Chapter 14

Feng Fei really thought that Hai Xiu would shut himself off this morning. He had even thought of a few terrible scenarios and how to clear it up. But luckily, the problem had been resolved, he could now relax and just read a book.

But on the other hand, Hai Xiu was not actually listening to the lesson this whole time.

Fortunately, it was Chinese cla.s.s and the teacher was explaining a poetry verse by verse. If not, the teacher would have known that Hai Xiu was absentminded.

Hai Xiu’s mind was wandering on how did Feng Fei got the letter, and how he had found out about Hai Xiu refusing to help the girl.

He didn"t only refuse to help, but he also deliberately didn"t tell Feng Fei about it. In Hai Xiu"s opinion, doing this kind of thing was not very nice.

Refusing to help was not a problem, alright. But hiding the truth from Feng Fei was a different matter. He even intentionally did not let Feng Fei go out of the cla.s.sroom just because he was afraid that Feng Fei would meet the girl and receive the letter. Not only that, he was also afraid that Feng Fei would know that he was hiding something from him.

However, everything was found out by Feng Fei.

But even after knowing about it, Feng Fei didn’t blame him. Instead, he taught him that he should just chop the body and destroy the evidence.

Hai Xiu felt conflicted, he didn"t expect that it would turn out like this.

And Feng Fei just crumpled the letter and threw it out of the window without even reading it.

Why did he not even look at it?

Was it because he received more than one love letters from different girls, so he no longer cared about it? Or…

Hai Xiu shook his head, he forced his mind to stop from wandering and focused on the lesson. After some seconds, he took a glance at Feng Fei and found out that he was not listening to the lecture. He was doing his physics papers while using the Chinese book as a cover-up.

It was a normal habit of a science student.

Hai Xiu thought for quite a while before tearing the corner of a paper, wrote a few words and then gave it to Feng Fei.

Feng Fei stopped doing the essay when he saw the note, he opened it and smiled. After writing a one line of characters below, he gave it back to Hai Xiu.

The Chinese teacher seemed to have seen their petty actions, he let out a cough that frightened Hai Xiu. Hai Xiu gripped the piece of paper and lowered his head to read the textbook.

It took him a while before he could secretly put the note below his desk and opened it carefully.

Why did you throw it without reading the letter?

Tell me first why you are so reluctant to help her give the letter to me.

Hai Xiu"s palms seemed to be scalded by a hot water, he gripped the note in his hands. He didn’t know why but his heart was beating fast.

Hai Xiu did not dare write another note again.

Since Feng Fei was concentrated on doing the essay, Hai Xiu took advantage of it, flattened the note and put it inside his notebook.

The notes he and Feng Fei had exchanged before were inside the notebook.

Hai Xiu could not almost hear what the teacher was saying. He looked down at his notebook to read the notes, and impressively, he found himself already in the page where he wrote Feng Fei"s name for ten times. (Chapter 3)

He quickly turned the page, fearing that Feng Fei might see it.

"Feng Fei!"

Hai Xiu was startled, he looked up and saw the cla.s.sroom door was open. Ni Mei Lin and the dean was standing on the doorway.

The dean"s complexion did not look good. Ni Mei Lin nodded her head to the teacher first before frowning at Feng Fei, "Come out."

Hai Xiu turned his head towards the window, his heart was pounding hard.

Feng Fei looked at the dean, got up and walked out slowly.

Hai Xiu"s messy thoughts were gone, only one thing was left: the letter incident.

Outside the cla.s.sroom, the dean"s face was fuming and said in a trembling voice: "This, This is yours?!"

Feng Fei cursed inside his mind. He did not admit it nor deny it, he just smiled and asked: "Let me see first ah."

The dean threw the letter at Feng Fei, he caught it with one hand, opened the letter and read the content… Sure enough, at the beginning of the letter, his name was written on it.

Feng Fei felt helpless, there was not anyone who had the same surname as him in this school, so if he did not admit it he would be dead for sure.

He looked down at the letter again. Fortunately, the inscription was only "Qi", and there were more "Qi" surname in the school. Feng Fei calmed down his heart and nodded: "Maybe…yes, this is for me."

"You"re a third year high school student!" the dean took a sharp breath and said, "There are more than 200 days before the college entrance exam! Not focusing on studying and still doing these things?!"

Feng Fei sighed in his heart, he wanted to say that he was not the one who made the letter.

"Tell me who is the girl?!" the dean was really angry, "The school issued an order repeatedly to have no puppy love! But what about you guys?! Still playing these tricks secretly?! You guys—"

Ni Mei Lin suddenly intervened and advised the dean, "You have to calm down. This matter is not even serious."

The dean got even angrier: "How not serious?! We need to be strict earlier and knowing that he violated… in the end, who is it?"

Feng Fei closed his eyes for a moment then opened it again: "I don’t know."

"You don’t know?!" The dean furiously asked, "it was thrown from your cla.s.sroom! At first, I thought it was you littering and when I looked at it, it was really you! I’m telling you, I asked your teacher Ni and she said that your seat is by the window! And you"re still making excuses?!"

"I"m not making any excuses." Feng Fei laughed in spite of trying not to, "I admit that it"s for me, but I really don’t know who wrote it. It was already on my desk and I’m too lazy to look at it so I threw it out of the window. What do you want me to say when I really don’t know?"


The dean knew that Feng Fei was aware who the girl was, but did not want to admit it to him. As for Ni Mei Lin, she simply didn’t take this matter seriously and was thinking of going back to her office to write a lesson plan. The three was deadlocked for a long time. The dean pressed for an answer for half a day, while Feng Fei"s face was still indifferent and did not admit anything. Since he could not get an answer from Feng Fei, the dean wanted to ask the teachers to recognize the handwriting, but Ni Mei Lin said: "It"s only a matter of a single student, it will bother a lot of people if you do that. Leave it to me, I’ll handle it."

The dean reprimanded a few words, afterall, he was not willing to make the matter big. In the end, he told Ni Mei Lin to investigate it properly before walking away indignantly.

Ni Mei Lin looked down at the letter then looked up at Feng Fei.

Feng Fei stretched and smirked.

"You…" Ni Mei Lin swept a glance at the content of the letter, and understood that Feng Fei was indeed innocent. "You"ll just casually throw away this kind of letter?"

"Not casually ah." Feng Fei refrained himself from laughing, "I crumpled it first then threw it outside. Who would have thought that the dean has a good timing."

Ni Mei Lin looked at the tape on the stationary, she held back a smile and said with a serious face: "So it’s not your responsibility, even if someone else gave it to you? Don’t tell me this is how a grown-up deal with their problems?"

Feng Fei nodded an apology, "Sorry for giving you trouble."

"You always give trouble to many people!" Ni Mei Lin chided, "Stop smirking! In order for you to have a better learning environment, the dean wants a thorough investigation. Where do you think you can get a good learning environment if no one really cares about it?"

Feng Fei apologized again, this time it had a little sincerity: "I was wrong."

"Glad that you know. As for this letter…" Ni Mei Lin didn’t actually believe that Feng Fei did not know who the opposite party was. She actually approved that he insisted not knowing the name of the girl because she did not want to make this matter big. They could still manage the students" puppy love affairs as long as it did not go beyond the line: s.e.xual relationship.

Ni Mei Lin also agreed with Feng Fei for protecting each other"s behavior, but she had to say: "I will not find the girl. This letter is for you to deal with and don’t let me know that it will happen again."

Feng Fei nodded, "Rest a.s.sured, it absolutely won’t happen again."

Ni Mei Lin let out an "En" sound before saying, "Stand for two periods."

Feng Fei gritted his teeth and cursed out in a low voice when Ni Mei Lin was already far away from him.

Thus, Feng Fei was forced to stand outside of the cla.s.sroom for the next two periods.

Hai Xiu was both feeling distressed and annoyed. He wanted to go to the teacher and tell them that he was the one who wrote the letter.

"Why does it matter to you? It was not written by you nor was written for you. You’re also not the one who threw it outside the window." It was cla.s.s break and Feng Fei was teasing Hai Xiu with a smile. "I deserved it. Also, its my bad luck. Relax, teacher Ni didn’t take it seriously, this is only a consideration for the dean. Oh yeah, go back to the cla.s.sroom and get the two volumes of my physics textbook. I just did the questions but I forgot to do the others. I’ll look at it at the next period."

Hai Xiu followed Feng Fei"s words and went back inside the cla.s.sroom. Feng Fei leaned against the wall while waiting for Hai Xiu, he was looking at the ceiling with a bored look on his face.

"Feng Fei……"

Feng Fei saw Ji Ya Qi in his peripheral vision who was hesitating to approach him. He was still looking at the ceiling when he said: "Don"t worry, n.o.body knows that you wrote it."

"You…" Ji Ya Qi bit her lower lip, "I can go to the teacher and admit it…"

"Don"t." Feng Fei looked down at Ji Ya Qi, his expression was still indifferent. "This is my compensation for throwing out your letter and now, we are even. Don’t think that it will change my mind. I didn’t read that letter and just threw it away, you should understand my meaning."

Ji Ya Qi was teary-eyed, she was completely disappointed and turned away.

Feng Fei actually did not care about girl’s behavior, he was still heartlessly looking at the opposite wall, and would sometimes banter with some familiar boys who were pa.s.sing by. Not long after, Hai Xiu came out of the cla.s.sroom. Feng Fei immediately formed a smile on his lips, "Why are you so slow? Alright, you go back inside."

Hai Xiu really did not want to go and wanted to accompany Feng Fei, but Feng Fei did not let him to: "It"s fine, I am often punished by standing outside of the cla.s.sroom. Go back inside quickly. Later, we will eat the braised pork rice my family sent today."

Hai Xiu"s lips moved and said in a low voice: "You… You told me before… that you’ll go out this weekend to buy something. I… I"ll go with you."

Feng Fei laughed: "Compensating me?"

Hai Xiu did not answer, nor did he want to return to the cla.s.sroom right away. But cla.s.s was starting soon and the teacher for the next period already arrived, Feng Fei smiled while chasing Hai Xiu back into the cla.s.sroom. Even though he was punished to stand outside, he was still in a good mood. So when the teacher pa.s.sed by him, he had the cheek to say h.e.l.lo and explained that he was being punish to stand outside. Therefore, it was inconvenient to go inside and listen to the teacher"s lecture.

Feng Fei"s voice was not quiet, so his cla.s.smates have heard it and everyone burst out laughing. Hai Xiu"s tight nerves this morning finally relaxed down, he followed with a laugh.

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