This chapter is too hard to translate. QAQ nonetheless, it’s still one of my fave chapter.

Chapter 31

On Christmas Eve, the day where they have to go to the hot spring, Feng Fei and Hai Xiu came as promised.

The Mujia hot spring was located in the suburb, near the provincial border, and driving through the downtown area would take them 2 hours to reach the place. So 13 people decided to meet up near the highway and would use three vehicles.

At seven o"clock in the morning, Feng Fei and Hai Xiu"s car arrived in front of another car.

When Feng Fei was still in the car, he saw Shao Yue Ying from afar.

From a non-critical and emotional perspective, Feng Fei admitted that Shao Yue Ying was really beautiful. She wasn’t really tall nor like a little bird who would rely on people1, but her stature proportion was good that made her looked better. Her face was small, her eyes were big and her skin was fair.

She was obviously dressed up today. She was wearing a white loose woolen coat, and all her fluffy hair was rolled down. The morning breeze was blowing on it, making it messy and even more charming.

After giving her a look, Feng Fei waited for the car to stop then opened the door to get off.

On the other hand, Feng Fei was wearing a white long sleeves baseball shirt and a slim pants, that made his legs looked longer than usual. He got off, wore the and swept a glance at Shao Yue Ying, as if saying that he didn’t lose to her and was more confident.

Wrapped in a thick down jacket, Hai Xiu got off after Feng Fei and looked worriedly at Feng Fei: "You… Don’t you feel cold?"

He’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t feeling cold.

However, Feng Fei was feeling good at the moment. He even noticed Shao Yue Ying from his peripheral vision looking over at them, so he deliberately shouted: "A bit!"

"I"ll hold your hand." Hai Xiu frowned. Before they came out of the house, he actually advised Feng Fei to wear more clothes, but Feng Fei didn’t listen to him. Fortunately, Feng Fei"s hand was still hot when Hai Xiu held it. He rubbed it for a bit and said with unhappy voice: "Why are you only wearing a few clothes? Who are you showing off to?"

Feng Fei felt helpless and he knew that Hai Xiu misunderstood it, but he couldn’t explain the reason why he was dressed up like this, it was just because he wanted to compete against Shao Yue Ying… This reason was simply stupid, so Feng Fei didn’t really say it…

Instead, he moved sideways to block Shao Yue Ying"s line of sight. Then he smiled at Hai Xiu and said in a soft voice: "This is our first Christmas Eve together, do you think I’m going to pay attention to others?"

Hai Xiu held back a smile and deliberately said: “Really? Is it really not… to show off to other people?”

"If I have to say, then this "other" is you." Feng Fei smiled, "Were you charmed by me?"

Hai Xiu couldn’t help laughing, he nodded and said: "En."

"That would be fine then."

However, Hai Xiu was still worried that Feng Fei was feeling cold, so he said: "Go to the car and wait?"

Feng Fei shook his head: "Don"t worry too much, let’s go say h.e.l.lo first."

Feng Fei pulled Hai Xiu"s hand and walked to the car that was in the front. While walking, they pa.s.sed by Shao Yue Ying"s side. Feng Fei stayed concentrated, not even looking at her once, but Hai Xiu"s heart was on guard. He couldn’t wish for more to be further away from her. Once they reached the car, He Hao rolled down the car window and said sarcastically: "You guys came quite early ah."

"You go to our car and drive for me." Feng Fei looked at the time and then said, "I am quite embarra.s.sed to trouble my father"s driver to run so far. My driver"s licence hasn’t come down yet, I can’t drive on highways."

He Hao nodded and said: "Okay, I’ll drive for you."

He then wore his coat and got off of the car. Just as when he was about to walk to the car, Shao Yue Ying suddenly smiled at him: "He Hao, these are… your cla.s.smates?"

Shao Yue Ying looked towards Hai Xiu with a smile, waiting for He Hao to introduce them. This kind of un.o.bvious abruptness could still successfully bring the relationship closer. However, who would have thought that Feng Fei would say loudly in astonishment before He Hao could open his mouth: "From what I’ve heard from your cla.s.s monitor, didn’t you already know both of us?"

Shao Yue Ying"s smile instantly froze.

While Hai Xiu tightly clenched his own fists and lowered his head to hide his smile. He was afraid to let Shao Yue Ying see the smile on his face… He really didn’t want to be impolite to girls.

He Hao smiled sheepishly: "Haha, well so you knew each other… Yue Ying ah, you go talk to your cla.s.s monitor and tell him that you guys will sit in that car. Feng Fei doesn’t have driver"s license, so I’ll go to their car and drive for him."

Shao Yue Ying quickly recovered from the state of shock, she blinked and said: "No driver"s license? Don’t worry, I have a driver"s license." Shao Yue Ying looked at Hai Xiu, smiled sweetly and said gently, "It"s okay, don’t bother He Hao, I’ll go instead. I drive better than them."

Hai Xiu inexplicably felt a hint for provocation from Shao Yue Ying"s gracious smile, so he shook his head. His voice wasn’t even loud but it was firm: "No… we can’t bother a girl."

Feng Fei refrained himself from laughing as he saw the disappointment flickered in Shao Yue Ying"s eyes. Just as she was about to say something again, Feng Fei quickly said: "Oh, isn"t that Hua Zi"s car?"

He Hao glanced at it then nodded: "Yes, yes, we’ve been waiting here for half an hour, so get in the car quickly."

Feng Fei threw the car keys at He Hao. When He Hao caught it, he quickly took over the driver"s seat. Hai Xiu breathed out a sigh of relief and turned around to go to the side of the car. While Feng Fei naturally put his arm over Hai Xiu"s shoulder, he also didn’t forget to look back at Shao Yue Ying and raised an eyebrow, before going inside the car.

Shao Yue Ying bit her lower lip and stroked the numbness from her frozen arm, she then went to another car.

After going inside the car, Feng Fei quickly pulled out a blanket and wrapped himself with it while saying: "Turn up the heater a little bit."

He Hao looked at the rearview mirror and said: "Hey, I thought you didn’t know how to feel cold."

"It"s a unique burden to us, good-looking men, so you won’t understand." Feng Fei was actually too lazy to explain, he gulped twice and then said, "Let’s go?"

"I"m not familiar with the road, let’s wait for them first." He Hao fastened his seatbelt, waited for the other cars to move first before he started the car. He then asked when they were in the highway, "I heard from them that you two won’t stay the night?"

Feng Fei nodded his head: "I want to celebrate Christmas alone with Hai Xiu." he said and directed a meaningful smile at the rearview mirror, "There are too many people with you, it"s inconvenient."

He Hao made a face and Feng Fei just glanced at him.

Hai Xiu suddenly held Feng Fei"s hand and gently wrote something on the palm using his finger: What did you mean?

Feng Fei raised an eyebrow, so Hai Xiu continued on writing: You said it"s inconvenient…

Feng Fei smiled, but Hai Xiu didn’t wait for him to speak and brought up the main topic by himself, he quickly wrote: Does He Hao knows about us?

Feng Fei clearly understood it this time. He also held Hai Xiu"s hand and wrote on the palm: He knew.

Hai Xiu: "!"

Feng Fei gave Hai Xiu a rea.s.suring look and wrote again: He won"t tell anyone.

He then thought about something then whispered in Hai Xiu"s ears: "He found out about it. But don’t worry, I told him not to tell anyone about it."

Actually, Hai Xiu was still a little happy that Feng Fei was willing to tell other people about the two of them. He nodded and wrote in Feng Fei’s palm: I"m not blaming you, I was just shocked.

Feng Fei smiled softly and said: "So you don’t have to be weary around him."

Having said that and knowing that He Hao already knew about the relationship between them, Hai Xiu felt even more unable to relax. He leaned on the side and no longer sitting close to Feng Fei. Feng Fei felt dissatisfied, he frowned and asked: "Why are you sitting so far?"

When He Hao looked at the rearview mirror, Hai Xiu"s face became red. Feng Fei raised his eyebrow: "Come here."

However, Hai Xiu didn’t listen to him. Feng Fei gritted his teeth and said: "If you don’t come here… I’ll kiss you."

Hai Xiu was too scared that he quickly scrambled closer to Feng Fei.

In fact, Feng Fei could also feel how tense Hai Xiu was. He smiled and whispered: "What are you afraid of? Isn’t it more convenient if they knows about us? After our friends… our family will also know. When that happens, are you going to ignore me in front of them?"

Feng Fei"s words touched Hai Xiu"s heart, he licked his own lips and whispered back: "Our family… will know?"

Feng Fei smiled: "One of these days, sooner or later."

Hai Xiu felt very uneasy thinking about revealing their relationship in the future, but looking at the certainty in Feng Fei"s eyes, made him feel at ease.

"I"m asking you. So you’re still going to hide from me?"

Hai Xiu"s face flushed red, he helplessly said: "Letting others see… it"s embarra.s.sing."

"There is nothing to be ashamed of." Feng Fei"s voice was low, "Who was this person who deliberately won and let me kiss him in front of so many people last time?"

Hai Xiu started panicking, he quickly covered Feng Fei"s mouth with his hand, then hurriedly whispered: "Don"t… Don"t say…"

Feng Fei relaxed and leaned against the backseat, his eyes were full of smiles and he was looking indifferently at Hai Xiu… Indeed, only Hai Xiu could make him willingly let his mouth be covered without offering a hint of resistance.

Feng Fei suddenly opened his mouth slightly and quickly licked Hai Xiu"s palm.

Hai Xiu felt like he was electrocuted and tried to take back his own hand, but Feng Fei gripped his wrist while staring at Hai Xiu with teasing eyes. Hai Xiu"s cheeks were turning red as he watched the front, afraid that He Hao would notice their little tricks. He also knew that Feng Fei was the type of person who had always been unpredictable and doesn’t give up at all, so he had to endure the embarra.s.sment and whispered in Feng Fei"s ears: "After… everyone knows… I won’t hide nor ignore you."

Feng Fei raised an eyebrow: "Really?"

Hai Xiu shyly nodded. Hearing Hai Xiu saying it like this, the uneasiness Feng Fei felt since Shao Yue Ying appeared had completely disappeared. He then suddenly called out: "He Hao?"

He Hao: "…"

In fact, He Hao had been pretending to be deaf for half a day. When he heard Feng Fei calling him, he really didn’t want to speak and he also wanted to pretend to be blind. But before he could actually respond, Feng Fei suddenly got up and put his hands on the driver"s seat. He then reached out to the front with one hand and forced the rearview mirror to turn the direction. When He Hao looked up, he was surprised to see his own face reflected on it.

Well, this was like being blind.

Because Feng Fei just suddenly started kissing Hai Xiu in the backseat of the car.

cute and helpless looking. ↩

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