T/N: Editor-san is still missing QwQ

I could imagine Feng Fei and Hai Xiu like this:

The image is from the webtoon Cherry Blossoms After Winter. OwO)/

Chapter 5

Feng Fei"s biggest hobby when attending cla.s.ses was to look out the window. Now that he wasn"t sitting by the window, he could only watch Hai Xiu.

However, Hai Xiu would often blush whenever he saw Feng Fei looking at him. Really could not bear it and would write a note to Feng Fei asking him to not always look. He must not let Feng Fei know that he was not normal.

Feng Fei was now sitting on the outside so it was not convenient to play on his cellphone. He could only look down on the textbooks and listened to the cla.s.s seriously, making his test results better than before.

Feng Fei did not actually care about these, he was not too happy either. But Ni Mei Lin felt good, she even praised him in the cla.s.s that made Feng Fei very quiet.

At first, when Hai Xiu changed seats, some of the students and teachers were somewhat worried that Hai Xiu"s performance might declined. But contrary to all of their expectations, Hai Xiu"s performance was stable, and to top it all, Feng Fei"s test results became better.

No one could blame others on what they were thinking about Feng Fei. Because he had a black history in his junior high school, and always broke the school rules and regulations. He had a partial background and a relative working in the Department of Education so the teachers were keeping a respectful distance at him.

At the beginning, the teachers were not willing to take this hot potato 1 when cla.s.s was divided—no matter what the cla.s.s was. Cause if they do, there would be more additional problems so there were many scruples. But in the end, Ni Mei Lin said that she did not care what the student had done, so they put him in cla.s.s 7.

Feng Fei casually asked Hai Xiu, "Oh yeah, you transferred to this school, but why did you choose cla.s.s seven? Cla.s.s six is actually better. There are several academic overlord 2 and if you go there, the teacher of cla.s.s six will be very happy."

Hai Xiu explained in a low voice: "My mom said that teacher Ni……has a good-looking face."

Feng Fei was silent for a few seconds. It was the end of the topic, he was not going to question Hai Xiu about Hai Xiu"s mother"s eyes. He was also too ashamed to mention about him crossing the line 3 in the campus for so several years, only under Ni Mei Lin"s hands did he change.

Speaking of which, after becoming Ni Mei Lin"s student, although he was still violating school rules and regulations, but it was completely mild compared to before.

Perhaps because of age, he gradually understood what was responsibility and what was play. Or perhaps, Ni Mei Lin was too strict. Not like his previous teachers who were turning a blind eye 4 to it. Feng Fei could no longer skip cla.s.ses, his daily interactions with the group of slackers had slowly changed to aspirant students. His hostile aura disappeared a little and the rest was just from peer pressures. And he would only violate the school rules once in awhile.

Feng Fei daydreamed for a while, only after self-study lesson had already started for quite a while, did he have any intentions of doing his homework. He glanced at Hai Xiu and saw him doing a math homework. He then also took out his math homework.

Feng Fei only did the general questions because he could just copy the choices and fill in the blanks from Hai Xiu.

Hai Shu was not against letting Feng Fei copy his homework, he let him every time he was asked. He was just a little hesitant, and advised him to do it himself, though talking to Feng Fei was like talking to a brick wall.

But of course, Feng Fei felt Hai Xiu"s goodwill. He pinched Hai Xiu"s cheek and told him that he did not want to delay his precious time. Hai Xiu"s face turned red, half of the cla.s.s were speechless while Feng Fei felt happy.

He did the questions quickly. For the last question, he only did the first sub-question. For the second last question, if it was too difficult, he just pa.s.sed over it. If not, he just did it. For the questions in the front, it was even easier. Feng Fei used half the time battling with questions while spending the rest of the time doing other things.

After finishing the homework in time, Feng Fei noticed a problem.

Inside his notebook was Hai Xiu"s small notes. They were desk mates for one week already, and there were already dozen of notes inside. Feng Fei recalled that this one whole week, Hai Xiu did not even take the initiative to talk to him through words.

Feng Fei cursed silently.

He turned around and looked at Hai Xiu. Staring for awhile, Hai Xiu could feel his hot gaze and handed over a note: Wait a minute. I’ll finish immediately.

Feng Fei laughed in spite of trying not to. He propped his elbow on the table and supported the side of his head on it. He was rubbing the note while watching Hai Xiu, did not know what he was thinking but the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked up.

From the first period, Feng Fei did not move, even in cla.s.s breaks.

He literally didn’t move from his seat. Each period, he was always on his seat.

In the past, Feng Fei would often get some water to drink, would get up and go to the next cla.s.s to stroll around or he would lie down in front of the window of the cla.s.sroom to watch people play on the distant sports field. But now, he changed his habit. It was as if he was nailed on the chair, he didn"t go anywhere. When it was cla.s.s break, he did not sleep instead he concentrated on playing his cellphone.

He did not move, it meant that the person inside could not go out.

Three period had pa.s.sed, Hai Xiu could not stand it.

He drank a large gla.s.s of water at the first period, and now, two period have pa.s.sed, he badly wanted to go to the bathroom.

In fact, he wanted to go on the last period but Feng Fei did not even move. He hesitated and thought that he would just go on the next period. How he had never thought that the big boy won’t move either.

It had been five minutes since the cla.s.s break started, Hai Xiu was a little anxious. He looked carefully at Feng Fei, thinking of when he would get out but it seems that Feng Fei has no intentions of getting up. He was only focused on playing in his cellphone and from time to time, there would be a phone call, it seemed to be about who to play bowling this weekend.

He felt more anxious.

Hai Xiu bit his lips. After the next period, he would not keep quiet. At this time, writing a note would be very strange, normal people wouldn"t do such thing and Feng Fei would definitely discover something. But really, let him talk to Feng Fei…it was really difficult for Hai Xiu.

He hesitated again and again, anxious to the point of crying. He turned to look at Feng Fei for a few times, opened his mouth but couldn’t say anything.

A minuted pa.s.sed, Hai Xiu finally summoned up the courage to take the initiative to talk to Feng Fei but the cla.s.s bell suddenly rang.

That made him utterly deflated. His first reaction was to relax since he didn"t have to talk to Feng Fei, but there was a problem…he couldn’t go to the bathroom! He really, really wanted to go to the bathroom.

The entire cla.s.s break, Feng Fei"s peripheral vision had always been on Hai Xiu.

He watched as Hai Xiu looked at the time and saw him tried to speak several times. But in the end, the kid didn’t say any words.

When the bell rang, Feng Fei cursed silently. He threw his phone on the desk, it made a bang sound and scared Hai Xiu, causing his hands to tremble.

The teacher entered the cla.s.sroom, Feng Fei turned around to look at Hai Xiu. He saw the amount of sweats on Hai Xiu"s forehead and he didn’t know what to say.

Feng Fei thought that Hai Xiu would talk to him on the next cla.s.s break anyway.

He certainly didn"t want to make Hai Xiu feel uncomfortable, but he didn’t think that the kid could endure. That Hai Xiu would rather hold it in than talk to him.

Feng Fei was depressed, cold face leaning on the chair and looking at Hai Xiu. He saw the two bottles laid on his desk with a worn off labels.

It was propranolol and sertraline 5.

His brows furrowed. These drugs have side effects on the body.

If the effect was good in systematic desensitization treatment 6 , you don"t need to eat these things.

Feng Fe breathed out, he was too worried. Hai Xiu"s illness was not a one day or two days treatment. It couldn"t be cured quickly.

Thinking about that, Feng Fei was feeling a little regret.

He sat properly and turned around to Hai Xiu: "Not feeling well?"

Hai Xiu"s fingers curled up. He did not dare to look at Feng Fei and said in a voice that could barely hear: "You……next period…can you step aside?"

Feng Fei gritted his teeth, he couldn"t resist to say ruthlessly: "Step aside? Why?"

He saw that Hai Xiu"s fingers grip was tighter, Feng Fei paused and regretted what he said. Then asked: "You want to go to the bathroom, huh?"

Hai Xiu"s face turned red slowly as he whispered: "I…"

"Then say it well." Feng Fei"s voice was cold, "say it to me: step aside because I want to go out."

Hai Xiu looked at Feng Fei with a puzzled expression, his brows were knitted.

Feng Fei didn’t allow him to refute and said: "You say it. If you say it according to what I said, I’ll move."

Hai Xiu opened his mouth, although he was not sure if Feng Fei would let him get out or if he would listen, he still said: "You…Excuse me, I want to go out."

Feng Fei"s face looked better and said: "Say it again."

Hai Xiu said it again, it was smoother this time.

Feng Fei let out an "En" sound, then: "Next time, remember to take the initiative to talk."

Hai Xiu nodded. He would. This lesson was deep in his bone marrow. He would definitely remember.

Feng Fei hummed, raised his hand and said loudly, "Teacher!"

The English teacher stopped writing on the blackboard and turned around, "What"s wrong?"

"I"m not feeling well." Feng Fei got up, "I want to go to the clinic."

The English teacher glanced at Feng Fei, did not think that he wasn"t feeling well but he didn"t want to provoke Feng Fei so he nodded.

Feng Fei added: "Let my desk mate go with me."

It was common for a student to go to the clinic with another student. Although Feng Fei didn’t seem to need people to help him, the English teacher didn’t raise an objection. He just waved his hand and continued on lecturing.

Hai Xiu"s mind was blank and in a daze, followed Feng Fei out of the cla.s.sroom.

Feng Fei lead the way to the bathroom and stopped at the door. He raised his hand, rubbed Hai Xiu"s head and said: "Go. I"ll be the lookout, so the teacher won’t find out."

Hot potato, any subject which several folks are talking about and which is frequently argued, it is ​difficult to ​deal with and ​causes a lot of ​disagreement. ↩refer to someone who does very well in his/her study and who always achieve high grades in exams ↩To act in an unacceptable or offensive way. ↩pretend to not notice. ↩Propranolol is a beta-blocker. It is used to treat tremors, angina (chest pain), hypertension (high blood pressure), heart rhythm disorders, and other heart or circulatory conditions. Sertraline is an antidepressant and used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). If you’re very depressed and at your wit"s end, you need to take either of them, not both cause of the side effects. ↩Systematic desensitization is a behavioral technique commonly used to treat fear, anxiety disorders and phobias. Using this method, the person is engaged in some type of relaxation exercise and gradually exposed to an anxiety-producing stimulus, like an object or place. ↩

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