Well may we ever be, Ill may we never be; Here"s to the President And good company.

May health and happiness both be yours, And fortune smile on all you do; And we hope you feel like wishing us The same good things we"re wishing you!

--_From Royal Blue._

G.o.d made man Frail as a bubble; G.o.d made love, Love made trouble.

G.o.d made the vine, Was it a sin That man made wine To drown trouble in?

May love, like wine, improve as Time advances, May we always have old wines, old friends and young cares.

"Twas nectar fed Of old, "tis said, Their Junos, Joves, Apollos; And man may brew His nectar too, The rich receipts as follows: Take wine like this, Let looks of bliss Around it well be blended; Then bring wit"s beam To warm the stream, And there"s your nectar, splendid!

So, wreathe the bowl With flowers of soul The brightest wit can find us; We"ll take a flight Towards heaven tonight, And leave dull earth behind us!

--_Thomas Moore._


May every joy the traveler knows, Be yours upon the trip, May favoring winds fill out your sails And safely speed your ship.

May rest and recreation bring Their meed of health and strength While under alien skies you roam, Then homeward turn at length.

To those who have pa.s.sed me on the highway and gave greeting, To the possible friends who have come my way, whose eyes lingered as they fell on mine, May they ever be eager with youth, and strong with fellowship May they never miss a welcome or want a comrade.

--_Marie McGee._

Here"s to man, G.o.d"s first thought.

Here"s to woman, G.o.d"s second thought As second thoughts are best-- Here"s to woman.

Drink, for you know not Whence you came nor why; Drink, for you know not why You go, nor whence.

--_Omar Khayyam._

Here"s to the press, the pulpit and the petticoat, the three ruling powers of the day. The first spreads knowledge, the second spreads morals, and the third spreads considerably.

The Lord gave teeth to men, that they might eat, And then, to use them on, he gave us meat; But here"s a health to that great man who took And brought the two together--to the cook!


Here"s a toast to the host who carved the roast; And a toast to the hostess--may none ever "roast" us.


The soldiers of America.

Their arms our defense, our arms their reward; Fall in, men, fall in.


Here"s to the chaperone, May she learn from Cupid Just enough blindness To be sweetly stupid.

--_Oliver Herford._


If we drink to China, we drink the poison of the "Sick Man of the East;" if we drink to Italy, we put "The Boot" on the wrong foot; if we drink to Peru, we burn our lips on the equator; so let us drink to him who hath not harm in his heart, venom in his veins, nor flaw in his flag--Uncle Sam.

Let us toast our huddled little brothers of the frigid North--the Esquimaux. They need it.


Far renowned for larnin" and piety, Still I"d advance ye widout impropriety, Father O"Flynn as the flower of them all.

Here"s a health to you, Father O"Flynn, Slainte and slainte and slainte agin.

Pow"rfulest preacher and tenderest teacher And kindliest creature in ould Donegal.

To the stars and the stripes, To the land of our birth, The American girl-- The best things on earth.

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