Chapter 27

Unfortunately, there were only a few students who thought the same as Feng Fei that this was a blessing in disguise, while majority of the students were still repugnant about this matter. Feng Fei even heard this early in the morning that a group of students went to complain in the dean"s office, to reflect about the situation, but without exception, they were driven back.

This time, it was also Ni Mei Lin who didn’t express any disapproval to this new rule. According to her, third year high school students should put their minds on studying. The effectiveness of reading the books after the students went home was definitely not as high as in the school, and furthermore before that, there were students who attend and those who didn"t want to attend the night studies, it was inconvenient to moderate them. Now by forcibly tying them down and gathering them up as one, it was more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

Feng Fei showed his approval of this matter. When Ni Mei Lin said this in cla.s.s, Feng Fei cooperated by adding a few good sentence.

Thus, he gathered strange gazes from his cla.s.smates and Ni Mei Lin"s.

At cla.s.s break, several emotionally and eager students were encircled together, and was discussing some ways to overturn the rule. Feng Fei had been watching them the entire time, although his face was expressionless, he was criticizing them in his heart.

Wasn’t it just a little tiring and a little laborious? Already a third year and you still don’t want to experience hardship?

If you have so much energy to discuss about these matter, you might as well just recite the cla.s.sical Chinese literature…

Recently, Hai Xiu gave Feng Fei a task to recite the ancient poetry with an outline requirements of correct dictation, and he had already done half of them.

Feng Fei was also sometimes a bit devious and thought that he was one of the "problematic students" in school, that teachers weren’t even willing to take over. However, since the day he got to know Hai Xiu, he was now step by step walking to the path of being a good student.

This was clearly a twist of fate…

"Let"s go to your house at noon." During cla.s.s break, Feng Fei discussed about the situation with Hai Xiu. "We can’t wait for the weekend, we can only use this time at noon. We’ll first go to your house. You need to pack up all the things you need to use. We can go straight to my house to put all your things, then go back to school, so we won’t be late for the first period in the afternoon. What do you think?"

Hai Xiu thought for a bit before nodding his head, and said with some embarra.s.sment: "You… That’s very thoughtful of you ah."

Feng Fei chuckled: "It"s not easy to have a strong effect on you, so I really need to be thoughtful."

After school at noon, Feng Fei casually took Hai Xiu to a nearby Chinese restaurant to eat and then to Hai Xiu"s house.

The last time Feng Fei went, Jiang Yu Man was in the house. Therefore, he just sat in the living room for awhile because it was inconvenient for him to walk around. Now that no one was at home, Feng Fei directly went to Hai Xiu"s bedroom after changing his shoes.

Hai Xiu arranged the clothes and shoes that was to be taken away. On the other hand, Feng Fei was walking around the room and looking at everything.

"Is this your childhood photo? How old were you when it was taken?"

"This is really adorable! Can you give it to me? I’ll put it on my nightstand."

"It can’t be… did you win this award?!"

"These books… are alphabetically arranged? Really careful ah…"

Hai Xiu helplessly said: "You… sit down first. What would you like to drink?"

Feng Fei was busy looking at Hai Xiu"s desk, he shook his head and said: "I don’t want to drink, we need to rush, pack things up quickly. Oh yeah… do you want to take your desk too? I don’t have that in my house." Before he got to know Hai Xiu, Feng Fei didn’t really read books at home nor did Feng Fei"s older brother. Thus, his parents didn’t really prepare something like this.

Hai Xiu shook his head: "It"s fine… I don’t need it in the school at night. If I have to read, I’ll just find a place."

"That is so inconvenient ah. What about my study(room)? The light in my study is fine, but the seat…" Feng Fei suddenly thought of something, he turned around to face Hai Xiu and said with a smile, "How about I sit on a chair and you sit on my lap?"

Hai Xiu"s face instantly turned red and he didn’t say anything for half a day, while Feng Fei was still feeling good by his own obscenity.

Hai Xiu no longer paid attention to Feng Fei. With his body blocking Feng Fei"s vision, he quickly put his underwears at the bottom of the suitcase.

While packing a few more clothes, he suddenly remembered that he didn’t take his medicine. He sneakily went to the kitchen and hid the two bottles in the suitcase.

Just as when Hai Xiu went back to the bedroom, he saw Feng Fei holding a stack of small notes that the two of them pa.s.sed to each other. Feng Fei looked at him with a smile.

Hai Xiu was shocked and said: "You…"

"I"m sorry ah." Feng Fei"s apology wasn’t even sincere, he smiled: "I took your photo alb.u.m and accidentally saw these stack of notes hidden in the back."

It was a very thick stack of notes that were neatly set up by Hai Xiu with a stapler. Feng Fei turned two pages, shook his head and smiled: "What are you, a little mouse? Why are you hiding it?"

Hai Xiu"s little secret was discovered, so he was feeling very embarra.s.sed. Feng Fei flipped the notes back and forth, and the strength wasn’t small. A few of those notes were written on a scratch papers, so they were very fragile. Hai Xiu looked distressed as he watched it turned carelessly, he couldn"t help whispering: "You… Don’t rip it."

Feng Fei was about to put it back, but when he heard these sentence, he directly put the notes in his pocket. He raised his chin and arched an eyebrow: "What do you mean don’t rip it? This is my thing. Aren’t those written by me?"

Hai Xiu watched as the thing he had been long treasured was confiscated, his tone immediately softened: "I was just anxious, that’s why I said it incorrectly… I know it was yours, but… it"s useless to you…"

"Because it"s useless to me, you just take it away and hide it?" Feng Fei chuckled, "Be frank and lenient, what else did you hide?"

Hai Xiu"s face gradually turned red, he licked his own lips and shyly said: "And… and also… one of your drafts."

In fact, Feng Fei was only asking thoughtlessly, but he didn’t think that Hai Xiu really hid other things. He really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, so he just asked: "Anything else?"

Hai Xiu really wanted to cry at that moment. He didn’t even dare lift his head as he answered in a low voice that couldn’t get any lower, he didn’t dare lie either: "And… and a cap of a soda bottle."

Feng Fei refrained himself from laughing out loud, he then said: "Bring it over."

Hai Xiu was very reluctant to listen to Feng Fei, but he didn’t know how to refuse him. So he opened the drawer of his desk and took out all of Feng Fei"s small things and blushed till his ears: "Here…"

When Feng Fei was about to take it, Hai Xiu quickly held his hand and couldn’t help but beg for mercy: "Give… Give them to me. You… Don’t take them all away."

Feng Fei laughed out loud and took advantage of Hai Xiu"s hand. He pulled Hai Xiu to the side with his arm and looked down at the kid"s flushed cheeks. He smiled and said: "Why are you so fond of hiding these things?"

Hai Xiu lowered his head, he was too embarra.s.sed to answer. Feng Fei"s heart softened upon seeing him like this, so he coaxed Hai Xiu: "I was only teasing you, I wasn"t really planning on confiscating it. Take it."

Feng Fei signaled Hai Xiu using his eyes to take the notes from the pocket of his coat. Hai Xiu looked up at Feng Fei, after determining that Feng Fei was serious, he shyly put his hand in Feng Fei"s pocket and took out the notes.

Feng Fei smiled: "I am all yours, why do you still want to hide them?"

"It"s a memento." Hai Xiu"s face was red, he shyly and seriously said: "I want to keep something that will remind me of you."

Feng Fei snorted: "It was obviously me who’s chasing after you, but why are you turning it around now and pretending to be the one who’s head over heels?"

Recalling about the night when Feng Fei confessed to him, Hai Xiu felt something sweet in his heart, he didn’t speak and just smiled. Feng Fei took Hai Xiu"s hand and kissed his slender fingers before saying in a soft voice: "You know, while I was watching you pack your things, I suddenly remembered something."

Hai Xiu felt that his own fingertips were hot, he blinked and asked: "What did you remember?"

"I remembered the poem you taught me the other day." Feng Fei"s voice was gentle as he said, "The maiden goes to her future home, to make a harmonious and orderly home."

Hai Xiu was momentarily stunned and forgot to say something.

"You can rest a.s.sured that when you go to my house, I will definitely not bully you. If you’re willing to hide these things, hide them. If you want to hide anything, I will not ask or look." Feng Fei knew that based on Hai Xiu character and illness, if he rashly changed his environment, he would feel very unease. However, Hai Xiu liked him and trusted him, so he couldn’t bear to refuse but to agree, and he wouldn’t take advantage of it. "If anyone in my family comes back, I will certainly tell you in advance, so that it won’t make you feel awkward. I will also tidy up half of my closet and put your things in there. It"s like you’re on your own house. Okay?"

Hai Xiu didn’t expect that Feng Fei would guarantee him these things, he was unexpectedly filled with joy. How could Feng Fei be so good to him ah…

Hai Xiu nodded: "I… I know that you are so good to me. You"ll not really going to bully me…"

"It"s best that you know." Feng Fei"s tone relaxed, "Are you done packing? We’ll go to my house first, then go back to the school quickly."

Hai Xiu nodded again: "Packed up." Hai Xiu"s set of things that he uses daily were already in Feng Fei"s house. Now, he only needed to bring spare clothes and the likes. After confirming that Hai Xiu didn’t forget anything, Feng Fei grabbed Hai Xiu"s suitcase with one hand and told him to lock the door before taking him away.

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