Chapter 29

Outside the cla.s.sroom of cla.s.s 1, Feng Fei could see a group of students who were standing on both sides of the hallway. Those were the brave students who had just pulled down the brake awhile ago.

One group of students were standing dejectedly and with a long face.

On the other hand, Feng Fei who had remembered the aftertaste of the kiss just now, felt refreshed while relieving himself.

"Feng Fei!" The cla.s.s monitor, from the cla.s.s next door, stopped by in the bathroom and called out Feng Fei, "Let"s hang out on Christmas Eve next week?"

After thinking about the last incident, Feng Fei felt that Hai Xiu could still be in touch with other people. He paused and asked: "Where are you going? Who are you with?"

"Mujia Hot Spring." The cla.s.s monitor then said warmly, "Let’s hang out together, go call He Hao and some of your cla.s.smates. No one else, just a few of us. From morning to afternoon, we are forced to study, I never get to go out and play. Even in the afternoon, it"s boring to play all by yourself."

This hot spring had been visited by Feng Fei before and the environment was very nice. Feng Fei thought about Hai Xiu and said: "I can go with my friend but we won’t spend the night, we"ll go home on the same day after hanging out."

"What"s the point of staying overnight?" The cla.s.s monitor said with a strange smile, "I"ll stay overnight since the next day is Sunday."

Feng Fei shook his head: "Forget it, we can’t really stay overnight."

"Don"t be like that, come on." The cla.s.s monitor then smiled and said, "You can. I’m just afraid that you won’t be able to enjoy. What about your friend? Do I know him?"

"I don’t know if you knew my desk mate." Feng Fei thought for a second and warned, “Let us be clear, don’t play stupid jokes on him. I’ll be furious with anyone who would dare to tease him.”

The cla.s.s monitor from next door felt helpless: "We are not even close to him, who would be so idiotic to tease him? And I know who you’re talking about… Hai Xiu, right? That student who doesn’t like to talk, and has a fair and clear skin. Our teachers always speak of him. He always gets high marks.”

Feng Fei nodded, "Well, I’ll go ahead first."

"You must come ah!"

Feng Fei made a no problem gesture and went back to the cla.s.sroom.

"Will your mother be home next week?" Feng Fei returned to his seat and poked Hai Xiu with a ruler, "It"s Christmas Eve."

Hai Xiu thought about it then shook his head: "I don’t think so. They always have to deal something before the end of the year, so they are particularly busy and not at home."

It was like what Feng Fei guessed, so he said what happened just now then asked: "Would you like to go? If you don’t want to go, I’ll tell them that we’re not going and we have something to do."

Hai Xiu thought about it carefully first, then he nodded and said with a smile: "Let"s go… go and hang out together with them."

"Do you really want to go?" Feng Fei confirmed it over and over again, "Don"t do it for me, I don’t really care if we don’t go."

Hai Xiu thought again and nodded: "Really… I really want to go. Actually… I think it"s good to have fun together with everyone."

Willing to interact with other people, this was really a very big improvement ah!

Feng Fei was relieved, but he still couldn’t help lowering his voice and joked: "Is it because I kissed you last time, so you feel that it"s nice to play with everyone?"

Hai Xiu looked around feeling guilty as he quickly covered Feng Fei"s mouth and whispered: "You… You lower your voice."

"Everyone is outside, who can hear me?" Once the school bell rang a while ago, most of the students went out of the cla.s.sroom. But in their cla.s.sroom, there was no one else around beside from Feng Fei and Hai Xiu. Feng Fei lightly touched Hai Xiu’s lips with his own as he spoke laughingly, “If this isn’t good enough and you want another kiss, the only way is through CPR. Do you know how to swim?”

Hai Xiu nodded, "Yes."

"Huh?" Feng Fei didn’t expect it, "When did you learn?"

Hai Xiu explained: "When I was in the first grade of primary school, my father took me to go fishing. He chatted with other people, smoked and didn’t even look after me. I walked far away and accidentally fell in the water."

Feng Fei laughed in spite of trying not to: "How deep is the water?"

Hai Xiu answered with uncertainty: "The water wasn’t deep… less than two meters? It was a little bit more shallow… Fortunately, the lifeguard on the other side of the fish pond saw me and pulled me out. And when I went back, my mother gave me a swimming lesson cla.s.s. I learned how to swim less than a month."

Feng Fei could imagine a small Hai Xiu with a small duck swim ring and was learning how to swim, it was too meng! He also couldn’t help but despise Hai Xiu"s unreliable father: "If I go with you to the beach or wherever and I know that you can’t swim, I won’t let you out of my sight…"

(T/N: Meng is an equivalent to moe in j.a.panese, which means adorable or cute.)

It was all in the past and Hai Xiu didn’t really care about it anymore, so he didn’t reply and just smiled at Feng Fei.

In fact, Feng Fei thought Hai Xiu couldn’t really swim. And if he couldn’t, Feng Fei could teach him how and at the same time, take advantage of him conveniently. Just imagining Hai Xiu being afraid of the water and Feng Fei looking after him wasn"t that bad. But knowing that Hai Xiu could swim was also good either, at least his safety was guaranteed.

"It"s a deal then?" Feng Fei asked, "I think it"s in the morning next weekend, let’s hang out with them for a day and come back at night."

Hai Xiu thought that it was good, so he nodded: "Okay, if you think it"s good."

"So obedient?" as the question was said, the cla.s.s bell rang at the same time. Feng Fei tidied up the textbooks, "It"s good. Concentrate on reading your book."

Hai Xiu obediently followed what Feng Fei said, and soon forgot about the topic and concentrated on reading.

By the time the revision was over, Feng Fei’s back was so tired he was sure there were knots. So when the cla.s.s was nearly over, he braved the killer glare of his math teacher to get his and Hai Xiu’s jackets from the back of the cla.s.sroom. His less courageous cla.s.smates could only watch as he and Hai Xiu put on their jackets, and wrapped a thick scarf around their necks.

The second the school bell rang, Feng Fei casually threw the book from his hand and pulled Hai Xui out of the cla.s.sroom.

Fortunately, when the two left early, there was already a taxi waiting for them. If they took their time, there would definitely students who would block the roads while waiting for a taxi. After a short while, they finally got home since Feng Fei"s house was near the school. Feng Fei took a bath to recover from fatigue while Hai Xiu was left unpacking his suitcase.

"Hmm, it"s good…" Hai Xiu was squatting in front of the cupboard and was putting his clothes, while talking to Jiang Yu Man on the phone. "Hmm, it"s really close. I arrived in less than ten minutes."

"Got it…"

"I know. Goodnight, mom."

Feng Fei came out of the bathroom just as when Hai Xiu ended the call, he approached and smiled: "Your mother called?"

Hai Xiu nodded: "My mom will come back tomorrow. She didn’t trust me, so she asked me to sleep early, to not be naughty and not to trouble you."

"Our mom is very kind." Feng Fei took off his bathrobe and walked around in a pair of boxers only, "Hungry?"

Hai Xiu shook his head and he couldn’t help but stare at Feng Fei. After a while, he suddenly remembered something, he took out his wallet from the suitcase and handed it to Feng Fei. He then said with some embarra.s.sment: "I took it from my mom’s drawer when I came out, my mom asked me to give it to you."

Feng Fei laughed, he sat on the bed, opened the wallet and looked at it. He closed it again then handed it back to Hai Xiu: "Take it and use it as your pocket money."

Hai Xiu quickly shook his head: "But my mom said…"

"I know that your mom said it." Feng Fei interrupted Hai Xiu"s words, "You don’t have to give it to me, she wouldn’t know anyway. How can you be so foolish?"

But Hai Xiu still insisted: "It"s for my daily food and lodging here, and you always buy me something to eat…"

Feng Fei clicked his tongue loudly: "Still want to talk back?"

Hai Xiu quickly closed his mouth and didn’t dare speak again.

"Say you…" Feng Fei held Hai Xiu"s arm and pulled him down, letting him sit on his legs. Hai Xiu felt embarra.s.sed and wanted to stand up, but Feng Fei quickly hugged his waist. "Oh, why didn’t you run in a hurry during the blackout today?"

Feng Fei touched Hai Xiu"s forehead with his own and intimately said: "If I kiss you, will you be honest?"

Hai Xiu recalled back the scene at the evening self-study, he was actually really scared… but he also liked it.

"Well, back to the main topic, think it over carefully yourself… If you returned this money to your mom, she’d definitely feel sorry. From what you’ve said, I feel like your mom is pretty strong and cares about face. This sort of person would definitely be afraid of taking advantage of others. If you really insist on returning the money to her, she might just not let you stay over at my house. In that case, wouldn’t it be losing more than you’ve gained?” Feng Fei explained in detail to Hai Xiu. He pulled Hai Xiu’s hand over and placed the wallet on the kid"s hand. “Also, your mom doesn’t know our relationship. Would we really talk about who owes who? Are you kidding me? Be good and listen to me. Take it and spend it."

Feng Fei was already determined, so Hai Xiu had to give up because no matter what he had to say, it would only be useless. But he thought of planning to buy something for Feng Fei to pay him back.

"I won’t ask for your money. After we graduate and we start working, I’ll also give you my money." Feng Fei gave Hai Xiu naughty wink, "It"s our family tradition to hand over the money to the wife. I even heard from my father that if you are able to gather wealth, it generally won’t ruin the family."

Hai Xiu wanted to refute, but once he thought of the scene of the two of them working, he felt very sweet. Feng Fei rubbed his head and said: "Alright, it"s already late. Unpack your things quickly and go to sleep after." Feng Fei let him go and Hai Xiu continued unpacking his things. After doing it, the two quickly went to sleep.

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