Chapter 18

At noon, the long-awaited snowplow finally arrived.

Since the two ate late in the morning, they didn’t feel hungry at all. Feng Fei couldn’t sit still and just watched the vehicle through the gla.s.s wall, so he put down his homework and went out to see. Hai Xiu wrapped himself with clothes and followed Feng Fei outside to watch the staffs.

"What do you think you’re doing?" Feng Fei pulled Hai Xiu in front of him and covered the kid"s ears with his hands. "Is it not cold?"

Hai Xiu shook his head, he looked over to the staff who stepped onto the snowplow then he turned back to Feng Fei and whispered in a low voice: "This… how long?"

Feng Fei was trying to be optimistic when he said: "It will probably take two hours or less to clear it up."

Hai Xiu thought that it was fine, "We"re not hungry anyway, and there’s a food in the house."

"Eat noodles at noon?" Feng Fei smiled, "Forget it. I’ve finally asked you to come here and all I did is to let you eat noodles? Let’s go back inside and change clothes."

Hai Xiu smiled and nodded, he went back inside the house together with Feng Fei.

Once they were inside, they hurriedly changed their clothes, wore their scarves and carried their wallets.


On the way down the hill, Feng Fei asked: "When will your mother come back this time?"

Hai Xiu answered honestly: "Probably… Wednesday."

Feng Fei was surprised: "Wednesday?!"

Hai Xiu blinked: "What… What’s wrong?"

"It"s nothing." Feng Fei said with a smile on his face, "Don"t go back tomorrow. Okay?"

Hai Xiu frowned: "I didn’t bring my clothes."

"That"s why we are going out to buy it." Seeing Hai Xiu hesitating, Feng Fei persuaded him some more, "If we can’t buy it, then I’ll bring you back to your house to get it? Stay in my house today."

Of course, Hai Xiu was certainly willing to stay with Feng Fei for longer, but he was afraid at the same time. He had been feeling uneasy since yesterday, he was afraid that he would say or do something boldly. Thinking back about last night"s event, Hai Xiu really felt scared. He also didn’t know what happened to him, that he actually dared to steal a kiss from Feng Fei…

Hai Xiu lifted his eyes up to Feng Fei, carefully watching the handsome side face and suddenly lost in thought. This was exactly where he had stolen a kiss from Feng Fei last night…

"I"m asking you." Feng Fei urged him, "You"ll be home alone if you go home, I"m also alone. So why bother? You can rest a.s.sured that in this two days, our family"s auntie will come and will cook delicious food. You won’t get starved."

Hai Xiu was tangled for a moment. In the end, he lightly nodded. He just couldn’t resist the temptation of staying with Feng Fei.

Feng Fei was overjoyed, "Sunday, Monday and Tuesday… Yes! You can stay with me for three days, not counting today though."

Hai Xiu"s heart beat faster, he didn’t speak while walking behind Feng Fei.

The winding road was long and the two didn’t speak for long. After some time, Feng Fei suddenly said, "I never have the nerve to ask you this before… Why is your mother single?"

He turned his head to look at Hai Xiu, "I"m just casually asking, it"s fine if you don’t want to answer it."

Hai Xiu quickly shook his head: "No… There is nothing that I can’t say… My parents actually divorced when I was in 3rd grade."

When Feng Fei went to Hai Xiu"s house for the first time before, he didn’t see any photos of Hai Xiu"s father. He guessed that the father wasn"t dead, but divorced. "Because of what?"

Hai Xiu answered truthfully: "My father cheated."

Feng Fei let out a "tsk" sound before asking again: "And your mother found out?"

Hai Xiu nodded: "My mom was very busy working that time, and they had been together for a long time… She found out and then left him."

Feng Fei was dumbfounded: "Just that?"

Hai Xiu smiled: "You want trouble that much? However that time, many people tried to urged my mom for me to forgive my father, to endure and have patience. My father was also apologizing and saying that he wouldn’t do it anymore. I even remembered that he knelt down and begged my mom…"

Feng Fei"s eyes were full of disgust, but he refrained himself from saying anything bad since the opposite party was Hai Xiu"s biological father.

Hai Xiu continued on saying: "Later on, my mom asked me if I want my father back…"

Feng Fei asked: "What did you say?"

Hai Xiu: "I said I don’t want to…"

Feng Fei was a little surprised and asked: "You really want your parents to get divorced?"

Hai Xiu nodded: "My father cheated, he is unfaithful and had a free love… if he comes back, it won’t be the same anymore. In fact, my grandparents were dissatisfied that they were getting divorced but my mom was really willing to do it at that time, and I’m really proud of her because I know that she was very much in pain. In order to give me a complete family, she let them both on the same bed. I don’t think it was right and I don’t want my mom to do something inconvenient just for my sake."

Feng Fei very much agreed to it: "Yeah. I think it’s really inconvenient."

Hai Xiu let out a "hmm" sound before continuing: "My mom rarely cried, but she cried for a long time that day while holding me in her arms. Then they got divorced, she didn’t want the house, she asked for the money instead and took me to live somewhere. Our lives aren’t that bad."

Feng Fei smiled and said: "En." He recalled the time he last went to Hai Xiu"s house. The area was small and the decoration was very simple, but you could see that it was carefully arranged to make someone feel very warm and you could imagine that the mother and son got along very well.

Hai Xiu nodded: "I was also afraid to see them quarrel everyday, so I thought that divorce was perhaps better."

Feng Fei just rubbed Hai Xiu"s head for a bit and didn’t speak anymore.

It was difficult to walk down the winding road because it was snowy and slippery, so the two walked for a full half an hour before they could ride a taxi. Feng Fei looked at the time then asked Hai Xiu: "We"ll eat lunch first? What do you want to eat?"

Hai Xiu shook his head: "Anything will do… as long as you like it."

"You"re indulging me ah." Feng Fei smiled, he held Hai Xiu"s hand and thought for a while before saying: "We should eat hotpot in this kind of weather, but we already ate hotpot last night… Do you want to eat j.a.panese food? I know a j.a.panese restaurant, their food tastes good and the restaurant is particularly warm. Okay?"

Hai Xiu had no objection: "Good."

After telling the driver the address, Feng Fei leaned on the back seat and slowly planned: "Eat first. After eating for two or three hours, we can go shopping near the restaurant and eat dinner outside. And then find my brother to borrow his car."

Hai Xiu hesitated first before saying: "Forget it… let’s take a taxi."

"You don’t want to meet my brother?" Feng Fei smiled, "Okay. After dinner, wait in that place and I’ll go get the car to pick you up."

"That"s not what I meant…" Hai Xiu really didn’t feel relieve, "You don’t even have driver"s licence."

The driver looked at the two from the rearview mirror once. Feng Fei helplessly sighed and said: "I… I"ll be able to have it. Okay, we’ll talk later."

Hai Xiu fidgeted on his seat while looking at the pair of long legs, he was afraid that he made Feng Fei unhappy, so he leaned closer and whispered: "Then… Then go and find your brother after dinner. Don’t be angry ah…"

"Who"s angry?" Feng Fei smiled, "I want to take you to go somewhere else to stroll. Don’t you want to see the snow at night?"

Hai Xiu"s was somewhat excited as he imagined how romantic it would be to see the snow at night with Feng Fei. But going home early and nesting together, was very good either. Hai Xiu hesitated first before saying: "Alright… I’ll listen to you."

Feng Fei smiled, he lowered his head and whispered in Hai Xiu"s ear: "I want to hear your opinion."

Hai Xiu awkwardly covered his ears and rubbed it.

After eating lunch, the two was already shopping for an hour when Feng Fei"s phone suddenly rang.

It was He Hao.

Feng Fei answered the call while looking at the clothes on the side, "What happened? You lost the game?"

He Hao cursed from the other side of the phone, "They can’t hold their heads up! d.a.m.n, it"s so cold today. Oh! You didn’t see…"

He Hao was making an ear-splitting yell from the other side, Feng Fei had to move the phone a bit further away from his ear. He turned his head to look at Hai Xiu who just came out from the dressing room, his eyes were bright as he spoke: "f.u.c.king awesome…"

Hai Xiu tried a piece of white loose sweater, paired with camel pants, it looked clean and warm. Hai Xiu looked at the mirror then turned around to look at Feng Fei, he smiled at him and nodded.

He Hao was still speaking rapidly, Feng Fei interrupted him: "No comment ah. I have a matter—"

"What matter can it be?" He Hao was dissatisfied, "Wait! I haven’t told you why I called!"

Feng Fei felt annoyed: "Just spit it out!"

He Hao laughed twice and said: "We opened up a party here. You don’t want to go?"

Feng Fei refused: "No, you play with yourself."

He was about to hung up when He Hao stopped him and said: "Don"t end the call! Captain is going to have a special study next week, I don’t think we"ll get together again until next year. You really don’t want to go?"

"I have plans already." Feng Fei didn’t want to talk any further, "You didn’t tell me in advance, and I already made a plan with other people. Don’t call me ah. I’m busy here."

He Hao still didn’t give up and shouted: "With whom?! Your girlfriend? Come together ah, let everyone see her."

Feng Fei directly hang up the phone call and went to Hai Xiu"s side with a smile: "This is good. The clothes really suits you."

Hai Xiu was still hesitating: "I think the beige is better…"

"That"s a beige white one, you change with it." Feng Fei"s cellphone rang again, he didn’t wait for Hai Xiu to refute and immediately pushed him lightly to the dressing room. "Go back. I just saw a windbreaker from over there, it looks good."

Feng Fei hang up the phone before he could go inside the dressing room. His heart felt itchy as he badly wanted to see Hai Xiu with those clothes.

But just as he was about to go in, Hai Xiu went out of the dressing room.

Hai Xiu looked strange as he whispered: "He… He Hao called me."

Feng Fei laughed in spite of trying not to: "The nerve of that guy! Just ignore him and give me your phone."

"I…" Hai Xiu felt some regrets, "He… He asked me if I was with you and I said yes… He wanted us to play with them…"

Feng Fei scoffed: "Go to his sister1! Who wants to play with him?"

Hai Xiu said restlessly: "But… But I already agreed. I’m sorry, I don’t know how to refuse… I’ll call him back…"

Feng Fei laughed again, "I"m sorry. Do you really want to go there?"

Hai Xiu felt guilty and said: "I didn’t make myself clear… I told him that I was not familiar with them, but he said that some of our cla.s.smates are there and if I still don’t want to play with him, he"ll call several "good students" like w.a.n.g Peng, Song Jiajia and the likes… if he called, I—"

Feng Fei thought that in order for Hai Xiu to come with him, He Hao would really call those students. He also thought that perhaps interacting with his cla.s.smates outside the school should not be a bad thing for Hai Xiu.

Besides, Feng Fei would also go there so no one could bully Hai Xiu.

Feng Fei confirmed again: "Don"t force yourself to go if you don’t want to go. What if he calls Ni Mei Lin, you will still go there?"

Hai Xiu instantly relaxed: "Teacher… Teacher Ni will also go?"

Feng Fei couldn’t imagine Ni Mei Lin to be at the party, he waved his hand and said: "I am just… making an a.n.a.logy…"

He picked up the phone and called He Hao.

Once he confirmed that half of their cla.s.smates were there, Feng Fei felt relieved and warned He Hao: "Don"t call Hai Xiu again. Never again."

He Hao yelled from the other line: "Why am I not allowed to call Hai Xiu?!"

"I"ll smash your cellphone if you call him again!" Feng Fei directly said: "Still want us to go?"

He Hao admitted: "I just changed my phone… you two are really going ah?"

Feng Fei let out a "hmm" sound, He Hao was still dissatisfied as he said: "I told you to go, you didn’t want to go. But when Hai Xiu said that you’ll go, you—"

"I"m only willing to give him face2!" Feng Fei laughed, "p.i.s.s off!"

Feng Fei ended the call and said to Hai Xiu: "Okay, we"ll go and play for a while."

In fact, Hai Xiu was also willing to communicate with his cla.s.smates. When he heard it, he nodded and said: "I… I don’t want to stay all night…"

"There"s no need to be nervous. They will just sing, play truth or dare games, and nothing new. Once you played enough, we"ll leave." Feng Fei pulled Hai Xiu"s ear lightly and chuckled: "Afraid that I’ll leave you and play with them?"

Hai Xiu blushed as he let out a "hmm" sound.

It"s a friendlier way of swearing at someone in Chinese language, which means screw him/you. ↩To show or treat (someone) with respect, honor, and dignity. The phrase is a translation from Cantonese and is used primarily in reference to Chinese people. ↩

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