My friend, Lili, helped me a bit to translate this chapter because it"s too hard to MTL it Q.Q Give her a round of applause! Yay! claps Thanks, Lili! And enjoy, guys~

Chapter 33

When the two came out of the water, Hai Xiu"s breath was quite unsteady.

Feng Fei"s face looked refreshing while Hai Xiu"s whole body was blushing, he didn’t even dare look up at Feng Fei due to embarra.s.sment. Feng Fei smiled: "Want to drink something cold? I’ll get it for you."

Hai Xiu averted his eyes as he whispered back an answer: "Hmm… okay, thank you."

"You"re welcome." Feng Fei got off of the hot spring pool and wrapped himself in a bathrobe. He then turned around to look at Hai Xiu: "The skin is really nice."

When Hai Xiu heard this, he quickly hid his face under the water, leaving only two black eyes above the water.

Feng Fei laughed at him and went off to get him a drink. Hai Xiu was feeling a little bit excited and a little bit annoyed while wandering around in the large pool, he couldn’t even calm himself down for half a day. Because Feng Fei actually touched him there ah!!

Hai Xiu relaxed and began to play in the water, his mind was a little bit dizzy as his thoughts went flying everywhere like wanting to eat and suchs.

"Was that man your friend?"

Hai Xiu was startled when he heard an unfamiliar voice. He turned around and saw a stranger standing behind him who was smiling back at him: "You"re playing with your friend?"

Hai Xiu didn’t speak, he watched the stranger carefully instead.

The stranger looked about twenty years old and he was holding a bottle of alcohol in his hand. He smiled again at Hai Xiu and said: "Want some drink? I think you’re very hot."

Hai Xiu still didn’t speak, he gently swam to the side of the pool to avoid the stranger.

However, the stranger also followed up, he sat down and looked around: "Where"s your friend?"

Hai Xiu said nothing.

"Let"s be friends, okay?" The stranger"s eyes wandered around and then he looked down in the water, "I just saw you both playing in the water." The stranger"s words had another meaning, emphasizing the word "playing".

Hai Xiu"s heart thumped as he looked up at the stranger.

Those eyes that were watching Hai Xiu became even more itchy. He had just been on the terrace in the second floor, and saw Feng Fei and Hai Xiu being intimate in the secluded pool. Although the distance was a bit far, but he still saw Feng Fei pulling Hai Xiu into the water, touching his chest and legs, and Hai Xiu didn’t even resist. Hai Xiu was just obediently leaning against Feng Fei"s bosom and looked like he would do anything he was told to. Just looking at the two made him hard. So when Feng Fei went away, he quickly went downstairs, wanting to see if he could take advantage of the boy.

His eyes lingered on Hai Xiu"s chest and his voice was a bit husky as he said: "Don"t be afraid. I’m also here with my friend… How about we play with them?"

Hai Xiu frowned deeply. Play what? Splashes water on each other?

The stranger saw that Hai Xiu was weak and thin, so he estimated that Hai Xiu has no strength at all. He then directly went into the pool, approached Hai Xiu with a smile and said intimately: "Don"t be nervous, I just want to make friends. Also, why are your wrists so red? Did he pinch you awhile ago? Let me show you how to do it properly…"

On the other hand, Feng Fei couldn’t return yet because he was wrapped up by Shao Yue Ying at the bar counter.

"I heard from them that you and Hai Xiu are very close?" Shao Yue Ying smiled sweetly at him, "Then you know that—"

Feng Fei watched the waiter squeezed juices on the gla.s.s, his face was indifferent as he said: "I don’t know."

Shao Yue Ying closed her mouth, she opened it again after some seconds: "Feng Fei, why do I feel like that you don’t like me? Have I offended you?"

Feng Fei turned to look at Shao Yue Ying and smiled: "I know who’s Hai Xiu"s girlfriend, she’s a relative of mine. Do you understand what I mean?"

Shao Yue Ying"s face suddenly paled upon hearing it.

Feng Fei: "That is all I will say. Because you are a girl, I will not say any nasty words and as long as you understand that you won’t gain anything while I"m here. Don’t ask for too much."

Shao Yue Ying bit her lips. Just as when she was about to say something, a sharp alarm suddenly rang up, it was so loud that it hurts their ears. She covered her ears and subconsciously looked up at Feng Fei, only to see him pa.s.sing by like a general in a rush.

Feng Fei went to the secluded hot spring pool one step ahead of the lifeguard. When he arrived, Hai Xiu already came off of the water. Hai Xiu was also shocked when he saw Feng Fei and helplessly said: "I… I… I just…"

Feng Fei quickly pulled Hai Xiu to his side. After looking from top to bottom, Feng Fei sighed in relief. He then asked: "What happened?"

"Someone…" Hai Xiu pointed to the bottom of the pool and said in a small voice, "That man… he… he couldn’t swim."

Feng Fei looked past Hai Xiu, and saw a man who was unconscious and was half-lying on the edge of the pool. He frowned: "Who is that ah?"

Hai Xiu quickly changed the subject: "You… Didn’t you say that you’ll get me something to drink?"

Feng Fei laughed inspite of trying not to. He was too anxious awhile ago that he quickly ran and forgot the drinks, he was even still feeling uncomfortable in his lungs. Feng Fei took a few breaths and rubbed Hai Xiu"s hair. He then said to the lifeguard who finally caught up with him: "This is the person… you guys take care of it." after saying that, he pulled Hai Xiu away.

Hai Xiu was feeling uneasy, he excused themselves to rest and so, they went back to their room,

After returning to the room, Hai Xiu told Feng Fei every detail of the matter just now.

When the stranger began pulling Hai Xiu"s hand, he already understood what was going on.

"My friend will come back soon, so I don’t really want to play with anyone else." Hai Xiu pulled his hand away and said coldly, "I"m going."

However, the stranger just smiled and pushed Hai Xiu: "I"m just making friends, such thing cannot let loose. When your friend comes back, I’ll tell him that you’ll go to our room this afternoon? What do you think? I—" While the stranger was talking, Hai Xiu was taking a step back. He leaned sideways, revealing a drowning alarm behind him.

The stranger had not yet reacted, but Hai Xiu already pressed down on the alarm heavily.

Stranger: "…"

That was when the man realized why Hai Xiu was moving on this side, it was because of the drowning alarm!

The drowning alarm rang up. The stranger was unprepared and he was almost spurned by the sound of the alarm, he didn’t really expect that Hai Xiu would do this. And so, he quickly tried to go to the edge of the pool and wanted to run away from here.

Hai Xiu also panicked that time since the alarm was already pressed down and the man was running away. Because if this man ran away and the lifeguard came, how would he talk to the lifeguard then?!

He was now torn between half-angered due to the hara.s.sment and not knowing what to do. Hai Xiu subconsciously looked at the stranger"s appearance and then he quickly grabbed it"s waist, dragging him down the water!

The man"s swimming skill was average, that was why he was scared to the point of screaming and crying when he lost his centre of gravity, and he choked on the water the moment he opened his mouth. Afterwards, it went downhill as they sunk to the bottom. There were a couple of times that he almost climbed up, but because the lifeguard hadn’t come yet, he was kicked back in by Hai Xiu who was scared.

Thinking back about it, Hai Xiu still felt a bit scared. He looked at Feng Fei and whispered: "Have… Have I gone too far ah?"

"Too far?" Feng Fei took a deep breath, "Baby, why didn’t you drown him directly to death?"

Hai Xiu laughed, he was scared and excited at the same time. "Don"t talk nonsense…"

"Well, it"s okay. Atleast he choked on the water." Feng Fei pressed down his anger and gave Hai Xiu a relieved smile, "It"s good that you’re very calculate and know to press the alarm first."

Hai Xiu laughed: "Actually… when I pressed the alarm, I suddenly thought of drowning him…"

Feng Fei couldn’t help laughing as well. After pressing Hai Xiu on the bed and kissing his lips, he gritted his teeth: "Blame me, I shouldn’t have—"

"It doesn’t matter if it"s you." Hai Xiu shook his head and whispered, "No one thought that there would be such a person… Besides, I’m not that easy to bully ah."

Feng Fei stared at Hai Xiu and laughed a little: “En, are you really not easy to bully?” Afterall, they were talking about someone who used a chair to hit their teacher on the head…

Hai Xiu gently sighed and said: "Even if I am… I won’t let him take advantage of me."

Hearing Hai Xiu saying it like this, the fire in Feng Fei"s heart leapt up again. He tried to calm down his mood by holding and rubbing Hai Xiu"s hand. Then he scolded: "Look at your hand, it"s too cold!"

Hai Xiu smiled: "I was scared… also, I’m a little bit excited…"

"Scared?" Feng Fei’s heart clenched, "Did you hurt yourself awhile ago?"

Hai Xiu quickly shook his head: "No, I’m a good swimmer and you… know that."

Feng Fei snorted: "I found out just now."

Recalling about their underwater scene, Hai Xiu started feeling much better. He wanted to act a little spoiled to Feng Fei, but was too embarra.s.sed to do so. Instead, he looked at the time and said: "We—"

"Let"s go in a bit." Feng Fei said, "I’m no longer interested in staying here. I’ll go tell He Hao and the others, then we’ll go. Can you wait here for me?”

Hai Xiu nodded, although he was feeling a little regrettable because they were going home, but he still felt very good as long as he was with Feng Fei.

Feng Fei touched Hai Xiu"s forehead and asked: "Or do you want me to accompany you for a while?"

Hai Xiu shook his head: "No, I’m really fine."

"I"ll stay with your for awhile." Feng Fei said and called for a food service. "When the food is delivered, I’ll go with the waiter. Close the door and don’t open it, unless it"s me. Okay?"

Hai Xiu smiled and said: "You don’t have to be cautious…"

"We need to be cautious to not make any more mistakes." Feng Fei sighed in relief, "It has been a year since I last came here… and there wasn’t even something like that happened."

Not long after, the waiter pushed the dining car inside the room. Feng Fei then thoughtfully said: "You eat slowly. I don’t know where they are playing right now, so it might take me so much time to find them. If you’re done eating and I haven’t come back yet, tidy up our things, okay?"

Hai Xiu nodded and Feng Fei followed the waiter outside.

Feng Fei went around the inn, eyes were like knives, and called He Hao when he found him.

He Hao just went to eat, so he was feeling lazy and sleepy, he was even dressed in a bathrobe. "What"s wrong? What happened to Hai Xiu?"

"He was bullied and went back to the room to rest." Feng Fei rubbed his neck, his handsome face had a cold expression that could freeze anyone. “I found a blind spot in the surveillance. Come fight with me?”

He Hao cleared his mind in an instant and took off his robes, showing a sculpted body. “Where is the person?"

An hour later, Feng Fei left the inn with Hai Xiu.

Feng Fei recalled about the way that brat sniveled and cowered, and felt his mood improved. It had been so long since he’d gotten into a fight and he was even surprised that he didn’t get rusty.

Awhile ago, he and He Hao went to a blind spot where the surveillance cameras couldn’t reach, but only Feng Fei showed because He Hao didn’t really partic.i.p.ate. The reason Feng Fei asked him to come was to have him keep a lookout. After the incident, He Hao wandered off by himself while Feng Fei went back to the room for Hai Xiu.

Feng Fei hummed a song as he drove, the corner of his mouth pulling into a smile. He was thinking that after that brat came back to his senses, he’d probably flip the world upside down just to look for him.

What an idiot.

They hadn’t eaten lunch yet, so Hai Xiu was worried that he might get hungry. He took out a few donuts for him, asking: “Do you want to eat? I’ll feed you.”

Feng Fei nodded and turned his head slightly to take a bite, then he vaguely said: “We’re not going home yet, I can’t drive on the highway. I’ll take you somewhere else to play, though I was originally hoping to wait until nightfall.”

Hai Xiu didn’t really mind. “It"s fine.”

Feng Fei turned and looked at Hai Xiu, smiling to himself. He actually got into a fight on behalf of Hai Xiu.

It felt a little good.

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