Divine Songs

Chapter 3

5 Samuel the child was wean"d, and brought To wait upon the Lord; Young Timothy betimes was taught To know his holy Word.

6 Then why should I so long delay What others learn so soon?

I would not pa.s.s another day Without this work begun.

Song 15.

_Against Lying_.

1 O `tis a lovely thing for youth To walk betimes in wisdom"s way; To fear a lye, to speak the truth, That we may trust to all they say.

2 But lyars we can never trust, Though they should speak the thing that"s true, And he that does one fault at first, And lyes to hide it, makes it two.

3 Have we not known, nor heard, nor read, How G.o.d abhors deceit and wrong?

How Ananias was struck dead Catch"d with a lye upon his tongue?

4 So did his wife Sapphira die When she came in, and grew so bold As to confirm that wicked lye That just before her husband told.

5 The Lord delights in them that speak The words of truth; but every lyar Must have his portion in the lake That burns with brimstone and with fire.

6 Then let me always watch my lips, Lest I be struck to death and h.e.l.l, Since G.o.d a book of reckoning keeps For every lye that children tell.

Song 16.

_Against Quarrelling and Fighting_.

1 Let dogs delight to bark and bite, For G.o.d has made them so; Let bears and lyons growl and fight, For `tis their nature too.

2 But, children, you should never let Such angry pa.s.sions rise; Your little hands were never made To tear each other"s eyes.

3 Let love thro" all your actions run, And all your words be mild; Live like the blessed Virgin"s Son, That sweet and lovely child.

4 His soul was gentle as a lamb; And as his stature grew, He grew in favour both with man And G.o.d his Father too.

5 Now, Lord of all, he reigns above, And from his heavenly throne, He sees what children dwell in love, And marks them for his own.

Song 17.

_Love between Brothers and Sisters_.

1 What ever brawls are in the street There should be peace at home; Where sisters dwell and brothers meet Quarrels shou"d never come.

2 Birds in their little nests agree; And `tis a shameful sight, When children of one family Fall out, and chide, and fight.

3 Hard names at first, and threatening words, That are but noisy breath, May grow to clubs and naked swords, To murder and to death.

4 The devil tempts one mother"s son To rage against another: So wicked Cain was hurried on, Till he had kill"d his brother.

5 The wise will make their anger cool At least before `tis night; But in the bosom of a fool It burns till morning light.

5 Pardon, O Lord, our childish rage; Our little brawls remove; That as we grow to riper age, Our hearts may all be love.

Song 18.

_Against Scoffing and calling Names_.

1 Our tongues were made to bless the Lord, And not speak ill of men: When others give a railing word, We must not rail again.

2 Cross words and angry names require To be chastiz"d at school; And he"s in danger of h.e.l.l-fire, That calls his brother, fool.

3 But lips that dare be so prophane To mock and jeer and scoff At holy things, or holy men, The Lord shall cut them off.

4 When children, in their wanton play Served old Elisha so, And bade the prophet go his way, "Go up, thou bald head, go."

5 G.o.d quickly stopt their wicked breath, And sent two raging bears, That tore them limb from limb to death, With blood and groans and tears.

6 Great G.o.d, how terrible art thou To sinners ne"er so young!

Grant me thy grace and teach me how To tame and rule my tongue.

Song 19.

_Against Swearing and Cursing, and taking G.o.d"s Name in vain_.

1 Angels that high in glory dwell Adore thy Name, Almighty G.o.d!

And devils tremble down in h.e.l.l Beneath the terrors of thy rod.

2 And yet how wicked children dare Abuse thy dreadful glorious Name!

And when they"re angry, how they swear, And curse their fellows, and blaspheme!

3 How will they stand before thy face, Who treated thee with such disdain, While thou shalt doom them to the place Of everlasting fire and pain?

4 Then never shall one cooling drop To quench their burning tongues be giv"n.

But I will praise thee here, and hope Thus to employ my tongue in heav"n.

5 My heart shall be in pain to hear Wretches affront the Lord above; "Tis that great G.o.d whose power I fear, That heavenly Father whom I love.

6 If my companions grow profane, I"ll leave their friendship when I hear Young sinners take thy name in vain, And learn to curse, and learn to swear.

Song 20.

_Against Idleness and Mischief_.

1 How doth the little busy bee Improve each shining hour, And gather honey all the day From every opening flower!

2 How skilfully she builds her cell!

How neat she spreads the wax!

And labours hard to store it well With the sweet food she makes.

3 In works of labour or of skill I would be busy too: For Satan finds some mischief still For idle hands to do.

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