h.e.l.lo OwO)/ this is my first time translating a Chinese BL novel. I don’t know Chinese nor I’m fluent in English, so there might be some grammatical errors. And I’m translating this while reading it. Anyways, enjoy~ (*・ω・)っ⌒❤︎

Hai Xiu gripped the stack of test papers, his fingers trembled slightly.

The ten minutes self-study was over, and he needed to deliver these papers to his cla.s.smates.

This cla.s.s has 28 students, excluding him, he only needed to give 27 test papers, which shouldn’t be difficult.

One minute and one second pa.s.sed, a bead of sweats showed on his face. He rea.s.sured himself that this was not difficult. He had transferred school a month ago and had already remembered some of his cla.s.smates names. Such as w.a.n.g Peng, who shared the same desk as him, and the academic committee, Song Jiajia. Except them, only 25 names remained.

Hai Xiu"s heartbeat accelerated. He could hardly think, he wanted to find the teacher in charge and tell her that he could not do it.

However, that teacher would be very disappointed. She was even very good to him, he could not be like this. As the teacher told him to slowly trying to communicate with others, this was also a one step toward treatment.

That’s right, Hai Xiu has a social anxiety disorder¹.

Also known as social phobia.

Of course, Hai Xiu didn’t inherent this. Although he was naturally shy, but not without the normal communication with other people, he got this illness because he suffered a whole year of bullying in his junior high school.

The cause was only a small matter, with Hai Xiu being the best amongst his cla.s.s, and having the answer sheets filled out with wrong answers, resulting in only 30 scores in his English, which seriously dragged down his cla.s.s because of the average score.

It was the final exam, and the students" grades meant a lot of things, not to mention their cla.s.s was called the "accelerated cla.s.s²". Hai Xiu"s teacher went mad and even scolded him in front of the whole cla.s.s, and repeatedly stressed it out consecutively for one week. Because everyone"s effort was wasted, he became their cla.s.s" "sinner".

The result of their hard work was their own grade. The average grade of a cla.s.s was only related to the teacher"s salary and face. However, ignorant students didn’t think of these, all of these was led by the teacher"s anger and began to isolate Hai Xiu.

At first, no one was willing to share a table with him, no one wanted to talk to him. While having a free activity in physical education, he would always be left alone standing on the playground.

This kind of bullying was often unfounded without logic. However, the lethality was always effective. In the end, Hai Xiu avoided everyone, his exercise book would be thrown aside, he couldn’t even drink in the school’s drinking water fountain.

At the beginning, Hai Xiu thought that the situation would soon pa.s.s. Later on, he even wanted to tell his mother, but looking at his busy mother, and how worried and sad she would be, it was very difficult for him to tell her. Thus, the consequences of dragging it for so long was that he was not able to converse with people.

The teacher"s scornful eyes and the students" isolation, led Hai Xiu"s performance in the next exam plummeted. He did not even have one wrong answer sheets, but his results compared to the previous time was lowered with more than 100 points.

Hai Xiu"s teacher went mad.

At the cla.s.s meeting, his teacher called his name to criticize him again. His speech was harsher than the last one, with obscure irony, and even said that because he followed his single mother, his life was in a mess.

On that day, the docile and well-behaved Hai Xiu, lifted his own chair and hit the teacher"s head.

It must be a blessing in disguise, because of his demerit, his mother was called. Hai Xiu"s mother finally knew that her son has endured a year of bullying. The strong woman quickly completed the transfer procedures for her son. Before leaving Hai Xiu"s teacher"s office, she paid the medical expenses and send her regards to his family for the inconvenience.

After transferring, Hai Xiu"s life became better. Everyone had little interest in the beginning, but after seeing him everyday without saying anything, no one cared any longer. Hai Xiu spent his junior high school smoothly. His mother took him to see several psychologists, also to conduct some treatments, but the effect was only so-so.

It was his senior high school when Hai Xiu"s mother"s work changed, she was not a.s.sured to leave her son at home alone, after repeated consideration despite the discouragement of others, she brought Hai Xiu to the city where she works.

And it had been a month since he transferred into his current cla.s.s.

Hai Xiu"s new teacher was a 40 years old woman who overturned Hai Xiu"s perception of the word "teacher", a less friendly word for him.

The new teacher in charge was very strict, rarely laugh or smile, Hai Xiu was very much afraid of her. But this teacher in charge after finding out his situation and after looking at his file that has "confrontation, beat a teacher", did not contact the school office to inquire about the situation. Instead she called him to her office and asked him about his illness carefully.

After Hai Xiu"s stumbling descriptions, the new teacher told him: "I will not force you to accept everyone immediately, but you need to try to face the world again, maybe not as much as you have been exposed to, can you do me a favor?"

Hai Xiu felt the good intention of the new teacher and gently nodded. The always strict teacher smiled gently and handed him a stack of papers: "Can you help me distribute yesterday"s examination papers? Our cla.s.s is small, more than 20 students, I feel that you can do it, if you do not know anyone, you can ask your cla.s.smates."

Hai Xiu"s instinctively wanted to refuse but still agreed.

There were still three minutes before the cla.s.s starts, the first subject was the homeroom teacher"s mathematics, they needed these papers, Hai Xiu"s fingers clenched tightly and bit his lips, such an impending time of death.

The bell still hasn’t rang and the cla.s.s was still making noises. He took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands, his palms were sweating a little, he was afraid that he would dirty the test papers.

Hai Xiu took a deep breath and got up, gave the paper to his desk mate first, and behind him. His heart relaxed a little, twenty-five, only twenty-five more……

His memory was very good, even better than ordinary people. If the teacher asked students, he would basically remember them. Students who pa.s.sed by their cla.s.sroom, he would remember them as well. Hai Xiu relaxed more, twenty…eighteen…fifteen.

Hai Xiu suddenly felt that it was not that difficult. When the 15th paper was sent, the female student did not look up at him to say thanks, he was very nervous, he didn’t wait for long and said "It doesn’t matter". Although the voice was small, although the other person might not have heard it, but Hai Xiu thought…that this normal conversation with a cla.s.smate feels very good.

Hai Xiu"s mood relaxed more…twelve…seven…five more…

The corner of his mouth slightly tipped up, he felt a long-lost sense of achievement.

He stood at the back of the cla.s.sroom, suddenly became tense as he looked at the two remaining test papers in his hands.

He didn’t know who these two were from.

Hai Xiu clearly remembered the order of the test papers, now only the middle of the last row and second row by the window that he didn’t know, but who are they? On the two seats, one was sleeping and the other wasn’t. On the desktop, the exercise books did not have a name written on it and so on…should he ask?

He shook his head fiercely, the two were very tall…he subconsciously did not want to approach.

The cla.s.s bell rang, Hai Xiu came back to his senses, biting his lips and relying on his intuition, he gave the papers. He quickly returned to his own seat, worried that he would be called out and if he didn’t talk clearly, he would be laughed at.

The homeroom teacher stepped in, glanced around and looked at Hai Xiu, saw his cheeks were reddish, his eyes a little excited. The teacher gave a smile and showed an approving eyes, then immediately put on a serious face, asked a few yesterday evening"s self-study discipline and began talking about the test papers.

Hai Xiu felt the teacher"s confirmation, his heart was happier, he did not dare look back and since there was no objection… Did that mean he guessed it right?

He felt lucky and bowed his head to listen attentively.

However, Feng Fei in the second row by the window lazily sat up, rubbed his eyes and picked up the paper, frowning: "this…what the f.u.c.k?!"

Feng Fei saw the cross-riddled paper on his desk, his expression was extremely appalled. He then turned to see the owner of the papers in the row behind him, and burst out laughing, along with his deskmate: “Even He Hao, this idiot, failed to recognise that it was my paper…” Feng Fei folded the stack of papers and threw it at the back of He Hao"s head. He Hao was startled, he felt ashamed and resentful, but soon after he gained grounds and threw back Feng Fei"s test papers. After receiving it, Feng Fei turned to his desk mate: "Who delivered the test papers?"

His desk mate said dazedly: "It"s…ah, the newcomer, Hai Xiu."

Feng Fei raised his eyebrow: "After cla.s.s, I’ll ask him if I look like that idiot He Hao."

Also known as social phobia, is an anxiety disorder characterized by a significant amount of fear in one or more social situations, causing considerable distress and impaired ability to function in at least some parts of daily life.Academic acceleration is the advancement of gifted students in subjects at a rate that places them ahead of where they would be in the regular school curriculum

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