Chapter 39

After sending Feng Fei away,  Hai Xiu tidied up the room and brought his own things back at home.

The school was delayed for three days because of the Chinese New Year, and because Feng Fei was not with him, Hai Xiu had no plans and was lazy to go out. Thus, Hai Xiu ended up staying at home and checking his workbook from beginning to end to know if there were mistakes.

After checking it out, he and Feng Fei would occasionally call each other. Now that he was not in school, he could talk to Feng Fei any time. Fortunately, Feng Fei"s Chinese New Year was not that busy. After he went back over there, he had just been following his family and friends. So when Hai Xiu called, he could hear the warm and bustling sound from the background. Hai Xiu always admired this kind of family, and felt happy about it.

Feng Fei knew that Hai Xiu was home alone, fearing that he hadn"t eaten anything yet, he pointed out all the lunch and dinner on the big table, and asked Hai Xiu what he wanted. Hai Xiu did not know whether to laugh or cry, but he sent Feng Fei a message, saying that he was already full to the point of bursting. Feng Fei quickly replied back: Lift up your clothes and take a picture of your small belly. Show me if it"s really bulging.

Hai Xiu went instantly shy. He was too embarra.s.sed to take a picture and it took him half a day to reply: It doesn"t look good, so I won"t take a picture of it, okay?

Feng Fei was not satisfied enough from the other side, so he called to make sure that Hai Xiu really ate and asked him what he did all day. The two talked quietly on the phone for almost an hour, only when Feng Fei"s mother called him did he hurriedly hung up the phone. And before bed time, he suddenly texted Hai Xiu: My mother asked me if I was in love.

Hai Xiu: !!!

Hai Xiu: What did you say?

Feng Fei: What else would I say? Of course, I told them the truth.

Hai Xiu: !!!!!!!

Feng Fei: Of course, I admitted that I"m dating ah.

Hai Xiu: What else did you say ah?!

Feng Fei: Don"t worry, I didn"t say anything else. They don"t know who it is.

Hai Xiu was frightened. He wanted to call Feng Fei to ask about the situation, but didn"t dare to do so. He thought for a moment, and then replied: Stop talking nonsense, you"ll make your parents worried.

Feng Fei smiled as he saw the message. He clicked the call b.u.t.ton and Hai Xiu quickly answered it, saying in a small voice: "You… You should find a place where no one can hear you."

Feng Fei"s family were all still playing cards. He glanced at them before going to the balcony. When he got there, he plucked a jasmine flower and smelled it: "n.o.body"s here, what"s wrong?"

With so much anxiousness, Hai Xiu said: "You… what did you say? Auntie and uncle are leaving soon, how could you—"

"It"s fine." Feng Fei let out a chuckle, "My parents are very happy after knowing that I"m already dating someone. They are actually afraid that I"d be single forever. My father even said that I did not only achieved good grades in the past six months, I also became more mature than before and knows my responsibilities."

Hai Xiu thought for a second and said cautiously: "Don"t say too much. If they found out about us, it will be bad."

"Don"t worry, I"m very careful." Feng Fei turned to look at the lively crowd in the living room, and then softly whispered, "My parents felt sorry for me these several days, so they are coaxing me."

Not knowing how to comfort Feng Fei, Hai Xiu could only say: "I… I will be nice to you in the future."

Feng Fei chuckled and in a low voice, said: "I didn"t mean it like that. I never even thought that they have something to be sorry for. Since I was young, I was never short of expenses. They tried to accompany me as much as possible and taught me about things, and they are also very kind to me. It"s too bad to complain that they"re not always taking care of me in order to make money. After all, it"s for my sake."

Hai Xiu agreed at this point. Even Jiang Yu Man didn"t usually spend time with him and he never felt that it was wrong. Instead, he felt sorry for his mother. Because in order for them to live normally, she had to work hard. So knowing Feng Fei"s point of view about his daily life, Hai Xiu thought that his parents were definitely very good people.


Saying that his parents felt sorry for him was in fact very favorable to Feng Fei.

Because in the future, he would definitely choose a path that will make his parents disagree and dissatisfied. Now that they felt sorry for him, it would be a great opportunity to use it in resolving their conflicts.

However, it was too early to say that and Feng Fei didn"t want Hai Xiu to worry. So he smiled and said: "Then my parents asked if the one I"m dating looks good."

Hai Xiu immediately became nervous: "What did you say to them?"

In an amused tone, Feng Fei answered: "Of course, I told them that you"re good-looking."

Hai Xiu laughed and Feng Fei said: "I"m telling the truth ah."

Hai Xiu felt something sweet in his heart. He still wanted to talk to Feng Fei, but was worried that the phone call would attract attention, especially now that Feng Fei"s parents would soon be leaving. Hai Xiu didn"t want to give them any bad thoughts, so he whispered: "I"m going to sleep. My mother will be back tomorrow."

Feng Fei: "Okay, go to sleep. Help me say h.e.l.lo to auntie tomorrow when you see her. I"ll play a little more before going to sleep."

Hai Xiu let out a "hmm" sound and promised to do what was said, but was still reluctant to hang up the phone. On the other hand, Feng Fei said good night and was about to go inside when he found out that the phone call was still in progress.

Feng Fei said quickly: "Hey?"

Hai Xiu was delighted: "Are you talking to me? Why are you still not hanging up?"

Feng Fei did not know whether to cry or laugh, but felt a bit of heartache because of this little idiot. He looked back, covered his mouth with his hand, his voice was low as he said: "Baby, go to sleep. I need to go back immediately."

At Feng Fei"s request, Hai Xiu hang up the phone for the first time. And after that, he rolled on the bed several times.

When Feng Fei came out of the balcony, he b.u.mped against his big brother, Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuan looked at him with a smile and asked: "Who are you calling? So gentle ah."

Aware that he had to explain, Feng Fei pondered for a while, then said: “Calling your sister-in-law.”

Feng Xuan glanced at Feng Fei and said coldly: “I can say that you"ve been soulless for the past few days. And now that your results have improved a little, you"re starting to engage with your girlfriend?"

Feng Fei actually wanted to say that it was his brother-in-law who pulled up his(FF) grades, but he also did not want to say it to avoid revealing his secret. So he said halfheartedly: "Ge, weren"t you also like this in the beginning?"

(Ge/Gege: Elder Brother)

In fact, Feng Xuan was not against Feng Fei"s love life, it was just that Feng Fei was living alone. He was afraid that because no one was looking after Feng Fei, Fei Fei might end up doing something. If so, Feng Xuan had to strike ahead of time: "No one will be looking after you in the future. Pay attention onto it. If you want to talk, let"s talk about it. I don"t have any children yet, so don"t rush ahead of me to let our mother hold a grandson."

Feng Fei then said sincerely: "You can rest a.s.sured that what you"re thinking will definitely not going to happen."

Feng Xuan smiled: "You"re not quite innocent yourself. How about that maiden? Well-endowed? Upright?"

Feng Fei licked his own lips, then he whispered to his brother: "Cannot be compared to sister-in-law. But no choice, I really like this person ah."

Feng Xuan gawked, then he laughed and scolded Feng Fei to drive him away.

Feng Fei suddenly thought, would Feng Xuan"s tone be like this if he talked about Hai Xiu? What did endowed and upright even mean? Could he talk about this with other people? He stared at his sister-in-law indifferently, and as a revenge, walked over to help his mother play poker.

As Hai Xiu stated on the phone, Jiang Yu Man really did come home on the last day of Chinese New Year. Jiang Yu Man was full of guilt towards her son, so she went home in the morning and made a good meal, then woke Hai Xiu up at 7:00. When Hai Xiu saw her, he laughed and gave her the scarf he had bought before. "New Year"s gift."

Jiang Yu Man was shocked and happy at the same time, she couldn"t help but hug and kiss Hai Xiu. In fact, she didn"t care what the gift was, what she cared the most was that her son"s personality became more and more cheerful. He would talk more and laugh more, and his eyes were more energetic. Jiang Yu Man was simply too relieved.

Jiang Yu Man patted Hai Xiu"s head and let him get up. She tidied up the bed, and when she packed up, she suddenly asked: "When you come out of Feng Fei"s house, did you check the doors and windows?"

Hai Xiu nodded: "En, and everything I"ve used has been sorted out."

Jiang Yu Man was satisfied. "Good. When Feng Fei comes back, you ask him to go visit our house. Mom will take a time off to thank him."

Hai Xiu laughed and said: "Okay."

Jiang Yu Man packed up Hai Xiu"s things one by one, and frowned when she saw the windbreaker in the closet. She took it and looked down on it: "When did you buy this camel windbreaker?"

Hai Xiu glanced at it and bit his lips, before saying: "Before the New Year… I bought it." With the same style of what Feng Fei bought.

Jiang Yu Man picked up the cashmere scarf that she had not seen before. She touched the soft waxy material and frowned: "When did you buy this white scarf?"

It was the New Year"s gift that Feng Fei bought for him. Although Feng Fei had cut the tag and so on before giving it to him, Hai Xiu still felt that the price was not that cheap. He thought for a moment, and then said: "It"s not mine. En, it"s Feng Fei"s. I brought it last time and forgot to return it to him."

Jiang Yu Man let out a sigh of relief: "What did I say… this scarf is not cheap. If you like it, mom can buy one for you, but remember to return this."

Hai Xiu quickly shook his head: "No, I already have a few scarves. I will return that to him, don"t worry."

Hai Xiu was relieved that he had to take a shower. When Feng Fei had not yet gone on a vacation, they would always go out and buy things for him. Hai Xiu resigned, but he also bought things for Feng Fei. However, Feng Fei didn"t like him to buy things for him(FF).

Of course, Hai Xiu was anxious. Feng Fei gave everything he received as allowance from Jiang Yu Man to Hai Xiu as a pocket money. Not only that, he also frequently bought items for him, causing Hai Xiu to have nowhere to spend his money on. As the pocket money acc.u.mulated, it was impossible to keep buying guidance/counselling books for Feng Fei. As such, when they ate outside, Hai Xiu would always pay for the bill, and bought things which Feng Fei was interested in. Over time, the items grew a bit, luckily, neither of them were spendthrifts, and the items that were bought were all useful, so nothing was considered wasted.

However, Hai Xiu never used to buy these kind of things for himself. It was always Jiang Yu Man who would buy him of what he wore. In the past, she would let him go to a store and ask a clerk for the clothes… Therefore, Jiang Yu Man felt strange.

Jiang Yu Man continued to tidy Hai Xiu"s wardrobe and found a lot of things she had never seen.

When Hai Xiu came out of the bathroom, he found out that the look on Jiang Yu Man"s face was not right. He carefully tried to figure it out, but he was not sure what was wrong and didn"t dare speak. When he had half of the breakfast, Jiang Yu Man suddenly put down her chopsticks.

Hai Xiu"s heart sank, and he also put down the dumplings that he was holding.

"Hai Xiu," Jiang Yu Man"s face looked slightly tired, "You tell your mom the truth…"

Under the tablecloth, Hai Xiu"s thin fingers slowly tightened.

Jiang Yu Man stared at Hai Xiu, her eyes flashed with a touch of disgust: "Is Hai Hao Wei contacting you?"

Hai Xiu: "Ah?"

Hai Hao Wei was Hai Xiu"s biological father.

Hai Xiu was stunned for a moment, then he hurriedly shook his head: "No, he did not… Mom, what"s wrong?"

Jiang Yu Man was shocked: "He didn"t buy those things for you?"

Hai Xiu shook his head like a rattle: "No, really, he didn"t really buy them. The last time I saw my father was last year… you also ah."

Jiang Yu Man looked at Hai Xiu with some doubts and when she saw that he was not lying, she relied on the backrest and said to Hai Xiu: "Hai Hao Wei… have been contacting me these past few days and wants to remarry."

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