"H-Hurry and help me to a seat so I can rest…"

The old man was flushed in the face and his coughs were violent. Yan Nian hurriedly acted accordingly and helped him to a seat as she patted his back soothingly.

"Why don"t I get you a cup of water?! Please wait here!"

This old man seems to be in terrible condition!

Alas, she knew zilch about medical science and was at a loss for what to do in such a situation. She even reckoned that he might probably feel better after coughing for a bit.

When she returned with a cup of water, the old man was still coughing away. Then, all of a sudden, he coughed up a puddle of blood on the floor!

The bright red blood practically gushed out from his mouth!

It left her utterly in shock!

She intended to bring a doctor over when she suddenly got tugged back by her arm.

It resulted in the water in the paper cup spilling out and splas.h.i.+ng onto her chiffon s.h.i.+rt.

A man of a stocky build was pulling her by the arm and refusing to let her go.

"You b.u.mped into my dad yet you still want to run away?"

"Who"s running away? Your dad"s coughing up blood, so I"m going to call a doctor over!"

"Yeah, you just want to make your escape!"

The other party raised his voice and cursed her. "G.o.d forbid anything should happen to my father. Otherwise, miss, you"ll be responsible for all the medical expenses!"

"Let me go!"

Yan Nian found this man"s behavior absurd. His father was coughing up blood, but instead of tending to him, this person actually had the time to tussle with her!

Was he not the elderly man"s biological son?

The next second, she found herself being pulled into a warm and s.p.a.cious hug with cool breaths breathing down at her. The minty body scent had hints of the smell of disinfectant as well.

When she looked up, Jiang Beiyuan"s chiseled jaws came into her line of vision.

He held her by the arms to examine her body for any injuries before s.h.i.+elding her within his arms. His gaze, however, was on that man. His brows formed a tight line and his thin lips parted slightly.

"This is a hospital, mister."

The man snarled, "Who are you to meddle in my affairs?!"

Jiang Beiyuan pulled out his staff pa.s.s from his pocket and showed it to him.

He was currently dressed in a simple black s.h.i.+rt and pants without his white coat, and his figure was as thin as a stick.

The man was dumbfounded to see the words "Jiang Beiyuan, Thoracic Surgeon" on the pa.s.s.

He knew that Jiang Beiyuan was the main surgeon of Ning City Central Hospital, so he specially brought his sick father here to seek medical advice and treatment.

It turned out that the one standing before him was the said surgeon!

"What"s the matter?"

Jiang Beiyuan"s gaze became a little warmer as it s.h.i.+fted to the woman.

Her hair was messy, her face was flushed, and somehow, her chest was wet with water. He could faintly see the color of her bra through the drenched fabric.

He frowned at the sight.

She shook her head in response and, because of her bowed head, she failed to see the knitted brows currently on his face. She then pa.s.sed him the plastic bag, which contained his white coat.

"I brought your coat here."

Her tone was somewhat grudging.

If she had not been tasked to deliver him his coat, her friend"s car would not have broken down, the cab would not have been stuck in traffic, and she would not have b.u.mped into someone and encountered such a depressing situation.

He pulled out the white coat from the bag, placed it over her shoulders, and b.u.t.toned up the front of the coat for her with his slender fingers.

"Hey, this is your coat. You"re the doctor, not me, so why are you putting it on me?"

He snorted in response. "You"re my wife, and you"re not permitted to bare yourself to others."

His reply baffled her.

It was only when she followed his line of vision that she realized her wet chiffon s.h.i.+rt was faintly revealing her bra"s shape and color.


When he finally b.u.t.toned up the last b.u.t.ton, he placed a hand in his pocket and teasingly said in a light voice, "Besides, a doctor is benevolent by heart. I have both skills and benevolence. I am a doctor regardless of whether I wear a white coat or not."

Just one sentence from him and she got completely rendered speechless.

Suddenly remembering the old man, she frantically pointed to his direction. "Hurry, go take a look at that old man. He coughed up blood earlier!"

"Yes, yes. It"s an honor to meet you at last, Dr. Jiang! Please hurry and take a look at my father! He"s been coughing up blood for months!"

Only then did the man start to panic and drop his earlier aggressive behavior.

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