T/N: They don’t copy teaser, I meant the aggregator sites. So, I won’t put any teaser orz

Chapter 16

Hai Xiu felt like his hand was burnt, so he quickly loosened his hold on the pen.

While Feng Fei"s face was calm as he said, "What happened? You don’t want to play?"

Hai Xiu took a deep breath and averted his eyes while saying: "You… You wrote it yourself."

"Nonsense. Do you really believe in pen fairy?" Feng Fei did not deny nor admit it, he just smiled and put the pen to the side. "When I was in junior high school, I didn’t believe it. Well, I don’t really understand why I played this."

He looked at Hai Xiu who was obviously anxious, and he couldn’t help laughing. "And besides, you"re the one I like the most. Don’t you know?"

Hai Xiu"s lips started trembling, he wanted to speak but he couldn’t.

He did not know what kind of like Feng Fei was referring to or the meaning behind it.

Feng Fei stared at Hai Xiu, with eyes full of happiness: "Should we ask who do you like?"

Hai Xiu immediately shook his head, he was afraid at that moment and was somewhat fl.u.s.tered to continue the topic.

Feng Fei looked at him intently and said with a smile: "What"s wrong? Are you angry?"

Hai Xiu quickly shook his head to let Feng Fei know that he was not angry. But in fact… he just suddenly figured out something.

Feng Fei thought that his joke was too much since Hai Xiu fell into a silence, so he started coaxing the kid: "Don"t be angry ah. I’ll admit I’m wrong… but I’m not kidding either about me liking you."

The more Hai Xiu listened to it, the more his heart beat faster. He knitted his eyebrows and quickly changed the topic: "You, You do the questions…… the school will be over soon."

Feng Fei really didn’t understand what was going on to Hai Xiu, but he was afraid that the kid would be really angry if he teased him some more. So without saying anything, he obediently did the questions.

While waiting for Feng Fei to finish, Hai Xiu was lost in thought while turning the few pages of his notebook.

When he looked down, he was shocked to see that he opened a certain page on his notebook.

There was a written name on that page.

He could still remember that day when he made a mistake of giving the wrong test paper to Feng Fei. He was even scared half to death when Feng Fei leaned down on his desk, opened his notebook and then wrote his own name on it, telling him to write it ten times. (Chapter 2)

If they continued playing the game and asked the pen fairy who he liked, then there would be more Feng Fei"s name written on it.

It took Hai Xiu a long time to clear the clouds in his heart. His hand that Feng Fei grasped a while ago was still slightly trembling. He really felt that his own heart stopped beating for a moment there when Feng Fei wrote his name.

That moment felt like several years for him, and Hai Xiu suddenly understood something.

He took out another notebook and peered at the notes he and Feng Fei pa.s.sed onto each other.

They really got along for two months and it was recorded in those notes.

Hai Xiu stared for a long time, there was a mixed feelings in his heart.

The bell rung after half an hour, Feng Fei stretched and said: "Oh, you said a while ago that your mom is not at home this weekend, right?"

Hai Xiu was in a trance, "What… What did you just say?"

Feng Fei laughed in spite of trying not to: "I"m asking you if someone will be at your home today?"

After coming back to his senses, Hai Xiu shook his head: "No one. My mom left this morning."

"What do you eat at night?" Feng Fei asked, "Cook for yourself?"

Hai Xiu shook his head again, "I will not… there’s a fast food restaurant downstairs, I’ll buy some food there to eat."

Feng Fei thought for a while, "Oh, go to my house, I will cook for you. I"ll just do it for you, what do you think? So we can go out together tomorrow. It"s more convenient."

Hai Xiu"s eyes widened: "You can cook?!"

"Yes ah." Feng Fei attentively packed Hai Xiu"s things. "Hurry up, the weather is not good today. There’s a chance that there will have a snow later. Let’s take a taxi and go to supermarket to buy something first then go back to my house."

Hai Xiu could not believe it and whispered: "But last time, you said—"

"How long is that last time? Am I not allowed to learn how to cook?" Feng Fei put his and Hai Xiu"s home works in their own bags while urging the kid, "Come on, it’s already late."

Hai Xiu was still hesitating: "I… I didn’t bring clothes…"

"Wear mine. Next time, remember to bring some clothes and give it to me, so if I lack something, you can wear it."

"That…" Hai Xiu said with a doubt: "Your family is at home?"

Feng Fei chuckled, "No, my parents haven’t gone home for half a month."

Hai Xiu was somewhat embarra.s.sed, so he explained it in a low voice: "I didn’t mean it like that. I"m just afraid—"

"I know what you are afraid of, don"t worry" Feng Fei picked up their bags and stopped when Hai Xiu did not move, "What"s wrong?"

Hai Xiu got up after thinking for a while and said: "Do you want to go to my house? My mother told me that I should invite you to come to our house."

Feng Fei shook his head, "You have a single lady in your house, it"s not convenient to go there at night."

Hai Xiu gawked for two seconds before understanding and reacting to what Feng Fei said. He laughed, "This doesn’t count…"

"Why this does not count?" Feng Fei pulled Hai Xiu out of the cla.s.sroom, "This is to avoid suspicion. My mother taught me and my brother that if there is a girl at home, we shouldn’t go there at night. If we go, the neighbors will see it and will start to gossip. In fact… it"s okay now since our house is a single villa. It was worse back then, because we were all in one compound."

Feng Fei raised his eyebrow then smiled: "Not to mention, your mom is so young."

Hai Xiu did not speak, but after a while, he whispered in a soft voice: "If my mom heard what you just said, she will definitely like you more."

"Really?" Feng Fei smiled contentedly, "Normally, people would like me less."

The two left the school gate, took the taxi and went to the supermarket.

Feng Fei was pushing the shopping cart with high spirits, he put anything he saw in the cart. Seeing it almost full, Hai Xiu quickly urged him: "Don"t… Don’t buy these many."

"This is nothing. Don’t worry, I will definitely feed you in the evening." Feng Fei picked up a lot of fruits and put it in the cart. "Do you eat spicy food?"

Hai Xiu nodded, "I do."

Feng Fei continued on taking things and finally, bought a few boxes of chocolates. After filling the entire shopping cart with stuffs, he pulled Hai Xiu to pay up.

Sure enough, when they came out of the supermarket, it was already snowing. The two carried the large shopping bags and rode a taxi. Feng Fei laughed while brushing the snowflakes on Hai Xiu"s hair, "Is it cold?"

Hai Xiu tightened the scarf on his neck and shook his head: "No, it"s not cold. The snow is great…"

"The first snowfall." Feng Fei opened one of the shopping bags, took out the chocolate, unwrapped it and feed it to Hai Xiu. "Endure it for a while, we will be able to eat food once we are at home."

Hai Xiu smiled when the sweetness of the chocolate scattered in his mouth: "I don’t know what will you cook…"

Feng Fei laughed, "Still not believing it? Then don’t eat later."

After going home, Hai Xiu finally understood the reason why Feng Fei was so confident.

Feng Fei would make a hot pot.

Hai Xiu did not know whether to laugh or cry, he followed Feng Fei to the kitchen to clean the vegetables together and mix the sauces.

Feng Fei whistled softly, put a tray plate and sorted out the vegetables they had washed. "I told you and you didn’t believe me. Are you hungry?"

Hai Xiu smiled and nodded: "I… I also like eating hot pot."

"What else do you like?" Feng Fei pulled out the kitchen towel to wipe the water marks on the plate, he looked up when Hai Xiu did not speak, "Ah?"

Hai Xiu was frozen in place, he smiled and still did not speak.

Feng Fei no longer asked Hai Xiu. He placed a thick j.a.panese rug in front of the French window, laid down two thick cushions on both sides of the table and pulled out a blanket for Hai Xiu, afraid that he would get cold. Then he put the divided stainless steel pot under the running water and filled it. Feng Fei went to the refrigerator to take out the thinly sliced beef and a mutton, while Hai Xiu helped washing the other vegetables, put it on a plate then on the table.

The meat and vegetables were now ready and available. After putting all the materials that was needed, Feng Fei started making a hot pot. He was addicted to spicy food, but was afraid to let Hai Xiu eat something uncomfortable, so he made a spicy mandarin duck pot and a mild one on the other side of the pot.

Not long after, Feng Fei opened the cover on the hot pot, it let out a strong fragrance. It was snowing outside, but the house was steaming hot, making the people inside feel warm.

It was almost eight o"clock and the two people were nearly hungry. They already put some meat dishes in the hot pot, so they were only waiting for it to be cooked.

After some minutes, Hai Xiu focused his attention to the spicy hot pot with some greedy, then he picked up a shrimp paste ball. After eating it, he let out a hissing sound and his eyes instantly became red: "How… How can you eat spicy food?"

Feng Fei smiled, handed him a paper towel and a can of beer. "Drink this."

Hai Xiu felt slightly better after drinking the beer. "It"s… It"s too spicy."

Feng Fei laughed, "I heard from other people that those who can eat spicy foods are able to endure hardships."

Hai Xiu did not believe it and stared at Feng Fei with some distrust: "Really?"

"I knew that it"s true ah." Feng Fei said without even blinking, "When I was still young, I dislocated my left arm, but I did not say anything to anyone from the beginning. It swelled and ended up looking like a steamed meat bun. It really scared my brother."

Hai Xiu looked at Feng Fei"s left arm and imagined how much it hurt, he knitted his brows: "How… How did you get it?"

Feng Fei thought for a while: "It seems like someone grabbed it? I forgot. I wasn’t even ten years old yet when it happened."

Hai Xiu quite understood what Feng Fei was saying, "I… I also heard from other people that you used to fight with some people before."

"Says who?" Feng Fei quickly denied. "I never fought with anyone."

Hai Xiu gave him a blank stare.

Feng Fei laughed, he couldn’t really deny and hide it from this kid. "It was a moment of impulse. I also want to be good, but some idiots liked to provoke me. How about you? Do you have a time when you want to hit someone?"

Hai Xiu suddenly recalled the time when he hit his teacher"s head with a chair in his junior high school. "Have…"

Originally, he would be agitated every time he thought about it. But now that he recalled about it, he didn’t feel anything at all.

It was as if that thing happened last century.

Feng Fei smiled, "But I’m not really impulsive."

He suddenly called out "hey", before saying: "We"re getting off the topic. What I really wanted to say is that I can endure hardships and I"m very responsible."

Hai Xiu laughed and picked up a vegetable for Feng Fei.

The two boys chatted while eating, and it took them two hours to finish eating the hot pot. Feng Fei was in a good mood, so he drank lots of beers and ended up getting drank. He even hold Hai Xiu’s hand, not letting go of it, making Hai Xiu feel helpless. Hai Xiu even wanted to wipe Feng Fei’s face using a towel, but Feng Fei still did not let go of him, so Hai Xiu had no choice but to drag him upstairs and into the washroom. Once they were inside, Feng Fei stumbled to hug Hai Xi, letting Hai Xiu pat his face with cold water before wiping it with a clean towel.

Feng Fei had this different kind of charm when he was drunk, his eyes were half-closed, the corner of his mouth was hooked up and he was looking down at Hai Xiu. Hai Xiu couldn’t help blushing while wiping Feng Fei"s face: "Let"s… Let"s go to sleep."

Feng Fei slowly blinked and vaguely said: "Where to sleep?"

"Go… Go to your room to sleep ah." Hai Xiu stammered. "Does that mean… there are other rooms?"

Feng Fei frowned: "There… are several guest rooms. Why?"

Hai Xiu: "……"

Feng Fei lowered his head to look closely at Hai Xiu"s face, and laughed: "What happened to you? Why aren’t… you speaking?"

Hai Xiu felt irritated and had no temper to deal with Feng Fei. "Okay. Good… I’ll take you to sleep."

"Are you not happy?" Feng Fei pinched Hai Xiu"s jaw and lifted his head to look at him, his brows knitted: "Who bullied you?"

A warm feeling spread in Hai Xiu"s heart as he shook his head: "No one."

Hai Xiu then dragged Feng Fei to the bedroom. It was only a few steps but it took them ten minutes and finally, Feng Fei fell asleep. There was no strength left in Hai Xiu"s body because of dragging Feng Fei to the bed.

Feng Fei"s neck was turning red, and he couldn"t help but tug at his collar every now and then, seeming very restless in his sleep. Hai Xiu took a few breaths, his face reddening as he helped Feng Fei unbuckle his belt and helped him take off his outer garments. Only now did Feng Fei"s furrowed brows smooth out as he finally started to have a peaceful sleep.

Hai Xiu sat on the bed for a long time and was suddenly lost in thought.

Before dinner, Feng Fei asked him what else did he like besides hot pot. He did not answer, because at that time, he wanted to say that he also likes Feng Fei.

Hai Xiu only came to understand about it today. That he liked Feng Fei, and it was the kind of like that meant love.

This afternoon, when he was looking at the notes they had exchanged in the past months, he couldn"t recall when he"d fallen for the other. But by the time he"d realized it, he was already sunk in way too deep. Now, whenever he thought back on his short life, it seemed like his memories had been separated only into the time before meeting Feng Fei, and after Feng Fei had burst into his life.

The memories in the latter category seemed to be filled with days that practically glowed.

Hai Xiu stared at Feng Fei who was sleeping soundly. Just looking at him really made him feel very happy.

Only after a long time did Hai Xiu climb onto the bed. There was only one turned on small lamp in the room, and the light it gave off wasn"t very strong, but it was enough for Hai Xiu to see Feng Fei"s features clearly. Hai Xiu stared at Feng Fei"s sleeping face for a long time as he thought back to all the memories they had shared together. He remembered when Feng Fei had raised his hand in cla.s.s and told the teacher he needed to go to the infirmary. He remembered that time when Feng Fei went to their house to give his mother hydrangeas. He remembered each time when Feng Fei always seemed irritated to the point of bursting because of him, but Feng Fei would still reluctantly study. He remembered that time when Feng Fei threw out the letters from the other girl out of the window. And he remembered that time when Feng Fei wrote his own name on Hai Xiu"s notebook.

Hai Xiu had this thought that maybe… Feng Fei liked him as well.

Under the dim light, Feng Fei appeared more handsome than usual. Hai Xiu"s heart beat faster, no one knew what he was thinking as he moved a little closer to Feng Fei.

He pursed his lips. And lighter than light, Hai Xiu suddenly kissed Feng Fei"s cheek!

Feng Fei slightly frowned and moved towards Hai Xiu. Hai Xiu was so scared that he quickly closed his eyes, waiting for what was to come, but Feng Fei didn’t woke up. Instead, he pulled Hai Xiu into a hug, rubbed his arms twice and continued on sleeping.

Hai Xiu shakily opened his eyes and heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing Feng Fei hadn"t woken up. He rubbed his lips as his heart bubbled with joy. Then snuggled into Feng Fei"s arms and fell asleep soon after.

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