
"That man that hath a tongue I say is no man If with his tongue he cannot win a woman."


"A sweeter and a lovelier gentleman Fram"d in the prodigality of Nature, Young, valiant, wise and no doubt right royal; The s.p.a.cious world cannot again afford."


"Oh, he was all made up of love and charms, Whatever maid could wish or man admire."


For the Soldier:

"They never fail who die in a great cause."--_Byron._

"The rascal hath good mettle in him."--_Shakespeare._

For the Young Girl:

"Blessings be about you dear, wherever you may go."--_Allingham._

"The mildest manners and the gentlest heart."--_Shakespeare._

"A Book of Verses underneath the Bough, A jug of Wine, a loaf of bread--and Thou Beside me singing in the Wilderness.

O, Wilderness were Paradise enow."

--_Omar Khayyam._

"Grace was in her steps, heaven in her eyes; In every gesture dignity and love."


"Bright as the sun her eyes the gazers strike, And like the sun they shine on all alike."


"The clear blue eyes, the tender smile, The sovereign sweetness, the gentle grace, The woman"s soul and the angel"s face."


Apt sentiments in connection with each course add much to the interest or amus.e.m.e.nt of guests, but they must be chosen intelligently.


If the dinner be to a guest of honor, have something like this at the head of the menu:

"I beseech you all be better known to this gentleman."--_Shakespeare._


"Come, gentlemen!! Here"s sauce for the G.o.ds."

"Let hunger move thy appet.i.te, not savory sauce."

--_Babee"s Book._


"A man can die but once."--_Henry IV._

"Cowards die many times--the truly valiant never taste death but once."--_Shakespeare._


"England"s darling."--_Alfred Austin._

"Cut and come again."--_Crabbe._

"Our old and faithful friend, we"re glad to see you."--_Shakespeare._


"All the world is my oyster."--_Anon._

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