—A Thousand Scale

Chapter 6

I woke up.

My consciousness is completely awake.


Where am I?

Looking at the sureounding, it was an unfamiliar sight.

The walking route should’ve been the same as always.

I glanced at Arniel’s face.

She is still singing a song.

It’s now humming but a song with lyrics.

「♪ Se se— se— no yoi yoi yoi ♪」

「♪  If you leave immediately in this way  ♪」

「♪ My brother and I will reach the town  ♪」

「♪ La—n la la lan lan lan lan lan lan lan ♪」

「♪ La—n la la lan lan lan lan lan lan ♪」

「♪ La—n la la lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan lan ♪」

「♪ Lan la lan lan la la…. ♪」


This is….another….dream?

No, it’s not….

This is reality…..

Arniel is embracing me in her arms——

In good spirits, she is singing a song frome somewhere——

——She is singing a song, a song the same as that sister of mine….

Coincidentally, Arniel words that she said a while ago came to my mind.

——I would like to spend time with my family.

——It has been a while…….. been a very long time…… I wanted to see you….

Why, right now, did I remeber?

No, surely, I already realized…

Realizing that, I refused to……

I refuse to realize it, who am I kidding……!

Whose family?

It’s been a while that’ve seen them, family that want to be met——


That is——

Arniel peeked at me, fear run all over my body and showed on my face.

「Did you wake up?」

That smile, I remembered all the fear.

「Finally, I was able to properly see you.」

The maid who’s hair is twin-tailed.

A girl who will be turning fifteen this year.

Arniel who tool care of me for a whole year and acted as my caretaker.

With eyes and voice full of pa.s.sion—— she said.

「It’s been 15 years————Nii-san・・・」


I couldn’t move.

The bufflement and fear run thoughout my body.




I don’t understand what is happening.

I don’t understand what went wrong.

Because, because, because!

You—— Even before I was born, Arniel was already at that mansion!

That being said…. Eh, eh, eh?

In short, this person, she had already knew in advancethat I’m going to be born in the Leibre family?

For a whole year, she has been taking care of with an innocent-looking face….!?

What with that…..

I don’t know what’s going on….!

Why, is that even possible…..!?

「Fufu~ your face is telling me『Why?』」

Arniel is—— my sister.

She made a bewitching smile, and said to me as if it was nothing.

「This is me——this is me right?  Just changing your face, name, status even your body aren’t enough for me to be unable to recognize my own brother 」


That’s unreasonable….

That’s right, this is unreasonable, this person…!

Ah, d.a.m.n it!

How stupid was I…..!?

Just because I changed my name and face, I won’t be found.

Since I changed everything it’s going to be fine.

That kind of normal thinking, it’ll just lead me to this dreadful sister of mine!!

A year ago—— the G.o.ddess told me.

To that omnipotent and creator of a being, G.o.d said to me I had no choice.

Run away.


Over come it.

I should’ve taken her words more seriously.

The fact that even the G.o.ddess had told me to run away, I should’ve taken it seriously…

「I, all this time, was always with Nii-san.」

My sister declared in a estatic voice.

「In sickness, in health, even on rainy days and windy days, at any time, I’m always nearby Nii-san.

That’s why—— running, hiding, overcoming things, thinking such thing….that’s no good you know?」


s.h.i.t! s.h.i.t! Shiiit!

I struggled.

I desperately, desperately, desperately struggled.

But I can’t get away from my sister’s arms.


Right now, I’m just a one year old baby.

I’m just a helpless baby that can’t even walk by himself….

「Fufu~…. you can continue having your afternoon nap you know? By the time you wake up, we should’ve arrive there…」


….—where..in the world?

「To our new home.」

As if reading the thought in my mind, my sister giggled and smiled at me.

「This time, I won’t let anyone get on our way, I will live peacefully together with Nii-san on our paradise….Ahh… My dreams are overflowing ….♥ What kind of Nii-san you will grow into? Ah, I know you’ll grow into someone awesome, but still there are a lot of things. Will it be a cute one? Will it be a cool one?   The muscle type? Or the slender one? If possible I like the previous Nii-san, with a little~bit pf muscles…… Fufu, I can’t stop my delusions~. But a small Nii-san is also cute and wonderful. Round and fluffy, the EPITOME OF LOVELINESS! Compared to the previous Nii-san, like a fierce kitten and like a chihuahua with newly grown fur. Ne~, Nii-san. I was the on who always change Nii-san’s diaper you know? During those times, do you know how hard it is for me to stop and suppress my urges and exitement? Tohave such a cute little d.i.c.k laid in front of me, DO YOU KNOW HOW TERRIBLE IT IS NOT TO BE ABLE TO TOUCH OR EVEN LICK IT! After agonizing by myself in the dessert, I finally found the oasis, and it’s somewhere secluded which I own by my right! Ah, but I don’t need to endure it anymore right?   I can already touch it right? I CAN ALREADY•LICK•IT•RIGHT!? AAAH, DON’T, DON’T, DON’T, CALM DOWN ME! I need to preserve Nii-san’s beautiful self before I can have his second virginity. I’m looking forward for the next ten years. One of my regrets in the previous life is that I wasn’t able to take Nii-san’s first c.u.m even in my dreams, BUT IT WOULD NOT BE A PROBLEM FOR THE NEXT TEN YEARS!! Ah, that’s it, that’s it, that’sitthat’sitthat’sitthat’sit, that being said. A baby talk. Baby BABY BABY! Right now I don’t have one with Nii-san. Between Nii-san and me, THIS TIME LET’S MAKE A BABY OURSELVES!! In our previous life, it seems like there was a problem either withh Nii-san or me that we wasn’t able to make one, even though we’ve been doing it for five years, but it should be alright now! IDON’TWANT TOBEBLOODRELATEDANYMORE!! Isn’t it just like practicing making babies! Nii-san, a boy or a girl, which one do you want? …….Ah, I’m sorry. I was complaining. Either it’s a boy or a girl, let’s just make both! What would we name it after being born? Is it a j.a.panese one? Or to match this world, a western one? That’s it, that should be it. To tell you the truth, I’ve been warming up in any way around. It was left behind in the previous world but I made a note with children’s names on it right? Ah that’s right! After coming here, I’ve thought of a lot. About three thousand? I know there is no meaning on thinking that many, but when the time comes, I think I’ll do it again. If Nii-san have any idea then it would be better as it was always what I thought! Ah, then from there one, how will the children grow up? Boys and girls, since they will be Nii-san and I’s children, it’s been decided that they’ll be cute right? The bad bugs should be eliminated, I have to make sure they don’t get in the house! Forever in the house, inside the house, TOGETHERWITHTHEWHOLEFAMILY!  ——Ahhh~ Nii-san, Niisan, NIisanNIISAN!! I won’t LetYougo. Iwontletyougo. I WON’T LET YOU GO!! Please stay with me forever alright? Won’t•you•stay•with•me•forever? Don’t——ever『 go outside 』again anymore okay?  If ever you disappear again, if ever you I will be left by myself again, I’ll get very lonely, very sad, I’ll miss you, miss you, missyou,missyou I’ll get so lonely, lonely lonely lonely lonely lonelylonelylonely




going to misyou missyoumisssyoumissyoMISSYOuMISSYOUMISSYOUMISSYOUMISS







「―――――――――――――that I won’t know what will I do okay?」




Next time.

—how long in the world would that be….?

Those nights for fives year, those days full of nightmare……

Now starting from being a baby……for how….how long in the world……!?

Everything will be stolen.

My life…..again…..to this sister…..!!

I don’t want to.

I don’t want it to happen.

After having a nice family.

My father and my mother, they’re good people.

Even all the servants, they even celebrated my birthday.


Even Arniel.

「……Uwaa, aaaaaaa, waaaa……!!」

Through my undeveloped vocal chords, I let out a crying voice.

The face that’s in front of me, it’s definitely Arniel’s.

For a whole year, with dedication, she took care of me as if she was my real mother, even though it’s this girl.

In the inside is.

In the inside is ―――!!

――Only me can love Nii-san.

――Because you have these eyes.

――I’ll be taking it okay?

My five years of memory that was painted in darkness and blood, that light itself wouldn’t enter any longer.

Again, like those time.

Again, like those time.


Again, she’ll do it again.



But this time, I’ll live my life.

I’ll grow up, I’ll work my way, I’ll get married, and I’ll have children of my own!



I breathed deeply….

Breath in deeply in my little chest――

――And let everything out.




I let out everything I had and cried out, a loud cry.

What a human baby have, the only and the strongest protection they had….!!

And for humans, it’s loudness makes one uncomfortable like a screech.

An example is like when a screech came from scratching the chalkboard.

And in fact a baby’s cry also had it’s frequency mixed into it.

No matter what kind of human it is, unless it was a deaf one, as long as this shrieking cry continues to echo, it’ll be deafening.

A natural bomb a human can possess…!!


Just for a moment.

The strength of my sister’s embrace loosened.

I won’t miss this chance.

I struggled with all my strength, from my sister’s embrace—— to escape!!

A fleeting sensation run throughout my body.

The ground is slowly ascending to me.

If I continue to fall facing downward, since I’m just a baby, it’s just going to be sorry.


——Float, 【Wind Nest Penatration】!

I was 1 meter from the ground, stopped falling and I started floating.

The spirit 〈Andrea Lufus〉power!

Invoking my Spirit Art to my own body, I can float!

Avoiding myself from falling, I kicked my sister’s legs with all my strength.

Continuing to accelerate my body after lasing my weight, I rushed into the bushes.

The branches scratching me hurts but I somehow made it safely.

Take some distance away.

First of all, I need to take some distance……!

「…………what I said…………」

Chasing me from the back—— it was something like my sister’s voice.


As to escape from that madness, kicking a tree bark I continued to fly in the deepest part of the forest.


After taking an adequate distance, I landed on a relatively hidden area where I won’t be found out, I was panting heavily contrary of that a baby’s.

It’s already been a long time—— since I have exercised like this since learning how to float.

And because of thay, it was like all the strength I have, had been sucked dry.

I have never been this tire before since I started using Spirit Arts, but seriously using it really drains all the physical strength that I had.

What my parents said was right, even though my talent in invoking Spirit Art is at the same level of that an adult, by body’s physical strength is just of a baby.

And by the time I awoken to my ability in Spirit Arts, the recoil on using it seems to add in the burden and invoking to on something not just to make it float but move comes with a heavy recoil…….

My breath was stabilising. Since my physical strength is just low, recovery is fast.

From here on, what should I do?

Should I continue to run away?

Run away back to the mansion—— is it the best plan to take?

…….No, it’s not.

Remember that.

That sister of mine, in front of me, tortured all people I knew of one by one.

What basis do I have that this time she won’t be doing the same?

Deafet her.

That monster that I called my sister, face her, fight her——

My whole body is shaking and trembling.

Chains of fear out of nowhere came to me, binding my heart.

Even at that time when I was an adult, I can’t move my arms and legs.

Because that being said—— what can this body of a baby can do?

With this undeveloped body, that only grasping things and standing can do.

I picled up some stones below me.

Then an idea cam up. I’ll remove the weight and make it float.

【Wind Nest Penetration】.

Doing anything I can—— I’ll do this.

That’s right, I already made up my mind.

During that time I awoke my Spirit Arts—— that time when my talent came, that I’ll protect the people of this world.

Then what, even if what has really been intended came early, so what?

For this time’s sake, with this single weapon of mine, I’m going to raise it….!!

I mustered my strength on my knees.

With my small feet, I stood the ground.

Will I lose, will it be stolen?

This is a battle between me and that sister of mine.

For my life, and for the lives of people precious to me.

Never again—— from that sister of mine, run away, striped of everything.

—— A commemorative moment.

Someone watching, it’s only me, only by myself.

This is the moment, that Jack Leibre stood for himself, to fight for his own life——

——but it was only me, in the deep forest, to witness this moment.

It was really a funny chapter for the brother, I retorted a number of times to his inner dialogues, no wonder he can’t also escape, he got naive thinking and pretty dumb decisions. This guy is in serious trouble.

For the sister, well she’s a scary s.h.i.t, and even super pervert. Sends shivers to my spine.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you around the next one. PS. It’s h.e.l.la long so it will be delayed again. Apologies.

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