Chapter 38

Hai Xiu"s face flushed. He was holding the mobile phone with both of his hands while sitting down on the bed. As if sitting on pins and needles, he couldn"t help but to stand up and sit down several times. He looked like a small mouse that was trapped in a rice jar.

Feeling anxious and not knowing how to meet Feng Fei"s demand, Hai Xiu walked to the mirror to look at his own reflection and thought that Feng Fei was so nice to him. Back then, he used to never take a selfie, but ever since he went on a vacation, he would take a selfie from time to time… And it was obvious that those were for Hai Xiu"s sake.

Feng Fei definitely knew that he(HX) would miss him so much, so Feng Fei would always contact him and sent him selfies to make him happy, and not to feel lonely.

Hai Xiu felt sweet in his heart, but he became anxious again after some seconds. He did not allow Feng Fei to take a photo of him, but he himself did not even know how to take a selfie ah!

Hai Xiu clutched Feng Fei"s phone, he hesitated on pressing it at first, but after some time, he finally decided to unlock the phone.

Upon unlocking the mobile phone, Hai Xiu"s mind wandered. He didn"t know why, but he suddenly remembered the conversation between his two girl cla.s.smates while doing his homework two days ago: If your boyfriend allows you to use his phone at any place and any time, it means that he really likes you and very faithful to you.

And Feng Fei never prohibited Hai Xiu on using his phone.

Of course, Hai Xiu didn"t have a habit of checking on Feng Fei"s mobile phone, since he trusted him so much.

With Feng Fei"s conditions, chasing someone would be easy, but he would never tease anyone other than Hai Xiu. He obviously had a const.i.tution/appearance that could attract the opposite s.e.x to him. Yet, he had never acted ambiguously to anyone and in any matter. He only spoke when he had to. Otherwise, he definitely wouldn"t say anything that might lead to misunderstandings. He was so clean-living and honest that Hai Xiu, a type of person who had difficulty having a sense of security from others, could not in the slightest feel that he was untrustworthy.

Feng Fei told Hai Xiu before, that no matter if it was taking advantage of him in speech or in action, he was only willing to be involved with Hai Xiu.

Everytime Hai Xiu thought about this, he couldn"t help but smile. Although Feng Fei teased him sometimes and had many bad ideas, he never really bullied him. When others were there, he was even more careful and would never embarra.s.s him in front of everyone. For example, when they went to the hot spring, Feng Fei wanted to kiss him but before he did, he turned the rearview mirror to the other side first…

Hai Xiu couldn"t help but to remember it, and the more he thought about it, the sweeter he felt in his heart. He held the phone and rolled on the bed, thinking that Feng Fei was really too good to him…

When he heard the sound of the water coming inside the bathroom mixed with the humming voice of Feng Fei, Hai Xiu quickly got up, patted his face and dare not to think about it anymore. Then he looked around the bedroom… the lights were on, enough to make him look whiter.

Hai Xiu blushed. He badly wanted to get a good shot.

Hai Xiu then picked up the mobile phone and opened the camera. It was really embarra.s.sing taking a selfie, however he still did it. After taking the picture, he looked down and was very dissatisfied. He deleted it and suddenly remembered… that Feng Fei wanted him to take a selfie… The point was… he didn"t know how!!

Thus, Hai Xiu took a selfie again against the curtains. But his face was strange and he looked very nervous in the photo, so he ended up deleting them again.

Did he usually have this stupid look on his face?! Hai Xiu felt anxious as he looked at the mirror.

He took two more shots, but in the end, deleted all of them.

At the same time, Feng Fei just came out of the shower, and while wiping his hair with a towel and pushing the door into the bedroom, he saw the strange look on Hai Xiu"s face.

Feng Fei smiled: "What"s wrong? You don"t really want to take a selfie and wanted to throw the phone instead?"

"N-No…" Hai Xiu stammered, "I… I have not taken a good shot yet."

Feng Fei managed out a snort. He came over and took the phone, flipped it open and laughed. "How will you get a good shot if you haven"t even taken any shot, eh?"

"I took it!" Hai Xiu hurriedly explained, "I really took it. I didn"t lie to you, but… but it doesn"t look good, so I deleted it…"

The towel in Feng Fei"s hand was thrown aside, his lips were smirking as he said: "There is nothing to be done then, I"ll do it for you?"

Hai Xiu was stumped for words. Feng Fei opened the camera and carefully planned: "What kind of photo do you want, hmm? Take off all the clothes? Nah, that would be boring… Just take off of your pants and the b.u.t.tons should be fully unb.u.t.toned. Hmm… on top of the bed, I think…"

A flushed Hai Xiu took a one step back. If he was not afraid that Feng Fei would not be happy, he would really ran to the balcony and hide.

Seeing Hai Xiu"s nervous appearance, Feng Fei couldn"t help but to laugh, and said: "I"m just teasing you. Come here, I"ll take your picture, okay?"

Hai Xiu gingerly approached. Feng Fei rubbed his head, saying: "Say eggplant1."

Hai Xiu"s expression was completely unnatural as he said: "Eggplant," then a snap was heard all of a sudden. With so much satisfaction, Feng Fei said: "Alright, go to sleep."

Hai Xiu stayed completely. That was it…? Alright?

Feng Fei continued on drying his hair. After doing so, he turned off the lights and pulled Hai Xiu to the bed: "We are both a bit sleepy, so let"s sleep."

Hai Xiu, who did not know that the crisis would be lifted this quickly, didn"t respond at Feng Fei at all. The whole person was a little embarra.s.sed. Feng Fei hugged Hai Xiu and felt that his body was much stiffer than usual. He smiled and said: "What"s wrong? Not used to it just because I was gone for a few days?"

"No…" Hai Xiu nestled on Feng Fei"s side, and said in a low voice, "I"m still a little nervous."

Feng Fei touched Hai Xiu"s chest: "Your heartbeat is fast?" He responded and laughed, "You really thought I"d shoot a photo of you like that?"

Hai Xiu"s cheeks were hot as he whispered: "It"s… It"s your fault, you said it yourself, that you"ll take a picture of me like that."

"I was only teasing you. Granted that I"m the only one who"s gonna look at it, what if by any chance other people sees it?" Feng Fei suddenly thought about the night when he and Hai Xiu kissed, although those people did not seen much, he was still feeling indignant. Not to mention this, he would not let himself be at this loss. After thinking for a moment, Feng Fei laughed and said: "No… what if I"m going to take a picture, will you really let me?"

Hai Xui suddenly hid his head under the quilt, but as soon as Feng Fei saw this, he quickly grasped him and fished him up from the quilt, then smiled and asked: "Will you really?"

Hai Xiu was too embarra.s.sed to look at Feng Fei because he almost agreed to it. Feng Fei lowered his head until his forehead touched against Hai Xiu, and said: "What kind of luck did I run into, to pick up such a treasure like you?"

Hai Xiu felt silly hearing this, and in a small voice, he said: "I didn"t know… whether you really want to do that or that you are just making fun of me…"

Feng Fei petted Hai Xiu and kissed him on the lips, then said: "What"s wrong with making fun of you? It"s really hard to make fun of you because you don"t know. But don"t take it seriously because I just love doing it to you. Your husband is nice and will never bully you, ah."

Hai Xiu was still feeling annoyed about himself for being silly. But Feng Fei, who thought that he was adorable, held him and kissed him for a long while.

Saying that they would sleep early, the two were no longer sleepy at all. Especially Hai Xiu, who was always secretly squinting his eyes at Feng Fei. His eyes were so bright like the stars, and Feng Fei could not stand it and said: "Do you want to watch a movie? Look at you, you keep on staring at me."

Hai Xiu hesitated: "You have to go back tomorrow…"

"It"s fine. It"s uncomfortable to just lie down and do nothing."

Feng Fei got up and went downstairs to find a disk, a romance movie that had been bought a long time ago. He had not seen it yet, and just in time that Hai Xiu had not seen it also. It was said that the plot was cliche, and the acting skills of the two leading actors" were only so-so, but the final outcome was very good—it was just right to pa.s.s the time.

On the other hand, Hai Xiu went to cut some fruits. The two chatted about their days, while watching the movie and eating the fruits. And in less than half an hour, Feng Fei fell asleep.

Hai Xiu carefully got up and took the quilt. He then pulled out the cushion pillow from the sofa and put it aside. Afterwards, he helped Feng Fei to lie down and put the quilt over him. In a hazy state, Feng Fei suddenly pulled Hai Xiu down on his bosom. Therefore, Hai Xiu was pressed on the sofa by Feng Fei and could not even move a bit.

Hai Xiu, who was too afraid to wake Feng Fei up, did not dare to move for half a day. After a good while, he sat up slowly and adjusted his position, so that Feng Fei was on his lap.

He slowly reached out for the remote control, and after muting the TV, he finally breathed out a sigh of relief.

Hai Xiu was still not too sleepy and watched the muted movie. In the end, he forgot how the plot developed, and only remembered that the hero and heroine were finally together. And when the movie started showing the credits, Hai Xiu fell asleep.

The next day, Hai Xui woke up on the bed.

Before seven o"clock, Feng Fei also woke up. Hai Xiu tried to think back, then asked: "How… How did we come up?"

"How did we come up?" Feng Fei did not glance at him, "I carried you upstairs. Not to mention, you did not let go of my waist. I usually don"t see you that clingy."

Hai Xiu could not help but to whisper: "Really? But you were asleep…"

"I woke up at 4 o"clock. Are you stupid? If I knew that you"ll tuck the quilt for me only, I wouldn"t have fallen asleep." Feng Fei touched Hai Xiu"s forehead, "Pay attention today. If you don"t feel well, take a medicine. Don"t catch a cold."

Thinking of Feng Fei waking up in wee hours and carrying him upstairs, Hai Xiu both felt happy and embarra.s.sed at the same time, and said: "You should have woken me up… I, I"m too heavy—"

"Heavy?" Feng Fei pinched Hai Xiu"s waist, "You"re so light that you"ll quickly catch up the quilt"s weight. Where are the foods you eat all day? I don"t see any fat."

Hai Xiu actually became a little fat for these past six months. But he was too thin before, so it was not noticeable. Nevertheless, the whole person"s complexion was much more better than before, and Hai Xiu was quite contented: "My weight actually increased, it"s not too much tho…"

Feng Fei gave a serious smile and said: "It"s fine, I prefer you with a little more meat in your body, it feels more comfortable."

Wanting to cover the blush on his face, Hai Xiu looked at the time, got up and said: "I"m going to cook… fried poached eggs, a slice of bread and a hot cup of milk?"

Feng Fei naturally had no objection. He packed up the things that he wanted to take and Hai Xiu went to cook in the kitchen.

The snow had stopped. The morning sun in the winter was just right. The two shared the breakfast, and although they still had to be separated for a while, they were not as uncomfortable as before. Before Feng Fei went off, he showed the alb.u.m from his mobile phone to Hai Xiu.

Hai Xiu: "!"

Feng Fei took a lot of pictures of him and they were all sleeping!

The him in the photo was just like what Feng Fei had said earlier, who did not let go of Feng Fei"s waist. He was really sleeping deeply and there were even two red sleeping marks on his left face! Hai Xiu really looked stupid in the photo, but Feng Fei said that it was good-looking.

After showing the picture to Hai Xiu, Feng Fei locked the photo in a separate photo alb.u.m, and gave Hai Xiu a coquettish grin: "Wait for another year or two. Waiting for you to become an adult, and then we can take another picture."

The second Hai Xiu heard this, he clearly understood that Feng Fei was poking fun at him. However, he couldn"t help blushing at the thought.

茄子 (qiezi): meaning “eggplant”. A phonetic word for "say cheese" in China, used by photographers. The p.r.o.nunciation of this word is notably similar to that of the English word “cheese”. ↩

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