Okay, I’m not a hypocrite to say that I appreciate people copying my work and pasting it on other sites. (¬_¬ ) I don’t. I’m kinda getting upset about this. It’s like my work, effort and hardwork are getting stolen (╥﹏╥)

Chapter 28

After hurrying back to school, it was a few minutes away before the next period starts.

Hai Xiu returned to the cla.s.sroom all by himself, while Feng Fei went to the bathroom to relieve himself.

While relieving himself in the bathroom, Feng Fei heard several students who were huddled together in a cubicle, whispering and discussing something.

With the help of his sharp ears, Feng Fei held his breath and listened for a moment. Then he smirked, zipped up his pants and washed his hands before returning to the cla.s.sroom.

This afternoon, there was still a cla.s.s and the rest was a self-study. Hai Xiu reorganized well the mathematical problems that Feng Fei answered wrongly and didn’t finish last week, so Feng Fei could redo the problems on his own.

This was almost a required homework for the two of them once a week.

Thanks to Hai Xiu"s current task—helping the teachers handing and receiving the homeworks, he could easily ask the teachers in different subjects to have one blank test paper. The printing papers were in abundance, so the teachers wouldn’t naturally be stingy for this one. After leaving one blank test paper each time, he would mark out the questions Feng Fei missed in there, then save it for next week. Then when the next week came, he would give the marked blank papers to Feng Fei to let him redo the wrong questions.

In Hai Xiu"s opinion, it was not useful to redo one wrong question with a hundred sheets, but filling up the questions and answering it correctly were the most important thing in senior high school. Although in the beginning, almost half of Feng Fei"s papers had no answers. But after a few months, the number of questions that needed to be redone became less and less and this work became easier to manage.

In the matter of curriculum, Feng Fei always listened to Hai Xiu. If Hai Xiu asked him to redo it, he would definitely redo it. After several months of taking tests, the change in the performance was not as obvious as in the beginning, but it was also steadily rising and had now stabilized in the middle level.

During cla.s.s break, Hai Xiu returned the answer sheet to Feng Fei and gladly said: "This time… it was all right."

Feng Fei didn’t speak, he raised his eyebrow and looked outside the window at the snow-covered sycamore tree. When Hai Xiu just transferred, the trees on this side were not yellow yet.

After looking outside for a while, Feng Fei noticed that Hai Xiu was staring blankly at him, he laughed in spite of trying not to: "Why are you looking at me?"

Hai Xiu hesitated for a moment before whispering: "Nothing… I just like looking at you…"

Feng Fei smiled and leaned closer: "Because I’m so handsome?"

Hai Xiu"s cheeks flushed red and he nodded honestly.

"Ah… I’ve been trying very hard not to rely on my face to live, but I didn’t expect that I also have to use this thing to attract you." Feng Fei shook his head and sighed, "Look at He Hao… someone wrote a love letter to him, isn’t that true love? How about you? When I get old, you"ll stop liking me?"

"No!" Hai Xiu refuted in a low voice and hurriedly said: "I… I like everything about you."

Feng Fei"s heart blossomed happily, he then reluctantly expressed his satisfaction: "So don’t look at the external attribute, you should look at the internal instead. Also, look at this paper… look how beautiful it was written."

Hai Xiu suppressed the laughter from coming out, he then took off the wrong questions that had been done and put it in a big notebook, so that Feng Fei could review it later.

The homeworks were relatively easy to do because there were only few and the time for the self-study was long. An afternoon soon pa.s.sed, and the two boys didn’t even speak nor bother each other during the cla.s.s. Only after the cla.s.s did Feng Fei talked to Hai Xiu: "What do you want for dinner?"

Feng Fei"s voice wasn’t too loud, so Hai Xiu didn’t hear it clearly. He frowned and repeated: "You want to eat p.o.o.p for dinner[^1]?"

Feng Fei laughed out loud and the whole cla.s.s looked over at them. He refrained himself from laughing again, and took a few deep breaths before deciding to make his own decision.

After school, Feng Fei directly took Hai Xiu to a Korean Barbeque restaurant that was two streets away from the school.

"Eat faster, we don’t have much time." Feng Fei said while pouring a barley tea in Hai Xiu"s cup, "f.u.c.k. I used to be able to shop with you and cook for ourselves, but now I have no time at all."

Hai Xiu quickly said: "On weekends, you can go to my house…" They always went to Feng Fei"s house, that was why Hai Xiu also wanted to entertain Feng Fei in his own house.

"Then you won’t be able to spend time with your mom on weekends if I go there." Feng Fei wasn’t that greedy, but he then thoughtfully said, "Well, wait until I bring some things to your house and I’ll take my time pleasing your mom."

Hai Xiu laughed: "No, don"t bring anything. I… I’ll entertain you."

Feng Fei smiled and ate with contentment, then he said after awhile: "Those people are so far worse compared to us. They’re still at the stage of writing love letters and pa.s.sing notes. While we are already cohabiting and even met our parents."

With a red face, Hai Xiu corrected Feng Fei: "This is not, not that kind of cohabitation… And it"s nice to pa.s.s notes."

"Yes ah, notes can still be hidden. How good it is." Feng Fei joked, "If we both knew each other in junior high school, your wardrobe would probably full of my notes."

Recalling about his notes that had been found out, Hai Xiu still really felt embarra.s.sed. Feng Fei laughed and said: "Aside from pa.s.sing the notes, what else do you like to do? We’ll do it all while we haven’t graduated yet."

Hai Xiu tried hard to think of things which once sounded romantic to him, like playing in the sports field together, holding the clothes of the other and writing love letters. But now, they didn’t feel like they were anymore. As long as he was together with Feng Fei, he would feel good even without doing anything.

Hai Xiu couldn’t really think of anything, so he asked Feng Fei: "What about you? Is there anything you really want to do?"

"I ah… do you really want me to say?" Feng Fei smirked, "I want to kiss you in the cla.s.sroom, touch you, hold you to my desk and then—"

Hai Xiu"s face suddenly turned red, he quickly took a piece of sushi and stuffed it into Feng Fei"s mouth. He then said with embarra.s.sment: "You… You eat quickly. We need to go back to school."

With his mouth stuffed with sushi, Feng Fei laughed then said: "You told me to say it! I said it but you didn’t even listen, it"s hard to wait…"

Hai Xiu finished his dinner with a red face and went back to school.

The sky outside were completely dark. Hai Xiu closed the window and felt a little excited, he looked at Feng Fei and whispered: "This is the first time I’m still in the school at night."

There were many students like Hai Xiu who were also excited, they were walking back and forth, and kidding around in the cla.s.sroom. Feng Fei leaned closer to Hai Xiu and asked: "You… It"s your first time studying at night?"

When Hai Xiu nodded, Feng Fei asked: "You aren’t scared?"

Hai Xiu frowned: "Scared… Scared of what?"

"This school was a cemetery in the past." Feng Fei"s voice was very light, "I heard before that it was haunted. There were several times that they wanted to repair the roads, but they couldn’t. There would be accidents in construction and sacrificing to the G.o.ds were useless. Then the higher ups said to just build a school, because the students’ yang energy are too heavy, so it will pressure the ghost from wandering."

Hai Xiu knitted his brows: "Do… Do you believe these things?"

"I don’t believe it at all." Feng Fei"s tone was still the same as usual, "But have you heard that at night, no one dares to go to the sports field?"

Hai Xiu explained: "That"s because the dean didn’t allow anyone to go there…"

Feng Fei raised an eyebrow: "Then think about it, why did the dean forbid anyone to go there?"

Hai Xiu was startled, an unexplainable chill ran down his spine.

"I"ve heard from the school"s basketball team members that the dean was afraid to disturb "those people"." Feng Fei lowered his head to play on his mobile phone and said in a tone like he didn’t care about it: "Actually, they didn’t allow the students to study at night before. But nothing had happened, everyone"s vigilance was reduced and the students who knew already graduated. There are only few students now who knew about it, so they didn’t care at all."

Hai Xiu was the type who wasn’t easily frightened, but he shivered after hearing these. He rubbed his arm, lowered his head to do the questions and didn’t dare listen anymore.

The cla.s.s bell would ring at seven o"clock. Feng Fei stared at the time and started the countdown. Ten, nine, eight, seven… three, two and one!

A ‘Hissー’ sound was heard. All the lights in the cla.s.sroom were all turned off and at the same time, there was a blackout in the entire school.

The students in the cla.s.sroom were all startled and screams could be heard constantly. Hai Xiu opened his eyes widely in the darkness, he instantly leaned towards Feng Fei in a panic, his back facing Feng Fei.

Feng Fei was already well-prepared since earlier, so he was naturally not scared at all. However, when he saw Hai Xiu foolishly guarding his back, his heart beat a little faster.

There was no light in the entire school and it was almost dark. Feng Fei got up and with a smile, he picked up Hai Xiu and sat the kid on his desk. And before Hai Xiu could react, he lowered his head to search for Hai Xiu"s lips and gave him a deep kiss.

Hai Xiu"s eyes widened: "!!!"

While kissing him continuously, Feng Fei put his hand on the back of Hai Xiu"s head and didn’t even let Hai Xiu escape.

"So lucky…" Feng Fei"s voice swept over onto Hai Xiu"s ears. "I just said today that I want to do it, and now I really did it."

Surrounded by the noisy footsteps and screaming sounds of his cla.s.smates, Hai Xiu"s heart almost jumped out. He whispered: "You… You knew…"

"At noon today, I went to the bathroom and heard some students discussing about not wanting to study at night and they planned to pull down the brake." Feng Fei hugged Hai Xiu"s waist intimately and said with a voice full of smile, "So I just made up a story to scare you… it"s really fun to tease you ah…"

Hai Xiu"s delicate eyebrows knitted. He was about to say something, but Feng Fei didn’t wait for him to speak and kissed him again.

Although they couldn’t see each other, but the sound of their cla.s.smates" voices that continued to surround them, made it more exciting. Hai Xiu sat on top of the table, he clutched Feng Fei"s clothes tightly and continued on sharing this taboo with each other.

Feng Fei calculated the time. Before the lights gets turned on again, he kissed Hai Xiu"s cheek and unwillingly brought him down to his original seat.

When the lights were finally on, Hai Xiu was still sitting in front of his own desk like ten minutes ago, but he was blushing more so than before. However, everyone was scared and didn’t even notice it.

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