidential information of the enemies」

Edgar let out an inappropriate laugh as she said that.

She seemed to be remembering other times when she had to use that magic.

Maybe I should change my opinion of her.

Of course, only if she didn"t hold a bottle of alcohol while we talked.

「That body possessed by this magic trick.

Submit to my judgment――  『Trick Destroy』」

Then, the overflowing magic power covered the sheet of paper.

Gradually the magical power began to reveal what was previously hidden.

Soon after, the words began to appear.

It seems that it hasn"t been too long since they had deleted it.

「It came out. Let"s see, what does it say?」

「… This is!? Give me that!」

I s.n.a.t.c.hed Edgar"s sheet of paper and saw what it had written.

It was hard to read, but somehow I could decipher it.

The moment I read what the letter said, I felt a chill run down my entire back.

『Preparations finished. Head of the Din House. To death』

To be honest, I didn"t understand what it meant.

But, from what was written on the paper, I could say that it was a very serious situation.

Head of the Din House, to death.

There is no doubt that the Hogos faction was pointing to Shadiberga"s life.

Edgar said that man named Stalin worked with his brother.

In other words, the brother who wasn"t here should be pointing to Shadiberga"s life.

Either way, they had gone to attack him.

But honestly, I don"t think Wokins loses.

It doesn"t matter how strong or cunning the enemy is.

I can"t even imagine that she loses.

Even so, I can"t take off this bad feeling.

I move my eyes to the lines that were written on the paper.

Preparations finished.

That was it.

Those words were flooding my mind.

While Wokins was in the mansion, I wouldn"t have to worry about Shadiberga.

But, if for some reason, Wokins weren"t in the mansion――

… I have to make sure.

Even if it"s reckless.

「Hey, what is the distance from here to the Southern n.o.ble District? ――」


「Mega Telepath will arrive from here?」

Edgar was silent for a moment when I asked her that.

However, understanding that it was an emergency, she answered me sincerely.

「I don"t know, I"ve never used it before, so I don"t know the details.

But I think it might be possible.

But since the consumption of magical power increases in proportion to distance, I don"t recommend you to――」

「… 『Magic Power Deployment』」


Edgar raised her surprised voice.

But ignore her and continue with the spell.

I should be able to use it, even at this distance.

From here, it will take me 15 minutes to reach the South n.o.ble District if I walk.

If I connect the circuit by force, I might be able to activate it.

Although the recoil will be painful.

However, I can"t worry about those things right now.

I chant the spell for Mega Telepath, a high-ranking magic, without hesitation.

「From my body, appears, magic circuit―― 『Mega Telepath』!」

I felt a pain similar to being stabbed by needles whipping my head.

The intense pain attacked me many times.

I felt my nerves burst with pain. Sweat had even begun to soak my face.

But even so, I somehow managed to endure the pain and imagine Wokins" face.

I must warn her.

At that moment――

The magical power suddenly dispersed.

Without being able to receive any response, the magic returned to nothing.

「… Eh?」

The damage I received was proportional to the magic rebound.

The beating of my heart resonates in my ears.

But the strong beating of my heart is not only due to the recoil.

That Mega Telepath reacts that way can only mean one thing.

――『The Individual with whom you wish to connect is outside the effective area』

The magic circuit was supposed to reach the mansion, even at this distance.

I challenged myself using magic without considering the great consumption of magical power.

But, even so, it shouldn"t have failed.

In other words, Wokins is not in the mansion at this time.

That is the only explanation.

「… d.a.m.n, what"s going on?」

I try to use Mega Telepath again.

This time it will be to contact me with Shadiberga.

He should remain in the mansion at all times.

However, the pain of the previous rebound still remains and prevents me from concentrating enough for a second activation.

I needed the same amount of magical power――  Besides, it was still unreasonable to use high-ranking magic in succession.

If that"s how things are, I have no choice but to check it with my own eyes.

In fact, there was still the possibility that Mega Telepath simply wasn"t be able to reach the mansion.

That tells me my intuition. Although I cannot a.s.sure that it is 100% safe.

Even so――  That Wokins wasn"t in the mansion would be much worse.

There are few people able to protect Shadiberga.

「Here we parted, don"t end up getting sick from the cold of the night」

「… Eh? Are you leaving?」

Edgar asked me with a blank stare.

I stare at her.

I"m sure I have a miserable look at the moment.

Edgar also looked pale.

As the situation was, I would have liked to accompany her to an inn.

Actually, I would have preferred to take her with me to the mansion.

Of course, just to increase our combat forces.

I would certainly need her help if I wanted to protect myself from those a.s.sa.s.sins.

However, it would be cruel to force her right now.

Edgar is still exhausted, and is injured in several parts.

She exhausted all her forces fighting that man.

There is no way she would get away unscathed after a fight like that.

I can"t take her to a dangerous place.

I prefer that she stay away for a while.

「I"m leaving then」

「Wa…. Wait, Regis!?」

I ignored her voice.

I ran to the Southern n.o.ble District with all the strength I had left.

I must hurry up and confirm the safety of Shadiberga.

I feel anxious. I feel as if my heart is bursting.

Even though I was about to collapse, I managed to return to the mansion――

NT: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments.

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