Chapter 11

"…it"s too early." Hai Xiu averted his eyes, "Have… Have you finished copying?"

"Finished it all." Feng Fei looked down at Hai Xiu, his breath swept across Hai Xiu"s face as he said with a smile: "Why not? This big brother is quite young ah."

Hai Xiu"s face was really red, he was so anxious to hide but Feng Fei really wanted to tease him. His two hands were on Hai Xiu"s wrists, and no matter how much effort Hai Xiu did, he couldn’t move. "Say something nice and I’ll let you go."

Hai Xiu struggled again, a bead of sweat was on his forehead. He stuttered in a low voice: "Say… Say what?"

"Say…" Feng Fei thought of something and said, "Call me big brother since I’m older than you. If you call me that, you won’t get a beating."

Hai Xiu had an unexplainable feeling of shy. He lowered his head, he really didn"t want to call him big brother. Feng Fei examined him closely then said with a smile: "That bad? Okay, I won’t tease you. If you don’t want to call me like that then don’t."

Feng Fei got up and sat down beside Hai Xiu, but his hand was still not letting go of Hai Xiu"s wrist. Then he exclaimed: "You said that… I am good to you. How am I so good to you? I made you cry cause you’re not willing to call me big brother."

Hai Xiu moved his lips, he wanted to explain but he didn’t know how to say it. Then he stammered: "Ten… it"s ten o"clock, time to go to bed."

"Sleepy?" Feng Fei stood. "I"ll open the water heater for you. I’ll go to my parents" room to wash."

Hai Xiu hesitated, "Tonight……"

"Sleep in my room." Feng Fei said it naturally, "where else do you want to go?"

This issue had been discussed at noon. In the end, Hai Xiu could only listen to Feng Fei to take a bath.

Since he only brought an underwear for changing and washing, after taking a bath, Hai Xiu still wore Feng Fei"s clothes he had worn this afternoon.

Feng Fei went upstairs in time to see Hai Xiu wearing his shirt, sitting on his bed and reading.

And without thinking, he jumped onto Hai Xiu"s back and pressed him on the bed.

Hai Xiu was startled, he frowned and said: "You… what are you doing?”

"What am I doing?" Feng Fei also didn’t know what was going on, he always just wanted to hold Hai Xiu. He smiled and said: "Just want to scare you. Anyway, do you like watching horror movies?"

Hai Xiu shook his head: "I don’t like it……"

Feng Fei was somewhat excited: "Are you scared of it?"

Hai Xiu thought then shook his head again: "It"s not that I’m scared…… it’s just that… some horror movies shoot something strange and disgusting……"

Feng Fei thought the same. Nowadays, horror movies with supernatural beings had been less, most of them were very b.l.o.o.d.y. So he did not know if Hai Xiu will get frightened if he watched it. With a very disappointed heart, Feng Fei gave up the idea of scaring Hai Xiu through watching horror movies. He let go of Hai Xiu and helplessly said: "Forget it. Go to sleep."

Hai Xiy quickly sneaked inside the quilt, both hands were flat on it.

Feng Fei looked at him then laughed: "Why are you so nervous? How can I eat you?"

He then turned off the lights. The street light outside was shining and had formed a gentle halo in the French window, it looked like a small night light in the bedroom.

"Hai Xiu."

Feng Fei lied down and couldn’t sleep, so he glanced at Hai Xiu and suddenly asked, "Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

Hai Xiu asked in a soft voice: "You… why are you asking this?"

"I"m curious." Feng Fei smiled, "I"m asking you… Have you?"

Hai Xiu lightly shook his head: "No."

Without thinking much, Feng Fei asked again: "Then what do you like? The innocent type or the s.e.xy type?"

Hai Xiu carefully thought for half a day before whispering, "No… I don’t know…"

Feng Fei said with a smile: "Why didn’t you know? Just think about it. Who is in your mind right now?"

Without a word, Hai Xiu closed his eyes and the scene where Feng Fei cornered him on the sofa suddenly jumped into his mind. He immediately opened his eyes and looked at Feng Fei, he had this unexplainable guilty feeling as he stammered a reply: "Think…… I cannot think of anyone ah."

Feng Fei didn"t speak, he only smiled. Hai Xiu hesitated for a moment before asking: "Then… you? Have you had a girlfriend?"

Feng Fei answered with so much ease: "I currently have."

"Ah?!" Hai Xiu was dumbfounded. "Why… didn’t I hear about this?"

"I haven’t told you yet?" Feng Fei was in daze, "I forgot… She doesn’t live here. Three years ago, she went back to her hometown. She’s staying in the campus so it was inconvenient to contact or meet up."

When Hai Xiu didn’t make any sound, Feng Fei continued: "She is very nice, very simple… really nice to me."

"That…… That"s good." Hai Xiu turned around, his back was facing Feng Fei. He looked at the halo on the curtain and softly said: "You……how long have you been together?"

"I forgot." Feng Fei laughed, "but we are childhood sweetheart."

Hai Xiu no longer spoke, so Feng Fei continued, "Oh, actually, its good that she’s not here. Because if she’s here, I won’t be able to study well, my heart would be on hers. Hey, say… what if I transfer now, will I be able to keep up my grades? I’m not like you. When you transfered, you can still get the first place. If I went to—"

"I don’t know." Hai Xiu interrupted Feng Fei"s words, he leaned on the side and faintly said: "it might get affected."

In the dark, Feng Fei"s eyes were full of happiness. He sat up gently and continued on saying: "Really, I always think of that person. And I really don’t understand… why do I like that person so much. I want to see that person so bad, always want to tease and coax that person. If that person doesn’t like it, I’m not happy either. If that person is happy, I could also follow along with a silly laugh. Say, this is not particularly inconsistent, right?"

Hai Xiu said stiffly: "Yes!"

Feng Fei refrained himself from laughing out loud to the point that he looked like he had a stomach ache. "I thought so as well. I always think of that person, I couldn’t even shoot a ball, couldn’t sleep at But I’m still afraid of not taking care of that person. I always think that I’m not good enough for that person. Do you think I’m not good?"

There was a discomfort in Hai Xiu"s heart and it took him half a day to respond: "Very good……"

Hai Xiu had always thought that Feng Fei was very good to him, so he could not imagine that Feng Fei wouldn’t be good to his girlfriend.

Feng Fei would always coax him so Hai Xiu knew that when it came to his girlfriend, Feng Fei would certainly be more attentive. Hai Xiu believed what Feng Fei said, his girlfriend was definitely a good girl. So good that it was worth to let Feng Fei liked her so much.

Feng Fei was also very responsible, very patient…… Thinking this much, Hai Xiu felt that Feng Fei and his girlfriend was really a match. His heart felt more uncomfortable, he buried himself in the quilt. Then he suddenly heard Feng Fei"s voice near his ear, "Why are you hiding? Not afraid of getting suffocated?"

Feng Fei pulled the quilt off of him and turned on the light. He turned around to look at Hai Xiu and saw him with a panic expression.

Hai Xiu"s lips trembled, his voice was too small to hear: "You…… Do you really want to transfer? You can"t… you can’t transfer."

Feng Fei instantly regretted it.

"You……" Feng Fei laughed in spite of trying not to, "Are you stupid? Where do I transfer? I lied to you. Where did I get a girlfriend?!"

Hai Xiu was stunned. A few seconds later, he felt ashamed and quickly hid inside the quilt again. And no matter what Feng Fei said, he didn’t come out.

Feng Fei did not know whether to laugh or cry. But thinking about how Hai Xiu looked, he couldn’t help but feel distressed. Since he regretted what he had done a while ago, he needed to coax the little boy. So he joined Hai Xiu on his pillow and smiled: "You should know that it’s not true. If I have a girlfriend, I wouldn’t stay here with you this weekend. And think of this one month, whom am I with the most?"

Now that he thought about it, Hai Xiu really felt stupid for believing in Feng Fei a while ago. He buried his face in the quilt, he was too embarra.s.sed to look at Feng Fei.

"Oh, do you really think that I’m going to transfer?" Feng Fei fiddled on Hai Xiu"s exposed ear, he chuckled, "Unhappy? Okay, I’m wrong. You’re here, how can I transfer?"

Hai Xiu still did not want to look at Feng Fei, so Feng Fei put pressure on his body and pulled the quilt. "Are you angry? Are you really angry?"

"No……" Hai Xiu was afraid that Feng Fei would misunderstood it so he raised his head from the quilt and said: "I"m not angry."

"Don"t be mad at me ah." Feng Fei flicked Hai Xiu"s forehead. "You"re really mad at me. Especially that time when I asked you about that long dry ballad."

Hai Xiu was dumbfounded: "It"s Changgan! You know that it’s not long dry…"

"Yes ah. I only know the four strokes of it." Feng Fei"s mouth twitched, "You"re not really angry ah?"

Hai Xiu nodded gently. He was not a.s.sured so he asked: "You… will not transfer, right?"

"I will not. Also, I don’t have a girlfriend." Feng Fei laughed. "You don’t know who I was talking about a while ago? I am coaxing you all day and it’s still not enough, I always want to see you."

Hai Xiu recalled what Feng Fei said a moment ago, and without much effort, he blushed.

Hai Xiu buried himself in the quilt again. This time, he really did not come out no matter what Feng Fei said. So Feng Fei just hugged Hai Xiu together with the quilt and held him to sleep.

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